Donna Fisher


[2009] Dirty Electricity and the Link to Cancer by Donna Fisher

In 2001, leading occupational medical epidemiologist Dr Sam Milham, MPH, and E. M. Ossiander, of the Washington State Department of Health, Olympia, researched the rise of electrification in the UK and USA and concluded that the childhood leukaemia peak of common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia was attributable to residential electrification: 75 per cent of all childhood acute lymphoplastic leukaemia and 60 per cent of all childhood leukaemia could be preventable.4 In 2007, Professor Michael Kundi reported that up to 80 per cent of all cases of childhood leukaemia may be caused by exposure to these fields. [2009] Dirty Electricity and the Link to Cancer by Donna Fisher

Wertheimer and Leeper were the first to see a magnetic field-breast cancer connection in their 1982 study of residential magnetic field exposures of adults.8 Even though this study looked at overall cancer risk in adults and found an increase in excess cancers of the nervous system, uterus and lymphoid tumours, "they discovered a nearly threefold increase among women younger than 55 who lived near power lines, indicating that magnetic field exposure had accelerated, development and growth of breast cancer". [2009] Dirty Electricity and the Link to Cancer by Donna Fisher

Artificially created EMR may also be the underlying menace in the tobacco smoking and asbestos crises. Hallberg and Johansson reported that exposure to radiowaves (artificially created EMR) appears to be as big a factor in causing lung cancer as cigarette smoking, and that deaths due to asbestosis were not known until after the 1960s despite the fact that asbestos had been used as a building material since the end of the 19th century. [2009] Dirty Electricity and the Link to Cancer by Donna Fisher