[back] Danish study

Dear Ms. Gorman,

Perhaps you are unaware of this, but this study did not actually compare
vaccinated to unvaccinated children.  It merely compared MMR vaccinated
to non-MMR vaccinated children.  (See report of Congressional autism
Consequently, while this study may provide evidence that MMR alone does
not cause autism, this study says nothing about whether or not
vaccinations in general contribute to autism and may merely show that
other vaccines are equally culpable.   If, however, it is MMR combined
with previous exposure to mercury in vaccines which leads to some
autism, this study would not show that since the Danish children in this
study did not receive vaccines containing mercury.  Because Danish
children have not received vaccines containing mercury,  the results of
this study may not be applicable to countries, like the United States,
where they have.

Sandy Mintz