Raffi Berg
Mossad Israel BBC

[Dec 24] The BBC's Civil War Over Gaza. when Jones began this reporting as an independent journalist and reached out to Berg for comment, Berg at first hired the famous defamation lawyer Mark Lewis, who is also former Director of UK Lawyers for Israel. Jones is a Guardian columnist and hosts his own searing independent news coverage on YouTube.

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East Editor Exposed as CIA, Mossad Collaborator Berg came to public attention in December after Drop Site News published an investigation based on interviews with 13 BBC staffers who present him as a domineering figure, systematically blocking coverage critical of Israel and manipulating stories to suit pro-Israel narratives.  The 9000-word report, written by popular journalist Owen Jones, is extensive and well-researched. However, one aspect of the story it almost completely avoids is Berg’s connections to the U.S. national security state, which MintPress News can now reveal. According to his LinkedIn profile, Berg was an employee of the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) three years before joining the BBC. The FBIS is understood the world over to be a CIA front group known for gathering intelligence for the agency.

PROFILE: Mossad man gave Raffi full story of heroic operation  And he received his first taste of covertness when he landed a position as news editor for a section of the American State Department, as it later transpired he was, in fact, working for the CIA. Raffi laughed: “I am not embellishing this, it is absolutely true.  “I worked for the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, which is the equivalent of BBC Monitoring.  “One day, I was taken to one side and told, ‘you may or may not know that we are part of CIA, but don’t go telling people’.  “I was absolutely thrilled, and was not too much of a surprise because the application process was enormous — it took 10 months.  “They went through my character and background with a fine tooth comb, asking if I had ever visited communist countries and, if I had, did I form any relationships while I was there.”  Raffi joined the BBC as an online reporter in June, 2001.  And, just three months later, he was the first person at the corporation to break the news of  Zionist false flag 911.

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East Editor Exposed as CIA, Mossad Collaborator