American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. letter Dr. Charles H. Halstead, Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Letter of February 15, 2006 that alerts him to the dangers of infant formula feeding for the formation of the brain neurotransmitters necessary for social bonding and requesting his support for a national review of this subject by DHHS Secretary Leavitt and the urgent need to take corrective actions. (last modified ).
Charles H. Halsted, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
E-mail response to Dr. Prescott's letter of 15 February 2006 requesting his support for national inquiries into the malnutrition of infant formula milk upon brain-behavioral development, which contributes to the development of the neurodissociative brain. Dr. Prescott's reply regrets his refusal to become involved in this national public health issue that affects the lives of millions of children. (last modified ).

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. letter to DHHS Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
Letter of February 15, 2006 alerting him to the letter sent to Dr. Halstead concerning