Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S.,
M.S. quotes
Dr Kelly
"The person gets cancer because he’s not properly metabolising the protein in his diet."—Dr Kelley
"The only accepted legal medical diagnosis of cancer is by biopsy. This is not 100% accurate, for there are false positives as well as false negative biopsies. We, that is you and I, are not permitted to make a diagnosis of cancer. Nor are we permitted by law to use any system of diagnosis except biopsy for cancer diagnosis. The Medical Establishment tightly controls the diagnosis of cancer."--Dr Kelley DDS
"DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINATIONS. This is the standard deceptive way you are given the Establishment痴 Biological Warfare infections.." Dr. William D. Kelly
There will never be a CURE for Cancer until the Establishment
can accomplish their objectives by permitting it. Their primary goals are money
and control. What big conglomerate will get the blessings of the Big
Establishment? Nothing happens on the world scene that is not planned and
designed by The Big Establishment. After 30
years of planning Metabolic Programs for some 33,000 Counselees and developing
the scientific Paradigm for the PROPER CURE AND TREATMENT OF MALIGNANCY, I would
like to share some of the conclusions.
First, we fall victim, not only to
cancer, but also to the very clever brainwashing of our number one ENEMY. The
Medical Establishment and the unending barrage of the conspiracy with the MEDIA
and support groups such as the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer
Institute, the American Medical Association and an unlimited number of
organizations that make their income from the crumbs that fall from the
establishment痴 table. Dr
Kelley DDS
"From the beginning of time, diabetes was a death sentence. In 1911 professor
Scott discovered and documented the cure for Diabetes. All Physicians had only treated the
results of diabetes, such as heart, liver and kidney damage, gangrene and blindness, but
not diabetes. Everything went along the same as usual, diabetic patients dying, until the
1920's when Dr. Scott developed and standardized the blood test for diabetes. During this
period, the Medical Establishment in their pompous ignorance and diabolical greed,
murdered Dr. Scott's wife and only son. The Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole and only
monopoly for the manufacture and sale of insulin, by the Big Establishment, which controls
all monopolies. Lilly's problem was, they could not make insulin. Therefore by stealth,
deceit and conspiracy, a Lilly conspirator confiscated Scott's procedures and technique
for production of insulin.
The Medical Establishment then forced Sir Dr. Frederick Banting to
accept a Doctor of Medicine degree that he did not want and in which he had no interest.
Next the Establishment gave the Nobel prize to Banting (a very honorable man) and Best
(not so honorable) to cover up Lilly's theft of Scott's scientific discovery. Thus the Big
Establishment conferred credibility upon Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly has had the monopoly
on insulin ever since, making hundreds of millions of dollars down through the
years."--Dr Kelly DDS
"At least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet and pancreatic enzymes. Cancer is a symptom of inadequate and deficient protein metabolism. The real problem is protein metabolism, not cancer. Cancer is only a symptom telling those who would listen that their protein metabolism is in very serious trouble. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy only treat the symptoms of cancer. "----Dr Kelly DDS
"First, the stricken cancer victim and their family members have been so deceived by the Establishment that they are completely brainwashed and put in overwhelming fear."----Dr Kelly DDS
"In reality, a person very rarely dies of cancer. It is always starvation and toxicity. As the malignant tumor grows it gives off waste products, which must be eliminated through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. These waste products accumulate and gradually overburden the body. Most persons then die of toxemia."---Dr Kelly DDS
One wintry night our home was burned to the ground. All was lost including the older stored medical records and our pets........McQueen frequently called me on my FBI-tapped telephone. In one call McQueen made to me, he stated in his famous hero痴 voice, "I知 going to blow the lid off this Cancer Racket." This of course freaked out the Cancer Establishment. The FBI then leaked it out to the National Enquirer scandal sheet of the CIA. This exposure was to discredit me. McQueen was then constantly watched and harassed by the FBI, CIA and the Media. During the surgery, the skin over the liver was cut open and the encapsulated, dead Tumor fell out on the operating table. After surgery McQueen had a talk with me. During the night a government agent came into his room posing as a Physician on duty and injected McQueen with a blood clotting medication, which was the cause of death. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. SECTION II CANCER CURE SUPPRESSED
The Establishment could not depend upon Good and Gonzalez, delay any longer, or take any more halfway measures. I was a most serious threat to their $100 Billion a year Industry. These lawless Establishment Devils went to work and: