[The name
Orgonite was first coined by
Karl Welz
(who possibly created the first basic Orgone
to describe a mixture of non-organic (metal shavings) and organic (fibreglass
resin) materials, the combination of which produces (generates) Orgone energy
(possibly the same or similar to life force energy, chi, or prana), and will
also eat DOR; a discovery
of Dr. Wilhelm
Reich, who created
Accumulators (ref).
Don & Carol Croft invented
'tactical' Orgonite (see
for Don's account of that) devices (the idea they believe came from the
Andromedan race whom Carol and a couple other psychics
have interacted with), called Orgone generators
(as well as adding crystals to enhance their effect) named the
Holy Hand Grenade (HHG), Towerbuster
(TB) and Cloudbuster (CB) to deal
generated Weather,
Reptoids &
Death towers
among many other
applications (Laozu
is opening earth energy vortices with TBs), as well as inventing an
Orgonite zapper, and
energy weapons to deal with the dark side attacks
(it will also protect from
Radiation assassination
attempts). The best introduction is Don's book: The Life Etheric
With Carol Croft and
The Adventures. Read Don's comments about ingredients here before buying
or making any yourself, also
Orgonite Q and A. Recommended vendors listed
here, along with tutorials, forums
(Don's forum is
Etheric Warriors), and some articles on how and where to distribute
(called gifting). The power of Orgone energy in combating the
ruling Satanic Nazi parasites, can be gleaned from the way they murdered Dr Reich, and
burnt 6 tons of his books, journals and papers
(ref). To see how they control
information on Orgone see the present
Wikipedia page, an
earlier page was deleted, as was a Don Croft
page. See: Wikipedia,
Assassinations. It is very telling that it
has never been mentioned on
the What To Think Network.
Further evidence it annoys the Matrix is the way
Ziopedia deleted the Orgonite page
1 and merged it into an
Orgone page with nary a
mention of 'Orgonite', and no mention on snopes.
For physical evidence of Orgonite effects see:
Evidence of Orgonite effects
Kirlian photography of aluminium Orgonite.]
See: Surveillance Clouds Elementals Sylphs Radionics Water
[vid] Miraculous Orgonite. Shows Orgonite reducing electronic radiation
"The Empire never ended. Who had built the prison — and why — he could not say. But he could discern one good thing: the prison lay under attack. An organization of Christians, not regular Christians such as those who attended church every Sunday and prayed, but secret Christians wearing light gray-colored robes, had started an assault on the prison, and with success.… Everyone who had ever lived was literally surrounded by the iron walls of the prison; they were all inside it and none of them knew it — except for the gray-robed secret Christians."— Philip K. Dick, VALIS (1981) Vast Active Living Intelligence System"
THE Book on large scale Orgone Gifting
Orgonise Africa
Contents: Operation Paradise, large scale environmental healing with orgonite,
the history of orgone, make your own orgonite, rainmaking, orgone gifting in
Africa, from Wilhelm Reich to Don Croft, the energetic background of the New
World Order, free energy, border science
Kirlian Photo supplied by
I think most of us have punched these holes in overcast skies. It often happens
whenever a new orgonite device and/or arrangement of devices is deployed in an
area, such as an orgonite cloudbuster, some earthpipes, a large 108 or another
inspired arrangement or device. The holes usually close up again after a new
balance is achieved but these are bona fide miracles as far as I'm concerned.
There are probably other ways to make blue holes, including
Slim Spurlings various harmonizers but I think most of the blue holes being
noted are from orgonite devices. If I'm correct it's probably because they're
easiest to make and require no interaction or 'programming.' The liars like to
claim that even tower busters need 'programming' and 'intention.' I've come to
loathe the latter word, since it's obvious enough that even scoundrels usually
have good intentions
used to close the curtains on his touring car when he was driven through bombed
areas, for instance, because 'He didn't want his compassion to weaken his
resolve.' See how subtle the ego can be? --Don