It is legal for Americans to shoot elephants and import the ivory into the USA. Photo credit International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife (IGF Foundation)
By Powell Ettinger - Editor
March 2010. Wildlife Extra was under the misapprehension that it was illegal to import ivory into the USA. Given the very recent decision by CITES to prevent Tanzania and Zambia from down listing the elephants to appendix 2, Wildlife Extra is speechless to discover that it is perfectly legal to kill wild elephants in some parts of Africa, including Tanzania, and then import the tusks, skin and other disgusting mementos into the USA.
A very quick check on the web found that big game hunting outfits still market elephant hunts in the USA, and recommend some disgusting options, including making a map of Africa from elephants ears. A hunting outfit that we contacted told us:-
"Bringing back to the states you are allowed to bring the Ivory, and the hide. Most clients have things made from the hide; belts, ladies purses & gun cases. There are many things that can be made out of the leather. Also stoles are made from the feet if you want them made. The ivory is done two ways, a shoulder mount or the guys have them mounted on stands, and some even have the big five done.
Another great thing if you are not doing a shoulder mount is to have one off the ears painted as the ear looks just like Africa.
For an example you can get a 10 day hunt for a 30 to 50lb (of ivory) elephant for $18,000."
US ivory regulations
We checked the US government regulations, and discovered the following:-
Justice? Villagers versus Rednecks
The logic of this is beyond us. Why is it illegal for poor villagers to kill an
elephant to earn a few dollars to feed their family, when it is OK for some
redneck to pay $18,000 to kill an elephant and have its ears made into a map?
The redneck gets an import licence from the US while the poor villager gets 5
years or worse.
Where else is it legal to import ivory?
I don't know the regulations on ivory imports from many other countries, but
would be interested to know them from Australia, Italy, Spain, Germany, France
and Canada, or any other countries, so let us know where else it is legal to
import ivory.