When they told me about it I was touched because the trips to Mombasa to toss orgonite for the dolphins, five and four years ago, were probably what began to develop the current momentum in Africa for orgonite distribution. David Ochieng & his wife, Emmah, Mrs Odondi and her son, Billie, Salva Kirr and his wife, Christine (now doing this business in Western Sudan), participated in those efforts. The dolphins showed up in large numbers, each time, which astonished the local fishermen because dolphins had otherwise been absent from there.
David Ochieng had made all the arrangments for the trips, including manufacturing the orgonite they'd taken along (quite a lot of it, I gather). On the second trip, he was poisoned so severely on the day they arrived in Mombasa that he was confined to the hotel room and had to be carried onto the bus for the return trip. We didnt' know about it until then but he recovered quickly after we worked on him in the international chatroom. He was poisoned at least one other time, before that, and was evidently murdered with faster-acting poison last year, along with his Emma and Salva Kirr, before we learned about it. We did learn about the poisonings of Christine and Lawrence this year, in time to help them in the chatroom and these two also thought to use their zappers after they were hospitalized, so they fully recovered.
Only a few of us in this unorganized movement get poisoned, by the way. It's a distinction that we'd all love to do without. Thanks to zappers, it's evidently very hard for the corporate world order to use poisons to kill someone thus armed and they've got some fantastically exotic poisons in their arsenal. Parasites are as parasites do, right? Mrs Odondi was hospitalized, three years ago, after having been shot in the leg by a soldier. She was mindful to get well out of the way of a riot, so I doubt it was a stray bullet.
The killings in Africa were very discouraging for many of us, as you can imagine, and a severe drought and the beginning of a famine were on the heels of that, evidently engineered to prevent the current happy developments. Our friends, there, were literally starving at the end of last year. Now, the sale of their orgonite is financing their current expansion, including taking orgonite to eager farmers and fishermen in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Western Sudan, Chad and Ethiopia. Donations to them are paying off by enabling them to have more orgonite to distribute and over a greater range. Nobody can network quite like Africans routinely do, as you may soon see

Andrea in Brazil has even interested Mrs O in flipping the death towers and weather weaponry, so as they travel they can ensure that there will be no more manufactured droughts in those regions.
If the pedophiles in Washington, DC would allow me to have a passport I'd go to Kenya next week. Anyone in the West of Asia who will go there. witness these developments and report about them will add another dimension to the historic nature of these developments and will help ensure that these pioneers will receive the credit they've been earning. I've got a big mouth but it's not big enough to get this done
