Kathy Blanco
[Letter BMJ Jan 14, 2005] 20 years ago, my children look autistic too
My response to such articles as teenagers getting mumps is where's the beef? So what? Pertussis is making a comeback, and I have not heard one death ensue-vaccines simply don't work on many people. What I hear more of, and see more of, is damaged children, from Minimal Brain Dysfunction, to ADD, to Epilepsy, to Autism. The NIH alarm for autism is now 1/166 children. One in 6, now have a developmental psychological problem. What a lovely world we are leaving to these people? Talk about a holocaust or terrorism. [Letter BMJ 19 July 2004] Cathy Blanco
Recently, my VACCINATED DPT autistic child came down with PERTUSSIS (which he lived through just fine). While in the ER, I came across four other nurses with a child with autism, who in secret meetings to me between doctors and tests, revealed that they too felt their children were vaccine induced autistic. [Letter BMJ 19 July 2004] Cathy Blanco
Years later, we found out why it was treatment resistent, he had a number of buggers, viruses and lyme bacteria in him, his heart has conduction problems/mito disorder, Gut and allergy problems, and he had long term vaccine damage resulting in abosolute shut down of blood flow to temporal lobes and hypoperfusion. Yeah, that's all my fault alright...not. This woman can go suck a large egg. She and others like her in her "profession" haven't a clue what is biomedically wrong with our children, and like her minions, wish to have autism continue in epidemic proportions because of the obvious ioatragenic means of why they got it. Guilty much? Obvious deflections, anger...classic psychological defense mechanism for not dealing with the issues at hand. She should understand that one. Oh and IMFAR is just another term for, let's make sure the REAL science is not given, so that we are never found out! We should all protest this affair every year. And I say AFFAIR with what it's intended, a love fest with CDC and NIH and their pharmawhores. Posted by: kathy blanco | May 18, 2011 at 01:23 PM The Crazy Science and Fury of Dr. Laura Schreibman