Former FDA Investigator Exposes Aspartame As Deadly Neurotoxin
That Never Should
Have Been Approved
From Betty Martini

        To all my neighbors of all nations, here is an Open Statement
concerning the artificial sweetner, Aspartame, by Arthur M. Evangelista, a
former FDA Investigator...

        I am a former investigator who worked with the US Food and Drug
Administration: This is what I have to say about Aspartame and the people
who brought it to our tables.

        As a former FDA investigator, I was charged with overseeing two
major projects for the FDA. These concerned Pesticides and Chemicals in
Foods and Illegal Drug Tissue Residues in Animals (including milk related

        I worked closely with the sister Federal and State agencies, oversaw
contracts, I was a co-ordinator and lead investigator on projects involving
EPA and USDA. The FDA, in the mid-70's to mid-90's was not a large
organization, having an annual budget no greater than a medium-sized
hospital by 1995.

        The problems with aspartame include not only the biochemical nature
of this toxin but also it sheds light on the political nature of the players
involved. The changes in regulatory policies and regulations resulting from
corporate-government ties and the politicians closely associated with these

        What I can tell you, regarding toxicology, histology and
biochemistry, is that aspartame is neurotoxic. Its components easily
transcend the blood-brain barrier, interfering with normal nerve cell
function. This affects the glutathione and calcium mechanisms in place,
destroying nerve call integrity. The methanol then breaks down into
formaldehyde-formic acid components, which denaturizes/mutates the DNA: a
known scientific fact. The subsequent result from this interaction and from
isolates of genetically modified amino acids, the methanol, is nerve cell
necrosis and subsequent organ system degradation.

        The hypothalamus alone (the major controller for much of the
endocrine system), is at especially high risk to these effects...thereby,
affecting many other organ systems. I have seen first hand the effects on
symptoms when individuals have abstained from ingesting the artificial
sweetener, aspartame. Make no bones about it, aspartame is a major factor in
many symptomologies due to its effects upon brain chemistry.


        Coming from a family and relatives of physicians, I know only too
well that if there was even a chance that something was wrong with a
patient, a truly committed physician would thoroughly investigate any
etiology (or cause) regarding an illness (both chronic and sub chronic),
rather than retain a close-minded approach to the available data. This just
boggles my mind when those, who are supposed to know better; choose to
adhere to the organized rhetoric of industry-backed misinformation, without
giving the true scientific facts an opportunity to sink in. At the least,
consider the possibilities. I guarantee, the truth will then become

        The biggest lie told, is one of self-deceit; not to mention, all the
people made ill and killed in the process of 'ignorant medicine' eg a doctor
has sold his skills and MD diploma to industrial chemical manufacturers,
pharmaceutical firms or even to governmental associations!! Money is
money...right, Doc?

        Prior to the approval of aspartame, the FDA sent two specialized
teams to G.D. Searle and found a ghastly 95% level of misdirected testing;
concealed tests, collusion between corporate and their company-funded
research; inappropriate antemortum issues; withholding of material facts;
alterations of records: lying to investigators, lost records, no records;
falsification of reports, bribery, poor test methodology or al.

        FDA investigators Brodsky and Bressler, both seasoned federal
investigators, each led investigative teams to review Searle's lab
practices. These practices at Searle were despicable and should have been
thrown out. This is a fact. The actual report are displayed on Unfortunately, many ethics in the law were also
violated during this time period, by the various government departments in
the USA. This was further corrupted by politicians involved with corporate
constituents who in turn affected the regulatory process in favour of these
constituents. Another name for this, of course, is 'bribery'.


        This was nothing less than full-blown collusion. The 'revolving
door' at the FDA, is very much a reality. Former corporate officials, who
began working for the Food and Drug Administration (and vice versa), were
very cavalier about issues uncovered at Searle surrounding their drug
processing and issues involved with aspartame. Some, with a hidden agenda of
promised secret money or better jobs, actively hindered the investigation
into G. D. Searle's laboratory practices. It is obvious when you see the
records and numbers and where those jobs were. These are a matter of public
and Congressional Record. Subsequently, many former FDA officials, due to
their 'favorable influences' with regulatory enforcement and rulings, were
in fact, rewarded with corporate positions and lucrative incomes, including
former FDA Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes, who was about to be brought up on
ethics and misconduct charges!

        The whole process was (is still) rotten throughout. The various
dependent research completed on aspartame proves this (in part,a chemical
warfare agent) is a neurotoxin. It is unlike any other compound on the
market. Each of its three components are toxic.

        The only people I have met or communicated with, who have
steadfastly refused to look at this picture for what it is, have been found
to have other agendas, other than the truth. Not even a sceptic, like my
brother ( a chief microbiologist) could ignore the factual evidence of
aspartame's neurotoxicity when presented with the evidence. Being a sceptic
is one thing, but to deny the evidence, the motives and the pieces of a
rather complex and sordid puzzle with common denominators, is ludicrous; you
would have to be braindead. To still adhere to the narrow focus of the
corporate spin-doctors and corporate-back rhetoric from federal regulators,
means that you have clearly chosen to purposefully close your mind to the
evidence and/o you are operating with a pro-industry (hidden) agenda.

        There is rampant corruption in these processes and it behoves all
educated, law enforcement and scientific-minded individuals to look at the
entire picture to piece together one of the biggest travesties in public
health history. The common thread which ties everything together is; the
strong political influences, the monumental amounts of money used to
purchase the souls of those who have placed greed above common sense, public
health and the trust of public office.


        As an investigator, I found this hard to believe at first, that so
many factors have come together to collude in such a way, to allow aspartame
into our food supply. Regardless of how I initially felt about it, the
evidence is factual happened. Now we have to do something about it,
because it is nothing less than MASS MURDER.

        Additionally and historically, many recalled products, including FDA
regulated products, were once thought safe. DDT was once thought to be safe,

        History of the regulatory problems, fraud, deceit and scientific
corruption with various drug products would serve you well to remember here.

        Regulatory problems and corruption resulting in mass-illness or
deaths with various prescription drugs and drug-tissue residues in foods
(antibiotics) which was known by the FDA since the mid 80's, perpetuating
further our problems with antibiotic resistant germs.

        Remember Agent Orange? How long did it take the US government to
even acknowledge that there was a problem with spraying a dioxin compound
all over the Asian forests during Vietnam? Monsanto never said a word during
this period; no chemical manufacturer did. It was years before the veterans,
who gave their lives or whose lives were ruined, were even given the
acknowledgement that there was a problem. The Gulf War Veterans were in the
same boat for a while. Maybe someone will pay attention to their plight.

        Many policies, I found out, were not made to protect the public
health, but rather, to provide leverage at appropriation time before
Congress and to protect the industry and their political government. This is
especially true when they were paid for their 'services' by the
pharmaceutical or chemical industries. This is what I call 'social cancer'.
Many systems for protecting the public health are (were) less than
effective...making very little difference on public health issues. Much of
it was for 'show' and for funding. It was the folks in Rockville and
Washington who made the final decisions on how to play most of these issues
out. Unfortunately for us, it was not to favor the public health processes.
The entire process reeks of political and corporate influence. Many
mainstream media newscats and reports have exposed this problem.


        There are regulatory or enforcement agencies that have questionably
close ties with industry, aside from an unethical revolving door. These ties
are even illegal in some aspects and compromise an agency's ability to
regulate. It compromises not only the integrity of the agency, but the
information being disseminated, as well. Everything becomes suspect. Then
the spin-doctors are called into action.


        So tell me then, why do government agencies support and make
policies around industrial concerns, like pharmaceutical or chemical
manufacturing firms? The answer is easy: Money and/or power! Why aren't
government agencies remaining impartial? Somebody has a little influence,
that is why and, this influence is not in the public's best interest. Follow
the money trail.

        The truth has been difficult to come by. Investigators, lay people,
teachers, educators, regulators and whistleblowers have, piece by piece, put
this highly complex puzzle together and now see this issue for what it is.
The evidence is there. Unfortunately, I have found that many physicians,
including those who can make substantial incomes from treating the effects
of the neurotoxin aspartame (and other medically 'healable' issues) would
rather people did not find out about its effects on brain chemistry. Giving
doctors the benefit of the doubt, if they do not consider aspartame
poisoning as a cause for concern or instigator of symptoms, they are simply
not very good investigators. Then may be the doctor should try carpentry or
other non-patient related work.

        In truth, doctors have a business. This is a sub-set of business
treatment practices that is making money based on the introduction of a
poisonous product. I also found out that the large government health
association and many other so-called health groups, have received
substantial money, contributions, or stipends from industry regarding their


        This includes certain public health associations - the very people
who are supposed to be helping the public, who for legal reasons cannot be
named here, they like many others, diabolically support aspartame and the
money it has made them. They are businesses... and business goes before
public health. Look at any health association and check out the list of
their contributors and tell me what you see.


        Regarding aspartame, I have written articles about this substance,
they explained the processes that allowed aspartame into the marketplace,
through various reports and information uncovered whilst I was with the
agency and afterwards, with the help of other investigators and agency data.
Much of this information is available for review, you can draw your own

        Open your mind. Know that the government-corporate issues have
shocked us before, to our collective dismay. I urge you to consider all the
factors; ... the political, physiological and regulatory processes which
created the mistaken and unfortunate acceptance of this toxin in our food
supply. This information is not 'what I think' nor how I feel...

based on the information submitted to the FDA, including the information
that was not submitted. It is a fact that politics and those with 'hidden
agendas' illegally affected the regulatory processes, misused and abused
their authority, to bring to market this toxic food additive.

        If you drink aspartame and have experienced health problems, then
cease your consumption of it (and its cousin MSG) for 60 days and see if
your symptoms disappear. You have nothing to lose. If you do not follow this
simple experiment for 60 days, you could lose your life. Additionally,
educate yourselves. It is your body, your health and your life.

        BE WISE:

        For further information see the following websites: Experts on Aspartame, government records, UPI
and CDC investigations, books by physicians, protest of National Soft Drink
Assn, Class Action, support groups,Etc. Aspartame Toxicity Center MSG Books by H. J. Roberts, M.D. including
Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, medical text on global plague Russell Blaylock, M.D.,neurosurgeon, book,
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills on aspartame and MSG and his new book on
how to get well, Health & Nutrition Secrets To Save Your Life. or

        Note from Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible Intl
( - 770 242-2599), global unpaid volunteer force warning the
world off aspartame: Updates: The European Parliament has voted to
re-examine aspartame. They will also examine Stevia which got outlawed for
no reason except to keep consumers using the toxin aspartame. There are at
least 500 studies on Stevia showing safety and you can contact the Stevita
Company in Dallas, Texas, Oscar Rodes ( The actual
consumption by humans without a single report of undesired side effects over
a long period of time (30 years in Japan, 15 years in Brazil in the extract
form, and centuries in Paraguay and Brazil on the leaves form) demonstrates
that the product is safe for its intended use - that is as a sweetener. It
is the salvation of diabetics as it helps in the metabolism of sugar whereas
aspartame can precipitate diabetes, keeps blood sugar out of control,
destroys the optic nerve, can cause diabetics to go into convulsions and
even interacts with insulin. It is particularly pushed on diabetics. It has
caused an epidemic of diabetes and obesity, as it is a drug that makes you
crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. See protest of National Soft Drink
Association on and Aspartame Makes You Fatter by Sandra
Cabot, M.D. Also read Aspartame and Diabetes and Hypoglycemia by diabetic
specialist H. J. Roberts, M.D.

        No drug is safe on the market as long as aspartame exists as it
interacts with just about every drug used to treat the problems it causes
completely outlined in a chapter on drug interaction in Aspartame Disease:
An Ignored Epidemic by Roberts. One out of four are having drug
interactions! Two-thirds of the population in America and 40% of our
children are using this deadly chemical poison that interacts with drugs and
as a chemical hypersensitization agent interacts with vaccines, other toxins
and unsafe additives.

        I have filed a Citizens Petition with the FDA based on the fact
their records show aspartame to be deadly and yet they lie to the public.
They have been told not to send their FDA propaganda rag, the FDA Consumer
or a packet of Federal Registers. The law requires they answer in six
months. It has been 10 months and they have not answered. To read the entire
Board of Inquiry report of the FDA saying not to approve aspartame and the
famed Dr. John Olney's paper to the Board of Inquiry telling them what would
happen to the brains of our children go to Mission
Possible Maine. They supply special equipment to read the original

        Please contact Betty Martini, (770 242-2599)
if you have suffered brain tumors, seizures or blindness or eye
deterioration from aspartame for class action.

        I leave you with the profound words of James Bowen, M.D., who has
Lou Gehrigs from aspartame in his paper Aspartame Murders Infants, Violates
Federal Domestic GEnocide Law: "Aspartame is sold as NutraSweet, Equal,
Spoonful, Canderel, Benevia, E951, etc., and is in thousands of foods and
diet drinks. At every point in the fertility process aspartame destroys,
beginning with the gleam in Mom and Pop's eyes. It ruins female sexual
response and induces male sexual dysfunction. Beyond this, aspartame
disrupts fetal development by aborting it or inducing defects. And if a live
child is born aspartame may have heinously damaged the DNA of the baby,
cursing future generations."

        Is NutraSweet a Neurotoxin? You bet your aspartame! It's only
appropriate use is as a rat killer and to kill fire ants.