ANTIBIOTICS: Their role in Declining American Health

"It is ironic that this humbled fungus, hailed as a benefactor of mankind, may by its very success prove to be a deciding factor in the decline of the present civilization."
~Dr. John I. Pitt, The Genus Penicillum, Academic Press, 1979

Antibiotics are indiscriminate killers of bacteria. Not only do they kill "bad" bacteria but the beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines as well. This imbalance of organisms can cause a disruption of digestion, decreasing our ability to properly absorb nutrients from foods, and makes us more vulnerable to pathogens, especially yeast. These unfriendly organisms rapidly repopulate the gastrointestinal tract and wreak havoc, causing additional infections that can occur in almost any region or organ of the body.

Our good bacteria makes up 75% of our immune system and is our first line of defense against illness. Think of it as our home land security. Each time we take an antibiotic, we are "taking out" a good portion of this security and leaving ourselves open to further assaults. Doing this over and over again results is declining health.

We've all run to the doctors from time to time when we've not felt well. Often times we end up leaving the doctor's office with a prescription for an antibiotic even if that wasn't what was needed to resolve our current health problem.

Antibiotics given for viral infections such as the common cold, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis are pointless because antibiotics do not kill viral infections. However, doctors may resort to giving antibiotics so the patient won't leave empty handed or because the patient is adamant that this is what is needed. Either way, this is a prescription for disaster.

Antibiotic resistance is becoming a major concern and is increasing worldwide. Here in the US we take an estimated 133 million antibiotic prescriptions per year, according to the government accounting office. A full ½ of these prescriptions are not needed according to current estimates. Many of these are given to fight viral infections.

Although there use in humans is the biggest contributor of antibiotic resistance, it has been reported that 70% of the antibiotics produced in the USA each year are fed to our livestock (pigs, chickens, and cattle). This information is cause for further concern.

Is the excessive use of antibiotics connected to escalating rates of illness (esp. autoimmune diseases) in the US and throughout the world? There are some experts that think there is indeed a connection.

Antibiotics in Livestock

Antibiotics have been used extensively in agriculture since the 1960s. Most are not given for disease prevention, but as growth promoters. Healthy farm animals are estimated to receive an astounding 50% to 70% of all antibiotics produced in the US.

The practice of giving livestock antibiotics has also come under scrutiny from those who believe that it does increase the likelihood of antibiotic resistance in humans.

Could eating meat and poultry from animals that have been given antibiotics ultimately affect our good bacteria and lead to yeast overgrowth? The jury is still out on that one, but there are experts who believe this trend could be a threat to our health! Lets not forget that animals today are often given growth hormones as well.

Breast cancer and other cancers are on the rise. Could antibiotics and growth hormones given to fatten cattle and other livestock be partially responsible for the increased cancer statistics? Again, some think so!

For more on antibiotics, fungus and their effects on our health, we recommend checking out this link: You can also view recorded shows by the host, Doug Kaufmann!