co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole)
Bactrim, Septrim
2023] Does HIV Cause AIDS? New Book Highlights Work of Virologist Whose Research
Contradicted Official Narrative As with COVID-19, one of the key tools used
to promote the “HIV causes AIDS” narrative was the use of the PCR test. There
are also other similarities to what happened with COVID-19, including the
vilification and discrediting of scientists and therapies that could effectively
address the disease....Bactrim was an inexpensive generic drug that effectively
treated AIDS-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, which was frequently fatal.
This drug, like ivermectin, was withheld. Instead, Fauci insisted AIDS patients
be treated with AZT, a horrendously toxic and expensive cancer drug that was
never proven to work, and which killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients, most
of them gay men..
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Drug-induced meningitis should be considered in differential diagnosis of
meningeal irritation in patients receiving therapy with anti-infective, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, or other selected agents. This report describes a
case of aseptic meningitis associated with use of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in a
patient without apparent underlying autoimmune disease. The patient recovered promptly
after the offending agent was withdrawn. No specific treatment other than symptomatic and
supportive care need be given. In all instances, however, infection must be excluded.
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