African disease
statistics quotes
[back] Africa
[African statistics are used to promote vaccine or drug selling in the West, and to push the drug genocide in the third world. They just make up the statistics to suit. The 'AIDS' stats are classic, see AIDS in Africa quotes. They know vaccination is useless and that malnutrition, lack of clean water and other diseases such as malaria are the real problem, so it is pretty obvious what the real agenda is as Kihura Nkuba points out nicely.]
AIDS in Africa quotes
Genocide & vaccination quotes
ARV genocide quotes
[2008] Lancet: Dozens of nations inflated vaccine numbers
Is it not, therefore, rather strange, Mr. President, that vaccination should be reported as so utterly harmless in the distant Philippines, where we can not easily get at the records, when we know it is so deadly in the nearby England and America, where the accessible records show that it causes, frequently, more deaths than smallpox, as I have already proved? For example: the great English Commission on Vaccination found that deaths from vaccination were sometimes as high as seventy deaths per million vaccinated. This is twice as high as the mortality from smallpox in the United States, which for five years, from 1901 to 1905, including our last great epidemic period of 1901 and 1902, averaged only thirty-four deaths per million population! [1920 USA] HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED BY CHAS. M. HIGGINS
For the president of South Africa, Mbeki, the discrepancy between what European and US newspapers write about his country (drastic population reduction) and what´s actually happening in his country (doubling of the population within the past 30 years), was striking, hence he refused to follow the general (American) AIDS-politics and instead, called the meeting of experts who had the task to examine whether or not HIV was actually the cause of AIDS. BSE/AIDS/Hepatitis C Infectious or Intoxication Diseases? By Claus Köhnlein
The reality of the years between 1952 to
1970, and afterwards, prove that Dr Flegg’s mathematical equations are about as
relevant as saying that the measles death rate in Africa, is comparable to the
Measles death rate in UK.
In reply to Peter Flegg’s expansion
of my question to him: no, it did not occur to me that Peter Flegg would decide
to include the third world when the BMJ was discussing a topic based in UK.
But since Peter Flegg wishes to
compare apples with army jeeps, let's discuss his concept of that as well. Flegg
states that, "in 1999 there were estimated to be 873 thousand deaths from
measles, reducing to 530 thousand in 2003."
Last year, WHO (2) stated that
measles mortality in Africa had slashed the death rate from measles by 91% since
2000. This 91% is an artifact figure, because before 2000, measles in Africa was
"estimated", while after 2000, notifications were only accepted after being
laboratory proven. In 2000, WHO implemented a system of laboratories (3)
specifically to diagnose measles, and provide the laboratory confirmed cases
which are now the basis of WHO data.
Look at pages 2, and 14. On page
14, 14,185 cases were reported in 2006, but after blood testing, 9,764 were
"discarded". That's an immediate 69% drop in cases, because they are no longer
relying on doctor's eyes.
On page 2, of 14,185 cases, 3,257
were accepted, leaving a balance of 10,928 discarded measles cases which equals
77% which were NOT measles after being blood tested, but which would have been
accepted on the pre- 2000 measles notification system. Comparing data from
laboratory-confirmed blood tests after 2000, with pre-2000 guessing, and then
claiming a 91% decline, is not a valid scientific comparison.
Which raises an obvious issue.
Peter Flegg says that clinicians caring for measles cases " would have had no
doubt. Acute measles is a relatively easy clinical and laboratory diagnosis."
Did (and can) UK doctors do any better than those who guessed measles in Africa
before 2000, or even New Zealand for that matter? That depends on who you listen
to. ----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
In countries like UK the decades of pre-vaccine death decline is obviously
due to factors unconnected with the use of any vaccine. For the same reason, the
WHO media release claiming that the measles vaccine has reduced the measles
death rates in Africa by 91% between 2000 – 2007, defies logic, analysis and
reason for anyone who knows the facts. I note that Peter Flegg has stopped short
of repeating that spectacular assertion. Perhaps it's because even he can see
the ludicrousness of such a claim.
If that is the case, the Peter
Flegg fails to mention that comparative data in the UK, uses the same "mistake".
Total numbers without any laboratory confirmation before 1994, cannot be validly
compared with laboratory-confirmed cases only. To do so is not legitimate
"science". ----Hilary Butler
[Letters BMJ
Becoming Ben Oct 2008]
"The WHO estimates that there are 200,000 cases of yellow fever per year worldwide--despite official WHO statistics through 2004 showing an average of less than 1,000 cases per year for the past 35 years. About 90% of cases occur in rural sub-Sahara Africa near the equator. the remaining cases occur in South America....Nigeria, the country with the greatest number of recorded cases since 1950, had just 49 cases from 1995 through 2004, with 11 deaths. Ghana had 13 during the same 10 year period. Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z. Miller. (p.447)
According to government, measles was a threat to national interest, claiming more than 40,000 lives every year (a statistic which is laughable since most people who get measles stay at home and treat it and the majority of sick people go to private clinics that do not keep records this figure was of course trumped up). This of course is a questionable statistic since the majority of deaths in Uganda are not registered and few parents remember any measles death. No point in registering a person once he has died. Forty thousand people are far much less than those killed in Uganda annually due to the civil war, dwarfs the figure for malaria, which kills a child every five second and for which governments is happy to ignore. Update: Letter from Kihura Nkuba October 20th, 2003.
"They are running a monopoly and they will lie, cheat and steal to keep it that way....... I think that no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they are made, what they carry, what has been lied to them about and what the real percent of danger is of contracting such a disease, which is minimal......And according to those figures as compared to those from the Encyclopaedia Britannica for that same year they had inoculated (in Africa) according to their statement, twenty million people more that the total population, every man woman and child of the countries in question. Now if you can lie so crassly and have enough people to back you up about lying about how many you inoculate the question may arise of have you inoculated any at all? Did you use the same ..what did you do? We dont know anything they are saying be cause they are lying from the moment go. So you know you really have very little frame of reference excepting that theres something very fishy in the whole process."---Dr Eva Snead
Real problems in Africa ignored
They say that
if children are not vaccinated against measles millions of children could die
during a measles epidemic. They know this is nonsense. What they are using is
examples taken from developing countries with poor nutrition and poor immune
function in which such epidemic death can occur. In the United States we would
not see this because of better nutrition, better health facilities and better
sanitation. In fact, most deaths seen when measles outbreaks occur in the United
States occur either in children in which vaccination was contraindicated, the
vaccine did not work or in children with chronic, immune-suppressing diseases.
In fact, in most studies these children catching the measles or other
childhood diseases have been either fully immunized or partially immunized. The
big secret among "vaccinologists" is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of children
are not resistant to the diseases for which they have been immunized. THE TRUTH BEHIND THE VACCINE COVER-UP
By Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Malnutrition is to blame for more than half of all the deaths of children around the world -- including deaths caused by diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria and measles, researchers said on Thursday. Poor nourishment leaves children underweight and weakened and vulnerable to infections that do not have to be fatal, the team at the World Health Organization and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found. They estimated that feeding all children worldwide an adequate diet would prevent about 1 million deaths a year from pneumonia, 800,000 from diarrhea, 500,000 from malaria, and 250,000 from measles...... They estimate that 52.5 percent of all deaths in young children were attributable to undernourishment, with nearly 45 percent of measles deaths and more than 60 percent of deaths from diarrhea associated with low weight and poor nutrition. [Media, Jun 17] Better Nutrition Could Save Millions of Kids-Study
In Africa polio does not kill anybody and they say it's very rare to catch. It's really very rare to get paralytic polio. They say it's in very rare circumstances, so what is it that is killing people in Africa ? Malaria. Every five seconds a child is dying of malaria in Africa. Now to get the dose of life-saving anti-malaria is about $5 but there is no government to give anti-malaria. When somebody gets malaria, if they have no money they even die. So the question I was asking and many people were asking was 'If you really want to help children, why begin with a disease that they don't have ? (applause) Why not look for something that is killing them and save them from what is killing them ?' And then (inaudible) ............. 'you know what, I like you very much. I save your children from this killer disease. Now there are no other diseases apart from this rare polio, so let's go and fight that as well.' But you don't begin with the rarest disease and spend all the government's meagre resources fighting polio, which is not a threat to most people, and then ignore something that is killing them in large numbers like malaria, like AIDS, like cholera, issues to do with sanitation, stunted growth - all the main things that matter to people the government was not fighting. Ugandan Kids Die By 1,000s ---A Transcript of a talk given by Kihura Nkuba (Nov 2002) [emphasis added]
"The forcing of them to take a vaccine against a disease they know to be harmless and which they know how to cure in its harmful state was seen as government hell bent on killing its own population for the benefit of commanding whiteworld.....Uganda spent nine million of its meager resources marketing this European product (the money spent would have build 120,000 protected water springs giving 30% of the country access to clean water, it would have built ten ultra modern research centers looking at, for example, pests that are threatening the banana crop, but government chose European impose priorities." "--Kihura Nkuba 2003
Gates' gimmick of becoming a philantropist repeats the
Rockefeller scam almost one to one a century later.
But that is not enough. Gates
serves as the financier of a whole shipload of ARV missionaries, including ex-U.S.
President Clinton who promotes the deadly business with ARV drugs in Africa and
other developing nations.
One may ask: don't they know the
facts that toxic ARVs damage the immune system and actually accelerate immune
deficiencies? Of course they do! So what is the motive for their action? It is
strikingly simple:
If the governments of the
developing worlds realize that the ARV genocide is the dirtiest way yet to
replace the old colonial dependencies between the rich and poor nations of this
planet, they will terminate this business. They will, like South Africa, choose
a health care system independent of the sickening and economically devastating
dependency from the pharmaceutical colonialism.
The equation is simple: the end of
the AIDS business with disease will destroy the entire credibility of the
pharmaceutical industry and will terminate the drug investment business
worldwide. The collapse of this mulit-billion dollar investment business, in
turn, will lead to a major crisis of the whole investment industry. In other
words, the "Mother Theresa" PR-stunt of Bill Gates is a desperate, self-serving
activity trying to stop this meltdown. If Gates is not successful, and the AIDS
genocide by the drug cartel is ended, then the whole paper-wealth of Billy Gates
is worthless.
Got it?
Considering the genocidal consequences of the activities of these organizations,
especially in promotion of the ARVs, this entire program "Alliance for a Green
Revolution" is nothing else than a fig leaf and another PR-stunt. The "marriage"
between Gates and Rockefeller, 10 days after we exposed their business interests
in Africa, is a confirmation for the accuracy of our exposure.---Dark
cloud over good works of Gates Foundation