I couldn't wait to make my own 108 and started the next day making a template on paper, using the picture Cesco once posted on EW (enlarged 6 times for the square meter endresult):
See picture on whale.to page: http://www.whale.to/b/108_h.html
However, taping the twentyfour pages together into one print, turned out rather messy. Despite my tongue in cheek effort, the circle became all crooked. Using my compasses to draw the 108 on another sheet, left me with a buzzing headache of all the measurements. I sure lost my touch with maths!
So in the end, I gave myself a break and ordered a weatherproof outdoor poster of the 108 template on pvc sheet. This Dutch company makes a 110x110cm sheet for about 108 euro

1) download the 108 picture on http://www.whale.to/b/108_h.html
2) enlarge it 6 times on your own computer (to match the approximate square meter)
3) and order a banner at the size to fit the enlarged template
Here is my finished 108 - well, almost finished, I had to make one more small tb...

It is too soon to tell wether it is really working against the radionics on my biz. It hasn't been up for a day yet. But for what it's worth: my computer screen stopped flickering for the first time in a year (I had grown accustomed to that flickering! Thought it was due to old age. Hopefully it doesn't start tomorrow again, hehe). Physically, I felt my feet charka burning healthy unlike I have experienced in over a year too. So far, so good. I will report more in time.
It would be my pleasure to order a template for EW members. Since we all are radionics targets, our observations might be worthwhile. Please PM me for that.
Last edited by Carolien1 on Yesterday at 09:45; edited 3 times in total