The Annals of Pharmacotherapy: Vol. 36, No. 12, pp. 1970–1971.
David A Geier
President, MedCon, Silver Spring, Maryland
Mark R Geier MD PhD
President, The Genetic Centers of America, 14 Redgate Ct., Silver Spring, Maryland 20905-5726, FAX 301/989-1543, E-mail:
Ann Pharmacother 2002;36:1970–1971.
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adult hepatitis B vaccine (HBV) serious reactions, showing statistical
increases in arthritic, neurologic, immunologic, and gastrointestinal
reactions. However, some reactions analyzed may have been acute self-limited
reactions that did not lead to chronic problems. In order to study this
problem, the purpose of this analysis was to examine chronic adverse reactions
reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database
following adult HBV from 1997 through 2000. We hypothesized that chronic
conditions occurred similarly following adult HBV and adult vaccine control
group. The scientific literature contains few studies briefly examining
chronic reactions following adult HBV.2,
VAERS is an epidemiologic database maintained by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) since 1990. All vaccine reactions are to be
reported to this database as mandated by US law. The CDC requires written and
telephonic confirmation of serious reactions and follows up serious reactions
1 year after they occur to determine whether the patient recovered. The VAERS
Working Group of the CDC analyzes and publishes epidemiologic studies based on
examination of the VAERS.4
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retrospectively examined adult HBV reactions reported to VAERS from 1997
through 2000 using Microsoft Access (Redmond, WA). We examined neuropathy,
neuritis, myelitis, vasculitis, thrombocytopenia, gastrointestinal disease,
multiple sclerosis, and arthritis reactions, where patients, based on a 1-year
follow-up, were considered not to have recovered from their reaction. These
terms for reactions were based on descriptions by those reporting them. We
have examined each of these reactions in previous studies, enabling us to
extend and expand our previous findings.
rates were based on the estimates of the Biological Surveillance Summaries
that we obtained from the CDC for the number of doses administered during the
study periods examined. The CDC estimates that 20 516 508 adult HBVs were
administered from 1997 through 2000. Additionally, as a control,
tetanus–diphtheria (Td) vaccine chronic reactions reported to VAERS from 1991
through 2000 in adults were analyzed. The CDC estimates that 141 832 679 adult
Td vaccinations were administered from 1991 through 2000. The incidence rates
of adult adverse reactions in the Td vaccine recipients provided a background
rate to compare against the incidence rates of adverse reactions in adult HBV
recipients. We chose our temporal period following adult Td vaccine so as to
allow our search of the VAERS to yield as many reactions following our adult
Td vaccine control group as possible; this would allow for an increased power
in our statistical analyses. Relative risk was determined by dividing the
incidence rate of the reaction following adult HBV by the incidence rate of
the reaction following adult Td vaccine control group. Attributable risk was
determined by subtracting 1 from the relative risk. Percent association was
calculated by dividing the relative risk by the relative risk plus 1 and
multiplying this computed value by 100. In our statistical analysis, a
2 × 2 contingency table was employed. We used the statistical package
contained in Corel's Quattro Pro and accepted a p value of 0.05 as
statistically significant.
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summarizes chronic reactions reported following adult HBV in comparison with
those reported following adult Td vaccination. The results show even more
significant increases in chronic conditions following adult HBV than acute
conditions in comparison with adult Td vaccination.
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conclusion, our study demonstrates that adult
HBV is statistically associated not only with acute neuropathy, neuritis,
myelitis, vasculitis, thrombocytopenia, gastrointestinal disease, multiple
sclerosis, and arthritis, but some of these patients go on to develop chronic
adverse reactions that persist for at least 1 year following HBV.
These types of chronic adverse reactions following adult HBV should be
discussed with patients contemplating being immunized with HBV and should be
included in the differential diagnosis of those who develop them following
adult HBV.
1. Geier MR, Geier DA. Hepatitis B
vaccination safety. Ann Pharmacother 2002;36:370–4. [ABSTRACT]
2. Pope JE, Stevens A, Howson W,
Bell DA. The development of rheumatoid arthritis after recombinant hepatitis B
vaccination. J Rheumatol 1998;25:1687–93. [PubMed
3. Grotto I, Mandel Y, Ephros M,
Ashkenazi I, Shemer J. Major adverse reactions to yeast-derived hepatitis B
vaccines — a review. Vaccine 1998;16:329–34. [PubMed
4. Singleton JA, Lloyd JC, Mootrey GT,
Salive ME, Chen RT, the VAERS Working Group. An overview of the Vaccine
Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) as a surveillance system. Vaccine
1999;17:2908–17. [PubMed
R Geier and David A Geier have done consulting work before the no-fault
Vaccine Compensation Act administered by the US Court of Claims, involving
adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine. David A Geier is president of MedCon,
a medical–legal consulting firm that assists vaccine injury patients in
obtaining funds from both the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and
through civil litigation.