Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, December 7, 2011
Evidence-Based Medicine:
Neither Good Evidence nor Good Medicine
by Steve Hickey, PhD and Hilary Roberts, PhD
(OMNS, Dec 7, 2011) Evidence-based
medicine (EBM) is the practice of treating individual patients based
on the outcomes of huge medical trials. It is, currently the
self-proclaimed gold standard for medical decision-making, and yet
it is increasingly unpopular with clinicians. Their reservations
reflect an intuitive understanding that something is wrong with its
methodology. They are right to think this, for EBM breaks the laws
of so many disciplines that it should not even be considered
scientific. Indeed, from the viewpoint of a rational patient, the
whole edifice is crumbling.
The assumption that EBM is good
science is unsound from the start. Decision science and cybernetics
(the science of communication and control) highlight the disturbing
consequences. EBM fosters marginally effective treatments,
based on population averages rather than individual need.
Its mega-trials are incapable of finding the causes of disease, even
for the most diligent medical researchers, yet they swallow up
research funds. Worse, EBM cannot avoid exposing patients to health
risks. It is time for medical practitioners to discard EBM's
tarnished gold standard, reclaim their clinical autonomy, and
provide individualized treatments to patients.
The key element in a truly
scientific medicine would be a rational patient. This means that
those who set a course of treatment would base their decision-making
on the expected risks and benefits of treatment to the individual
concerned. If you are sick, you want a treatment that will work for
you, personally. Given the relevant information, a rational patient
will choose the treatment the will be most beneficial. Of course,
the patient is not in isolation but works with a competent
physician, who is there to help the patient. The rational decision
making unit then becomes the doctor-patient collaboration.
The idea of a rational
doctor-patient collaboration is powerful. Its main consideration is
the benefit of the individual patient. However, EBM statistics are
not good at helping individual patients-rather, they relate to
groups and populations.
The Practice of Medicine
Nobody likes statistics. OK, that
might be putting it a bit strongly but, with obvious exceptions
(statisticians and mathematical types), many people do not feel
comfortable with statistical data. So, if you feel inclined to skip
this article in favor of something more agreeable-please wait a
minute. For although we are going to talk about statistics, our
ultimate aim is to make medicine simpler to understand and more
helpful to each individual patient.
The current approach to medicine is
"evidence-based." This sounds obvious but, in practice, it means
relying on a few large-scale studies and statistical
techniques to choose the treatment for each patient.
Practitioners of EBM incorrectly call this process using the "best
evidence." In order to restore the authority for decision-making to
individual doctors and patients, we need to challenge this
orthodoxy, which is no easy task. Remember Linus Pauling: despite
being a scientific genius, he was condemned just for suggesting that
vitamin C could be a valuable therapeutic agent.
Historically, physicians, surgeons
and scientists with the courage to go against prevailing ideas have
produced medical breakthroughs. Examples include William Harvey's
theory of blood circulation (1628), which paved the way for modern
techniques such as cardiopulmonary bypass machines; James Lind's
discovery that limes prevent scurvy (1747); John Snow's work on
transmission of cholera (1849); and Alexander Fleming's discovery of
penicillin (1928). Not one of these innovators used EBM. Rather,
they followed the scientific method, using small, repeatable
experiments to test their ideas. Sadly, practitioners of modern EBM
have abandoned the traditional experimental method, in favor of
large group statistics.
What Use are Population Statistics?
Over the last twenty years, medical
researchers have conducted ever larger trials. It is common to find
experiments with thousands of subjects, spread over multiple
research centers. The investigators presumably believe their trials
are effective in furthering medical research. Unfortunately, despite
the cost and effort that go into them, they do not help patients.
According to fundamental principles from decision science and
cybernetics, large-scale clinical trials can hardly fail to be
wasteful, to delay medical progress, and to be inapplicable to
individual patients.
Much medical research relies on
early twentieth century statistical methods, developed before the
advent of computers. In such studies, statistics are used to
determine the probability that two groups of patients differ from
each other. If a treatment group has taken a drug and a control
group has not, researchers typically ask whether any benefit was
caused by the drug or occurred by chance. The way they answer this
question is to calculate the "statistical significance." This
process results in a p-value: the lower the p-value, the less likely
the result was due to chance. Thus, a p-value of 0.05 means a chance
result might occur about one time in 20. Sometimes a value of less
than one-in-one-hundred (p < 0.01), or even less than
one-in-a-thousand (p < 0.001) is reported. These two p-values are
referred to as "highly significant" or "very highly significant"
Significant Does Not Mean Important
We need to make something clear: in
the context of statistics, the term significant does not
mean the same as in everyday language. Some people assume that
"significant" results must be "important" or "relevant." This is
wrong: the level of significance reflects only the degree to which
the groups are considered to be separate. Crucially, the
significance level depends not only on the difference between the
studied groups, but also on their size. So, as we increase the size
of the groups, the results become more significant-even though the
effect may be tiny and unimportant.
Consider two populations of people,
with very slightly different average blood pressures. If we take 10
people from each, we will find no significant difference between the
two groups because a small group varies by chance. If we take a
hundred people from each population, we get a low level of
significance (p < 0.05), but if we take a thousand, we now find a
very highly significant result. Crucially, the magnitude of the
small difference in blood pressure remains the same in each case. In
this case a difference can be highly significant
(statistically), yet in practical terms it is extremely small and
thus effectively insignificant. In a large trial, highly significant
effects are often clinically irrelevant. More importantly and
contrary to popular belief, the results from large studies are less
important for a rational patient than those from smaller ones.
Large trials are powerful
methods for detecting small differences. Furthermore, once
researchers have conducted a pilot study, they can perform a power
calculation, to make sure they include enough subjects to get a high
level of significance. Thus, over the last few decades, researchers
have studied ever bigger groups, resulting in studies a hundred
times larger than those of only a few decades ago. This implies that
the effects they are seeking are minute, as larger effects (capable
of offering real benefits to actual patients) could more easily be
found with the smaller, old-style studies.
Now, tiny differences - even if they
are "very highly significant" - are nothing to boast about, so EBM
researchers need to make their findings sound more impressive. They
do this by using relative rather than absolute
values. Suppose a drug halves your risk of developing cancer (a
relative value). Although this sounds great, the reported 50%
reduction may lessen your risk by just one in ten thousand: from two
in ten thousand (2/10,000) to one in ten thousand (1/10,000)
(absolute values). Such a small benefit is typically irrelevant, but
when expressed as a relative value, it sounds important. (By
analogy, buying two lottery tickets doubles your chance of winning
compared to buying one; but either way, your chances are miniscule.)
The Ecological Fallacy
There is a further problem with the
dangerous assertion implicit in EBM that large-scale studies are the
best evidence for decisions concerning individual patients. This
claim is an example of the ecological fallacy, which wrongly uses
group statistics to make predictions about individuals. There is no
way round this; even in the ideal practice of medicine, EBM should
not be applied to individual patients. In other words, EBM is of
little direct clinical use. Moreover, as a rule, the larger the
group studied, the less useful will be the results. A rational
patient would ignore the results of most EBM trials because they
aren't applicable.
To explain this, suppose we measured
the foot size of every person in New York and calculated the mean
value (total foot size/number of people). Using this information,
the government proposes to give everyone a pair of average-sized
shoes. Clearly, this would be unwise-the shoes would be either too
big or too small for most people. Individual responses to medical
treatments vary by at least as much as their shoe sizes, yet despite
this, EBM relies upon aggregated data. This is technically wrong;
group statistics cannot predict an individual's response to
EBM Selects Evidence
Another problem with EBM's approach
of trying to use only the "best evidence" is that it cuts down the
amount of information available to doctors and patients making
important treatment decisions. The evidence allowed in EBM consists
of selected large-scale trials and meta-analyses that
attempt to make a conclusion more significant by aggregating results
from wildly different groups. This constitutes a tiny percentage of
the total evidence. Meta-analysis rejects the vast majority of data
available, because it does not meet the strict criteria for EBM.
This conflicts with yet another scientific principle, that of not
selecting your data. Rather humorously in this context, science
students who select the best data, to draw a graph of their results,
for example, will be penalized and told not to do it again.

One of the first lessons for
science students is to not select the best evidence; all data must
be considered. The lines indicate how using just the "best" data
gives a better, though misleading, fit.
More EBM Problems
The problems with EBM continue. It
breaks other fundamental laws, this time from the field of
cybernetics, which is the study of systems control and
communication. The human body is a biological system and, when
something goes wrong, a medical practitioner attempts to control it.
To take an example, if a person has a high temperature, the doctor
could suggest a cold compress; this might work if the person was hot
through over-exertion or too many clothes. Alternatively, the doctor
may recommend an antipyretic, such as aspirin. However, if the
patient has an infection and a raging fever, physical cooling or
symptomatic treatment might not work, as it would not quell the
In the above case, a doctor who
overlooked the possibility of infection has not applied the
appropriate information to treat the condition. This illustrates a
cybernetic concept known as requisite variety, first
proposed by an English psychiatrist, Dr. W. Ross Ashby. In modern
language, Ashby's law of requisite variety means that the
solution to a problem (such as a medical diagnosis) has to contain
the same amount of relevant information (variety) as the problem
itself. Thus, the solution to a complex problem will require more
information than the solution to a straightforward problem. Ashby's
idea was so powerful that it became known as the first law of
cybernetics. Ashby used the word variety to refer to
information or, as an EBM practitioner might say, evidence.
As we have mentioned, EBM restricts
variety to what it considers the "best evidence." However, if
doctors were to apply the same statistically-based treatment to all
patients with a particular condition, they would break the laws of
both cybernetics and statistics. Consequently, in many cases, the
treatment would be expected to fail, as the doctors would not have
enough information to make an accurate prediction. Population
statistics do not capture the information needed to provide a
well-fitting pair of shoes, let alone to treat a complex and
particular patient. As the ancient philosopher Epicurus explained,
you need to consider all the data.
Restricting our information to the
"best evidence" would be a mistake, but it is equally wrong to go to
the other extreme and throw all the information we have at a
problem. Just as Goldilocks in the fairy-tale wanted her porridge
"neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right" doctors must select
just the right information to diagnose and treat an illness. The
problem of too much information is described by the quaintly-named
curse of dimensionality, discussed further below.
A doctor who arrives at a correct
diagnosis and treatment in an efficient manner is called, in
cybernetic terms, a good regulator. According to Roger Conant and
Ross Ashby, every good regulator of a system must be a model of that
system. Good regulators achieve their goal in the simplest way
possible. In order to achieve this, the diagnostic processes must
model the systems of the body, which is why doctors undergo years of
training in all aspects of medical science. In addition, each
patient must be treated as an individual. EBM's group statistics are
irrelevant, since large-scale clinical trials do not model an
individual patient and his or her condition, they model a
population-albeit somewhat crudely. They are thus not good
regulators. Once again, a rational patient would reject EBM as a
poor method for finding an effective treatment for an illness.
Real Science Means Verification
As we have implied, science is a
process of induction and uses experiments to test ideas. From a
scientific perspective, therefore, we trust but verify the findings
of other researchers. The gold standard in science is called
Solomonoff Induction, named after Ray Solomonoff, a cybernetic
researcher. The power of a scientific result is that you can
easily repeat the experiment and check it. If it can't be
repeated, for whatever reason (because it is untestable, too
difficult, or wrong), a scientific result is weak and unreliable.
Unfortunately, EBM's emphasis on large studies makes replication
difficult, expensive, and time consuming. We should be suspicious of
large studies, because they are all but impossible to repeat and are
therefore unreliable. EBM asks us to trust its results but, to all
intents and purposes, it precludes replication. After all, how many
doctors have $40 million dollars and 5 years available to repeat a
large clinical trial? Thus, EBM avoids refutation, which is a
critical part of the scientific method.
In their models and explanations,
scientists aim for simplicity. By contrast, EBM generates large
numbers of risk factors and multivariate explanations, which makes
choosing treatments difficult. For example, if doctors believe a
disease is caused by salt, cholesterol, junk food, lack of exercise,
genetic factors, and so on, the treatment plan will be complex. This
multifactorial approach is also invalid, as it leads to the curse of
dimensionality. Surprisingly, the more risk factors you use, the
less chance you have of getting a solution. This finding comes
directly from the field of pattern recognition, where overly complex
solutions are consistently found to fail. Too many risk factors mean
that noise and error in the model will overwhelm the genuine
information, leading to false predictions or diagnoses. Once again,
a rational patient would reject EBM, because it is inherently
unscientific and impractical.
Medicine for People, Not Statisticians
Diagnosing medical conditions is
challenging, because we are each biochemically individual. As
explained by an originator of this concept, nutritional pioneer Dr.
Roger Williams, "Nutrition is for real people. Statistical
humans are of little interest." Doctors must encompass enough
knowledge and therapeutic variety to match the biological diversity
within their population of patients. The process of classifying a
particular person's symptoms requires a different kind of statistics
(Bayesian), as well as pattern recognition. These have the ability
to deal with individual uniqueness.
The basic approach of medicine must
be to treat patients as unique individuals, with distinct problems.
This extends to biochemistry and genetics. An effective and
scientific form of medicine would apply pattern recognition, rather
than regular statistics. It would thus meet the requirements of
being a good regulator; in other words, it would be an effective
approach to the prevention and treatment of disease. It would also
avoid traps, such as the ecological fallacy.
Personalized, ecological, and
nutritional (orthomolecular) medicines are converging on a truly
scientific approach. We are entering a new understanding of medical
science, according to which the holistic approach is directly
supported by systems science. Orthomolecular medicine, far from
being marginalized as "alternative," may soon become recognized as
the ultimate rational medical methodology. That is more than can be
said for EBM.
About the Authors:
Steve Hickey holds a PhD in Medical
Biophysics from the University of Manchester, England. His PhD was
on the development, aging, function and failure of the
intervertebral disk. He carried out research in the fields of
medical imaging and biophysics, and his later research included
pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, computer science, and
decision science. He has published hundreds of scientific articles
in a variety of disciplines. Dr. Hickey is co-author, with Hilary
Roberts, of Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C; Cancer:
Nutrition and Survival; Ridiculous Dietary Allowance; The Cancer
Breakthrough, and The Vitamin Cure for Heart Disease.
Hilary Roberts has her PhD in the
effects of early-life undernutrition from the Department of Child
Health at the University of Manchester, England. She also holds
degrees in computer science, physiology and psychology. Following
her PhD, she carried out research into the development of expert
systems at Manchester Business School, England.
For further reading:
Hickey S and Roberts H.
Tarnished Gold: The Sickness of Evidence Based Medicine.
CreateSpace, 2011. ISBN-10: 1466397292; ISBN-13: 978-1466397293
Pharmaceutical advertising biases
journals against vitamin supplements. Orthomolecular Medicine News
Service, February 5, 2009.
Free, peer-reviewed nutritional
medicine information online: No evidence, eh? Orthomolecular
Medicine News Service, October 3, 2011
Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine uses safe,
effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more
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informational resource.
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Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C. (USA)
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William B. Grant, Ph.D. (USA)
Steve Hickey, Ph.D. (United Kingdom)
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