Prozac quotes

"Meanwhile, Dr. Healy Hasn't shied away from linking Prozac, Paxil and the other SSRI's to suicide. He figures at least 250,000 people have attempted suicide worldwide because of Prozac alone and that at least 25,000 have succeeded. " [2002] Prozac, Suicide and Dr. Healy By Rick Giombetti

Considering the benefit and the risk, we think this preparation totally unsuitable for the treatment of depression.’ — May 25th 1984 communication to Lilly US from Lilly Bad Homburg by B v.Keitz containing a translation of an unofficially received medical comment on the Fluoxetine application to the German regulators. --Let Them Eat Prozac

Certain brain activities trigger people on Prozac to become homicidal or suicidal. Thanks to research by Illuminati controlled companies, the Network knows exactly how to used ELF waves vectored on a particular person by 3 separate towers to stimulate the Prozac controlled brain to murder. This is being used to increase acts of anarchy and violence in order to help insure anti-gun legislation. If a slave doesn’t comply or needs to be thrown from the Freedom Train they can become a useable statistic. Simply trigger them to murder and then watch the police gun them down. The NWO gains one more statistic and another case to scare the public into accepting gun control. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics

What happened with Prozac is a fascinating story. Right from the beginning, they noticed only very marginal efficacy over placebo; and they noticed that they had some problems with suicide. There were increased suicidal responses compared to placebo. In other words, the drugs was agitating people and making people suicidal who hadn't been suicidal before. They were getting manic responses in people who hadn't been manic before. They were getting psychotic episodes in people who hadn't been psychotic before. So you were seeing these very problematic side effects even at the same time that you were seeing very modest efficacy, if any, over placebo in ameliorating depression. Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

"Antidepressants are the biggest fraud in the world.  Number one, Prozac gives you a royal soft-on like you wouldn't believe, and number two you never know all the side effects.  I look at the pharmaceutical companies as the drug barons, the psychopharmcologists as the mules and the patients as the victims.  They're innocent because they think they're being cured."--Robert Evans, film producer (Observer Magazine 22 sept 2002)

Referring back to Graham Aldred’s accounting of just the top three antidepressants, Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft, if the FDA’s conclusions are accurate and the 4% greater risk of suicidality is carried over into the general public, at a minimum the number of people susceptible to the adverse reactions to the drugs could be in the millions. But, hey, the FDA’s “warning” intimates that it was only those people who participated in short-term studies that experienced violent and even suicidal thoughts. Those other 68 million people taking just three of the top-selling antidepressants shouldn’t have a problem. But, if the reverse logic is applied to the FDA’s and APA’s language, this psycho-pharma yah yah is the equivalent of saying that the percentage of the people who reportedly benefited from taking the mind-altering drug also doesn’t carry over into the general population—that the benefits are limited just to the short-term studies. Mental-health officialdom doesn’t want to go down that road because the FDA’s data reveal that sugar pills were as effective as the drugs in a majority of the clinical trials, but this astounding fact didn’t prompt the drug approval agency to pull the mind-altering drugs from the market. This is no small point when one considers that the agency’s overriding purpose is to ensure that the drugs are safe and effective. Psyched Out - HOW PSYCHIATRY SELLS MENTAL ILLNESS AND PUSHES PILLS THAT KILL by Kelly O'Meara

Basically, what Eli Lilly (Prozac's manufacturer) had to do was cover up the psychosis, cover up the mania; and, in that manner, it was able to get these drugs approved. One FDA reviewer even warned that Prozac appeared to be a dangerous drug, but it was approved anyway.
    We're seemingly finding all this out only now: "Oh, Prozac can cause suicidal impulses and all these SSRIs may increase the risk of suicide." The point is that wasn't anything new. That data was there from the very first trial. You had people in Germany saying, "I think this is a dangerous drug."
    Before the late 1980s -- in the early '80s, before Prozac gets approved. Basically what Eli Lilly had to do was cover up that risk of mania and psychosis, cover up that some people were becoming suicidal because they were getting this nervous agitation from Prozac. That's the only way it got approved.
    There were various ways they did the cover-up. One was just to simply remove reports of psychosis from some of the data. They also went back and recoded some of the trial results. Let's say someone had a manic episode or a psychotic episode; instead of putting that down, they would just put down a return of depression, and that sort of thing. So there was a basic need to hide these risks right from the beginning, and that's what was done.
    So Prozac gets approved in 1987, and it's launched in this amazing PR campaign. The pill itself is featured on the cover of several magazines! It's like the Pill of the Year [laughs]. And it's said to be so much safer: a wonder drug. We have doctors saying, "Oh, the real problem with this drug is that we can now create whatever personality we want. We're just so skilled with these drugs that if you want to be happy all the time, take your pill!"
    That was complete nonsense. The drugs were barely better than placebo at alleviating depressive symptoms over the short term. You had all these problems; yet we were touting these drugs, saying, "Oh, the powers of psychiatry are such that we can give you the mind you want -- a designer personality!" It was absolutely obscene. Meanwhile, which drug, after being launched, quickly became the most complained about drug in America? Prozac!
     In this county, we have Medwatch, a reporting system in which we report adverse events about psychiatric drugs to the FDA. By the way, the FDA tries to keep these adverse reports from the public. So, instead of the FDA making these easily available to the public. so you can know about the dangers of the drugs, it's very hard to get these reports.
    Within one decade, there were 39,000 adverse reports about Prozac that were sent to Medwatch. The number of adverse events sent to Medwatch is thought to represent only one percent of the actual number of such events. So, if we get 39,000 adverse event reports about Prozac, the number of people who have actually suffered such problems is estimated to be 100 times as many, or roughly four million people. This makes Prozac the most complained about drug in America, by far. There were more adverse event reports received about Prozac in its first two years on the market than had been reported on the leading tricyclic antidepressant in 20 years.
    Remember, Prozac is pitched to the American public as this wonderfully safe drug, and yet what are people complaining about? Mania, psychotic depression, nervousness, anxiety, agitation, hostility, hallucinations, memory loss, tremors, impotence, convulsions, insomnia, nausea, suicidal impulses. It's a wide range of serious symptoms.
    And here's the kicker. It wasn't just Prozac. Once we got the other SSRIs on the market, like Zoloft and Paxil, by 1994, four SSRI antidepressants were among the top 20 most complained about drugs on the FDA's Medwatch list. In other words, every one of these drugs brought to market started triggering this range of adverse events. And these were not minor things. When you talk about mania, hallucinations, psychotic depression, these are serious adverse events.
    Prozac was pitched to the American public as a wonder drug. It was featured on the covers of magazines as so safe, and as a sign of our wonderful ability to effect the brain just as we want it. In truth, the reports were showing it could trigger a lot of dangerous events, including suicide and psychosis.
    The FDA was being warned about this. They were getting a flood of adverse event reports, and the public was never told about this for the longest period of time. It took a decade for the FDA to begin to acknowledge the increased suicides and the violence it can trigger in some people. It just shows how the FDA betrayed the American people. This is a classic example. They betrayed their responsibility to act as a watchdog for the American people. Instead they acted as an agency that covered up harm and risk with these drugs. Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker