Mohammed A. Al-Bayati
"Prior to October of 1997, I believed that HIV was the cause of AIDS based solely on the information that had been reported by the United States Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) and the AIDS establishment. However, my view was unquestionably changed when I evaluated the medical evidence on the worldwide AIDS epidemic. My findings clearly show: 1) The HIV-hypothesis is not supported by any medical fact and AIDS is caused by agents and factors other than HIV. 2) The proponents of the HIV-hypothesis have long overlooked crucial and essential medical evidence that clearly describes the real causes of AIDS. 3) The results of clinical studies on AZT, protease inhibitors, and nevirapine indicate that these agents can cause severe systemic damage, AIDS, and death."----Mohammed A. Al-Bayati
Mohammed Al-Bayati's Curriculum Vitae
[2008 pdf] Analysis of causes that led to baby Jackie Ray’s developmental delay and intracranial bleeding by Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, PhD, DABT, DABVT. M.A. Jackie’s health problems were induced by the 7 vaccines given to him on April 30, 2007. Jackie was ill when he was vaccinated and vaccines should not be given to a sick child. I have evaluated cases of infants and a toddler who died as a result of adverse reactions to vaccines. I also evaluate cases of children and adults who developed serious health problems from vaccines. The allegations of Shaken Baby Syndrome and child abuse made in this case are false and Jackie’s father is innocent.
[Media Dec 20020--SBS] Dixon man on crusade for justice
Analysis of Causes That Led to Baby Alan
Ream Yurko’s Cardiac Arrest and Death in November of 1997 ------Mohammed Ali
Al-Bayati, Ph.D., DABT, DABVT
Analysis of Causes That Led to Baby Alan Ream Yurko’s Cardiac Arrest and Death in November of 1997 ------Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, Ph.D., DABT, DABVT a/bayati6 a/pdf/AL
[Letter May 2002] DO Not Give Your Soldiers Toxic Drugs:
HIV Does Not Cause AIDS
[Letter April 2002] Stop Giving People Toxic Drugs: HIV Does
Not Cause AIDS
[Letter March 2002] AIDS in Africa is Caused by
Starvation and Medications
[Letter March 2002] Keep The Dentist Working: HIV Does Not
Cause AIDS
[Letter Jan 2002] HIV Does Not Cause AIDS
[Media June 2001] Hair loss & anthrax vaccine
Analysis of causes that led to toddler Steven Young’s respiratory arrest, intracranial and retinal bleeding, bronchopneumonia, peritonitis, and death by M. A. Al-Bayati (473 KB)Analysis of causes that led to Charles Fleming’s illness and sudden death by M. A. Al-Bayati (568KB)