Joel Wallach
Nutritional Medicine
Web: http://www.thewallachfiles.com
See: Dr. Peter Glidden
Diabetes #1 Shame Of
The "Orthodox" Doctors - Chromium & More
Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
[vid] Health Freedom Doesn't Exist
"He (Dr. Joel Wallach) discovered the cause and cure of cystic fibrosis, published it, he discovered when the pregnant mother is deficient in selenium the gene codes for cystic fibrosis turns on, when she is replete in selenium the gene does not turn on. they could make cystic fibrosis happen at will.....after he published that and proved it they fired him.[vid] Curing Diseases Caused by Physicians "He (Jimmy Carter) cancelled his knee surgery. Evander Holyfield went back to boxing after a heart attack...I take people of dialysis, off the heart transplant list all the time, I regrew heart muscle, cartilage, I make kidneys function, I reversed Muscular dystrophy in kids...Alzheimer's is a physician caused disease...Menopause. they have been told they have to give up cholesterol...cholesterol is the raw material for the ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesterol...if you go on a cholesterol low diet and cholesterol drugs you will get menopausal symptoms...men will have erectile dysfunction...Obesity is a physician caused disease.
Well, again to make a long story short, over a period of some
12 years, I did some 17,500 autopsies on over 454 species of animals, and 3,000
human beings who lived in close proximity to zoos, and the thing that I found
out was this. Every animal and every human being who dies of natural causes dies
of a nutritional deficiency. That fascinated me. That took me back to those
calves. I said, "Gee, that's fascinating. Everybody is dying of nutritional
deficiencies, and we can document this at autopsy, both chemically and
biochemically, and so forth, and things that you saw with eye at the autopsy
table. Dead Doctors Don't
Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
The average life-span for an American today is 75.5. The average life-span for a doctor or an MD is 58. If you want to gain 20 years, statistically, just don't go to medical school. Also, if you want to know information about longevity, you are going to be better off asking a bus driver than you are a physician. For longevity. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
I suggest very strongly to you that you avoid going to doctors. Because given half a chance they will kill you. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
What they did for those 29 volunteers who failed to respond in any way to medical treatment for arthritis was, they gave them a heaping teaspoon of dried up chicken cartilage in their orange juice every morning. Just a heaping teaspoon of ground up chicken cartilage. And in 10 days, according to Harvard Medical School, all the pain and inflammation was gone! These are people who didn't respond in any way to medical treatment. In 30 days they could open up a new pickle jar that had never been opened, and 90 days, 3 months, they had maximum return of function. Now here's the funny part. The funny part comes by a statement of a guy who was the director of that study from Harvard Medical School. "After 3 months it was clear that the drug was beneficial." Because it worked, chicken cartilage had become a drug! Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
we learned in the agricultural industry how to prevent and in the early stages, cure, Alzheimer's Disease. We deal with high doses of vitamin E and low doses of vegetable oil. You say, "Wallach, that's crazy. High doses of vitamin E?" Well, you should have gotten a recall notice from your doctor in July, 1992, because the University of California, a sophisticated medical research school, University of California, San Diego, came out and said, "Vitamin E eases memory loss in Alzeimers victims." Now they are only 50 years behind on that, from veterinary medicine, so you might be safer going to a veterinarian!
Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
1957 we learned that aneurysms were caused by a copper deficiency. We had a pilot project, 250,000 turkeys, and we made complete food pellets where you put all 90 nutrients in there, and in the first 13 weeks, fully half of those turkeys died. 125,000 died. Farmers were out there every morning picking them up by the bushel basket. They took them to the State diagnostic labs for an autopsy, and they found out that they all had died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm. So they doubled the amount of copper in there, and the next year they tried to raise 500,000 turkeys, and they didn't lose a single turkey from a ruptured aortic aneurysm. And they ran that experiment in mice, and rats and rabbits and dogs and cats and calves and sheep and pigs, and guess what? They found out that there is a whole series of diseases that are caused by copper deficiency. Gray hair is the first sign. We start getting gray hair, regardless of age, you have a copper deficiency. You get skin wrinkles, because the elastic fibers in your skin are going... those little crows feet around your eyes, facial and body skin wrinkles. You look like you're a little prune, drying up. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
Stewart Berger? He wrote 5 best-selling books on diet, and health and nutrition. He got his degree from Tuft Medical School, which is a very fine medical school in Boston, not too far away from Harvard Medical School. And the books he wrote, "The Southhampton Diet for Weight Loss", he wrote "Forever Young," "20 years Younger in 20 weeks", and "How to be your own Nutritionist". And he died at age 40. How would you like to follow his dietary practices? He died at age 40 of cardio myopathy, which is a Selenium deficiency. The same as white muscle disease, or stiff lamb disease, and any farmer can go to a feed store and get Selenium pellets or Selenium injections, things like Seletok and Bozie. And Dr. Stewart Berger, a fellow who wrote 5 best-selling books on nutrition, died of a nutritional deficiency. He didn't have expensive urine. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
You can prevent, totally prevent, cardio myopathy for ten cents a day. And if we don't do it, we are malignant dumb, I like to call it. Malignant dumb if you don't take in ten cents a day of Selenium. It's a waste of your life. It's one of those landmines that you can avoid. The medical treatment of choice for cardio myopathy is a heart transplant, costs $750,000. I want you to think about that. They get the heart free from a donor, they get the blood free for the surgery from the relatives. They use $2.50 of suture material, and they charge you $750,000 for that procedure. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
Reggie Lewis was a great athlete, he didn't use four letter words, didn't use drugs. Not a bad word came out of his mouth. In April, 1993, he collapsed on the floor during a game with the San Antonio Spurs, and his diagnosis was cardio myopathy. Now because he was an athlete and in good shape, he survived that first heart attack. The Boston Celtics paid 12 cardiologists a million dollars each on the front end to save Reggie. Save Reggie, they spent 12 million bucks. They didn't take 20 dollars and send a medical student to the library to find out what are all the causes of cardio myopathy, they just argued and bickered over who was going to get famous and rich by doing the heart surgery, the transplant, on Reggie. Well, July 28, 1993, Reggie died of his cardio myopathy. Now here is a 65 million dollar a year athlete, and they paid 12 million dollars for 12 cardiologists to save him. What chance do you think you have, in a hospital where the cardiologist needs a Mercedes payment or has 5 ex-wives to pay. He's not going to give you ten cents a day of Selenium. He wants $750,000. He earned it! He went to medical school for eight years! Well if you believe that's true, then you just go right ahead and get in line. But if you object to that, don't get in line, and take your Selenium. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach
In addition to their income from office fees, and surgical fees, and lab fees, and hospitalization, doctors get a kickback from the labs, and the xray labs, and clinics and hospitals, $421 everytime they send you in for a Catscan, or an MRI. And doctors tell you, "Oh we do that because we're practicing defensive medicine. Cause if I miss something, one in ten billion, you're going to sue me. So I do this just to protect myself." Well, if it was just to protect themselves, and you knew them, and they knew you, 90% of the people say, "Ah just skip it Doc," you don't really think it's necessary, let's save the money. But they've got something more than defensive medicine to worry about. They get $421 and a kickback for every time they send you in for an MRI or a Catscan. Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr. Joel Wallach