Impaired Health: ITS CAUSE AND CURE

A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease


Book in chapters

 (This book first appeared at the Soil and Health Library, an important source of books
on holistic agriculture, holistic health, self-sufficient living, and personal development)

 I have found no better definition for disease than the following: Disease is the morbid process considered in its entire evolution from its initial cause to its final consequence; affection is a morbid process considered in its actual manifestations, apart from its cause. J. H. TILDEN, M.D.

Publishers Forward
CHAPTER I : Medicine-as a Science, as an Art
CHAPTER II: Disease-What Is It?

CHAPTER III: The Study of Medicine
I. Pathology
   A. Etiology
      1. Environmental Agents
      2. Physical Agents
      3. Chemical Agents
      4. Animate Agents
      5. Nervous Reactions
      6. Nutrition
      7. Diatheses
      8. Heredity
9. Pathology of the Fetus
      10. Inflammation
      11. Septicemia
      12. Tumors
      13. Synergies
B. Pathogeny
   C. Pathological Physiology
   D. Pathological Anatomy
   E. Symptomatology
   F. Nosology
II. Diagnosis
III. Prognosis
IV. Therapeutics