Pock-marked faces
Smallpox quotes
[You will see greatly
pock-marked faces in all of the media Fearmongering
articles on smallpox.]
Pock-marked faces depend, not upon vaccinal condition, but upon the treatment of the patients, and their occurrence after small-pox is a proof of inefficient medical knowledge and improper nursing, or both combined. The less, therefore, said about the absence of pock-marked faces being due to, and an argument in favour of, vaccination, the better. The facts entirely refute the validity of such a claim. LEICESTER: SANITATION versus VACCINATION BY J.T. BIGGS J.P.
"Respecting the oft-told tale of diminished
pock-marked faces, it is curious and instructive to quote the following
extracts, the one from the National Vaccine Establishment's Report, for 1825;
the other from the Lancet, June 29, 1872. The former asks : "What argument more
powerful can be urged in favour of vaccination than the daily remark which the
least observant must make, that in our churches, our theatres, and in every
large assemblage of the people to see a young person bearing the marks of
small-pox is now of extremely rare occurrence?"
"That is to say, twenty-five years before vaccination
was made compulsory, pock-marked faces were all but banished; whereas, nineteen
years after the introduction of compulsion, the Lancet laments "the growing
frequency with which we meet persons in the street disfigured for life with the
pitting of small-pox. Young men, and still worse, young women, are to be seen
daily whose comeliness is quite compromised by this dreadful disease." Both
statements are worthless as evidence to one who has acquainted himself with
statistics. It is true pock-marked faces are rarer than they used to be, because
small-pox is rarer and better treated than it used to be; but so, also, is
fever, and the decline of fever is simply not so markedly observed because
people do not carry "the stamped receipt" of fever about them on their persons.
It is true, and no one can deny it, that small-pox in London declined at the end
of the last century and the beginning of this, in a remarkable way, and in
nearly the same ratio as fever; but it is equally true that for the last thirty
years (under compulsory vaccination) the number of deaths by small-pox in London
has increased, and it is not surprising that pock-marked faces have multiplied
accordingly."---William J. Collins, M.D.,
B.S., B.Sc. (1883,
Sir Lyon Playfair's Logic)
Walene James:"Dr Campbell discovered smallpox was caused by the bite of a bedbug..and the degree of severity of the disease was directly proportional to the cachexia (general ill health and malnutrition) of the patient...He spoke of "scorbutic cachexia" relating it to scurvy, "the disease caused by lack of green food" and said "the removal of this perversion of nutrition will so mitigate the virulence of this malady as positively to prevent the pitting or pocking of smallpox." (Immunization p54. Bacteria Inc by Cash Asher 1949).
"The most important observation on the medical aspect of this disease is the caehexia with which it is invariably associated and which is actually the soil requisite for its different degrees of virulence. I refer to the scorbutic cachexia. Among the lower-classes of people this particular acquired constitutional perversion of nutrition is most prevalent, primarily on account of their poverty, but also because of the fact that they care little or nothing for fruits or vegetables. That a most intimate connection exists between variola and scorbutus is evidenced by the fact that it is most prevalent among the poor or filthy class of people; that it is more prevalent in winter, when the anti-scorbutics are scarce and high priced; and, finally, that the removal of this perversion of nutrition will so mitigate the virulence of this malady as positively to prevent the pitting or pocking of smallpox. A failure of the fruit crop in any particularly large area is always followed the succeeding winter by the presence of smallpox"----Charles Campbell MD
"That the pitting or pocking can be positively prevented I am absolutely certain, for in the above number of cases I had only one patient who became pocked and this was done intentionally. In all of the cases of smallpox that have originated here I have always found bedbugs; and where patients suffering with this disease were brought here and placed in premises free from these vermin, the disease did not spread to persons living with the patient. This has occurred in many cases, and in all stages of the disease."----Charles Campbell MD