MMS Testiomonials about Parasites and Morgellon's Disease, Fiber Disease
22nd September 2007 by Rett Anderson Posted in Disease, Infections, MMS Information
Yesterday evening I took her some MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) that I had purchase on the internet. I only gave her one drop, and she took another two drops this morning on her own. I went to visit her at noon today.
This is what I observed and what was related to me. Within 20 minutes of taking the first drop, she had diarrhea and again several times overnight. In the toilet bowl she saw white worms. The creepy crawly feeling that she has all the time completely stopped overnight. Sores that were raised and red last night were flat and had changed colour by morning. She states that for the first time, she knows that something is really working and changing in her, and she feels so encouraged. This afternoon she just feels tired and needs to sleep. I.R., Canada
I met with a young lady about 35 tonight who has been plagued with
parasites for many years. They actually grow under her skin in
circles and have a head. The sores open up and she pulls them out
and it takes awhile for the wounds to heal and they leave scars. I'm
sure the worms grow inside as well. She has had all kinds of
treatments from different practicioners. Doctors don't know what to
do. Naturalpaths are stumped. The worms eat the herbal cures for
breakfast and ask for more. IN addition to this she has now been
diagnosed with cancer - I'm not sure what type.
SOOOOOooh she was glad to know that I might have something to help
her. I took her the e-books, a bottle of 10% citric acid and a
bottle of MMS. I showed her how to mix up one drop, wait, add and
drink. Within 10 minutes she felt something working like she had
taken appropriate drugs. She really feels encouraged. I asked her to
read the stories from Africa and then to keep a written diary of her
experience. [I hope to be able to share that with the group within
10 days to two weeks.] Then her stomach bloated. She felt
nauseated. We prayed and the nausea immediately went away. Her gut
started to do the rumble and within 20 minutes she was rushing to
the bathroom.
For those of you who might just think that ONE DROP won't do much,
I'd like to point you to chapter 23 in the second e-book as well as
the above experience.
Re: Here is Morgellons cure for I
For those of you who remember my friend with Morgellons, three weeks
ago. She is up to 6 drops twice a day now, continues to have some
diarrhea. The skin lesions have not returned. The fibers continue to
grow from her skin but to a lesser extent. Her cancer tumors are
shrinking! She is struggling with depression though, which is not new
and the poverty she lives in provides constant challenges.
This lady is on a disability pension and welfare. Whatever she has
> given to her is what she can use. There are no surplus funds for
> equipment or treatments on an ongoing basis. Oh, she gets her drugs
> free, wouldn't you know it. You can read my update that I posted
> today. The MMS is working amazingly for her. She is startled by it.
> H2O2 and CS and other baths have only provided temporary relief but
> have never resloved the problem.

December 28th, 2007 at 5:32 am
I started to evaluate mms like other therapy on myself and I found to be antidepressant. I noticed that every time I take something that will reduce the number of pathogens in my body weather it is colloidal silver, h202, hulda clark zapper, oregano oil and so on. The body senses and " rewards me with happyness" its like it says
,I dont know what youre doing buy keep it up. I keep hoping to find
something for wy whitish tongue, dark circle under the eyes. On the other hand I do not have much patience and changes alternative therapy like people change shirt
January 12th, 2008 at 9:35 am
There will be an official Jim Humble MMS website going up this coming week. Here, Jim Humble answers the most frequent questions he hears with video rather than text.
When buying MMS on the web, it is impossible to know if you are getting the "real deal", so Jim is establishing a Certification Program for manufacturers who sell MMS. Jim wishes to continue his humanitarian efforts in Africa and every bottle purchased provides 10% of the price to fund his efforts. Watch for his new official site: