Childbirth & Birth trauma Racket
Human Abuse  Child Health  Hospitals  Obstetrics and Gynaecology Rackets (Conspiracies)

'There is a method in their madness.'  ~  Jeanice Barcelo
Errare humanum est sed diabolicum preservare… (to err is human, but to preserve an error is diabolic)
"Almost every stage of obstetrical procedure in the Hospital is part of the mechanism that enables the doctor to create his own pathology."---Robert Mendelsohn M.D

[Diabolical attack on Bonding (attachment).  Has to be deliberate, as no one could be that ignorant, and it would be out of character for them (see: Human Abuse  Allopathic Rackets) and the most vaccinated population, the USA, was 34 on the Infant death rate which tells you all you need to know about vaccine Deaths.]

See: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Twilight Sleep Bonding (attachment)  Drugs in pregnancy  Foetus hazard quotes  Suppressing sexuality Family Abuse 

Jeanice Barcelo
Ashley Montagu
James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Hospitals

  Soy milk
Circumcision (male)
Cord Clamping
Electronic fetal monitor (EFM)
Female genital mutilation
In vitro fertilisation, surrogacy
Oxytocin (synthetic)  (trade names: Pitocin and Syntocinon)
Pregnancy (drugs during)
  Vaccination during pregnancy
Soy milk
Undisturbed First Hour
  Ingredients Mercury Aluminium
Vitamin K

[2015 Book] Birth Trauma, and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine:  Exposing the Systematic Violence During Hospital Birth and the Attempt to Hijack Our Souls by Jeanice Barcelo 

[2015 May] 7 Huge Benefits of An Undisturbed First Hour After Birth

[2015 Jan] Why are Medical Professionals who Deliver Babies in Hospitals Choosing to have their Own Babies at Home?

[2015 Jan] Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

[2013] OXYTOCIN, HUMAN LOVE, AND HUMAN BONDING by Jeanice Barcelo  Every single hospital birth protocol undermines the capacity for mother, father, and child to bond. Damaging technological interventions disrupt the production of natural oxytocin, and these include (but are not limited to) induction, amniotomy, fetal heart monitors (especially the internal ones that are literally SCREWED into the baby’s skull), the use of cytotec, pitocin, demerol (or any drugs whatsoever) during labor or immediately after birth, c-section, the unnecessary, sadistic, and violent clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord, the theft of infant cord blood, oral suctioning, putting ointment in the baby’s eyes so that his/her eyes burn and he/she cannot make eye contact with his/her parents, infant swaddling (which prevents skin-to-skin contact, restricts all movement, and causes baby to go into parasympathetic shock), highly toxic vaccinations immediately after birth, so-called vitamin k shots, separating mother and child for any length of time during the first hour after birth, neonatal intensive care unit (which are brutal), circumcision, and the list goes on.

Why Americans Ought To Reevaluate What They Were (Falsely) Taught about Child Birth

Pregnancy and Chiropractic By Martha Collins, D.C.

[2006] Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) for fetal assessment during labour.   Continuous cardiotocography during labour is associated with a reduction in neonatal seizures, but no significant differences in cerebral palsy, infant mortality or other standard measures of neonatal well-being. However, continuous cardiotocography was associated with an increase in caesarean sections and instrumental vaginal births. The real challenge is how best to convey this uncertainty to women to enable them to make an informed choice without compromising the normality of labour.

[2013] Babies born at 37 and 38 weeks at higher risk for adverse health outcomes
[2015] Inducing babies at 37 weeks 'cuts risks of child dying or developing a serious health condition such as cerebral palsy' 

"Almost every stage of obstetrical procedure in the hospital is part of the mechanism that enables the doctor to create his own pathology."---Robert Mendelsohn M.D

  1. Petocin is used to induce the delivery prematurely (for doctor's convenience and golf schedule).
  2. The petocin causes exaggerated unnatural pain.
  3. An epidural is needed to reduce the agonizing pain caused by the unnecessary pharmaceutical that was previously administered.
  4. The epidural then impairs the delivery, so even more petocin is given.
  5. The double dose of petocin causes contractions to be much more severe, and last for longer periods of time.
  6. This combination begin compromising the oxygen and blood flow to the baby.
  7. Women are placed on their backs, in the legs-in-stirrups position, making labor even more difficult for both mothers and babies, but it is more convenient for the doctors.
  8. As the baby is increasingly harmed by all of these things, sometimes an emergency C-section becomes necessary.
  9. When it is finally over, the doctors then applaud themselves concerning how great their interventions were at saving a child who would have never been in danger in the first place without their "help". Why Americans Ought To Reevaluate What They Were (Falsely) Taught about Child Birth

Insurance companies often refuse to cover home births, because supporting the alternatives would eventually eliminate our need for their health insurance. In other words, the American medical system's prices are kept artificially high, so that customers are forced to buy insurance, which has policies ensuring that medical prices continue being high for the sake of perpetuating its own wealth-generating existence. Insurance companies have an incestuous relationship with the medial establishment, and neither would support anything that might decrease our dependence upon them, or decrease cost. Insurance agents have a tendency to seek only advice from in-system doctors, who predictably claim that home births are dangerous. The statistical evidence overwhelmingly proves the opposite. For example, America has the most births performed in hospitals, but it has the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. Statistics prove that the more medical care a child receives, the more likely he is to die.

Allopathic Birthing History In All Its Shining Glory
In the 1930's, X-rays were used on pregnant women. It was later discovered that these gave the unborn children cancers, and the practice was stopped.
2.  In the 1940's through the 1960's, morphine and scopolamine were administered successively to induce "Twilight Sleep". It was believed that this would change the experience of labor forever, by eradicating pain. It merely produced amnesia afterward, so that mothers had no recollection of the traumatic events, and the drug furthermore caused women to lose self-control. Women were routinely placed in straight jackets and strapped down to beds, in order to stop them from hurting themselves. It was common for doctors to leave the new mothers strapped to beds during the drug-induced psychoses, screaming in terror for hours at a time -- sometimes laying in their own feces and urine.
3.  In the 1960's, the drug thalidomide was given to pregnant women, which resulted in infants who were born without arms and legs, and others with more random deformities. Thus, it too was eventually stopped.
4. In the early 1990's, Cytotec (misoprostol) was used to induce labor in women who previously had C-sections. This resulted in thousands of women with ruptured uteruses. This practice was abandoned in 1999, and the drug is now used for abortions. Why Americans Ought To Reevaluate What They Were (Falsely) Taught about Child Birth

They are expelled rather roughly and usually taken away from their mother, which is wrong. It's physiologically/psychologically wrong. Both baby and mother need each other more at that time than they ever will again. The baby should be put to nurse at his mother's breast whereupon it induces an enormous number of wonderful changes in the mother, such as an arresting of the postpartum hemorrhage, which no obstetrician can do under the circumstances, but a baby can do. Which indicates that there is more intelligence in the upper and the lower lip of one baby than all the brains of all the obstetricians put together. Ashley Montagu Interview by Michael Mendizza

In 1982, the state of California completed the largest study ever undertaken on the root causes of crime and violence. The number one cause was found to be medical interference with childbirth in our hospitals.---Joseph Chilton Pearce

There is no doubt in my mind….that a large proportion of brain-injured and learning disabled children are the result of obstetric drugs….Most women are unaware that obstetric drugs diminish the supply of oxygen to the unborn baby’s brain and can result in brain damage.---Diana Korte

" Every study that has compared midwives and obstetricians has found better outcomes for midwives for same-risk patients. In some studies, midwives actually served higher risk populations than the physicians and still obtained lower mortalities and morbidities. The superiority and safety of midwifery for most women no longer needs to be proven. It has been well established." ( Madrona, Lewis & Morgaine, The Future of Midwifery in the United States, NAPSAC News Fall/Winter 1993)

Pregnant women who want to avoid surgical birth know they have to avoid the hospital.....“Women are having their bodies completely hijacked,” says Dr. Jennifer Lang, M.D., a 38-year-old board certified ob-gyn based in southern California who specializes in complex gynecologic surgery and has attended over 1,000 births. Although Dr. Lang gave birth to her first child at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, she chose to have her subsequent children at home.....“After a lot of research and time working in the hospital I realized that I felt safer delivering at home without the time constraints and medical equipment restrictions like continuous fetal monitoring,” Dodge explains in an email.   Continuous fetal monitoring, though the norm in most American hospitals, has been repeatedly shown to increase the likelihood of C-section and instrumental birth without improving fetal outcomes. Hospitals in Scandinavia, where the infant and maternal mortality rates are much lower than in the United States, have discontinued its use......“In residency I witnessed complications that we doctors cause. There were so many,” Dr. Fish explains as her pudgy 7-month-old daughter Kailani gums her shoulder."....“But if doctors could step back they would see that the vast majority of these complications happen because of things that are done to the mothers in the process of giving birth in the hospital. When you take away medicinal pain relief, epidurals, restriction of food and water, staff coming in and out of the room, and routine vaginal exams while women are in active labor, you can significantly reduce the complications that are caused by the interventions themselves. Moms do better without unnecessary interventions than they do when they’re overly managed.” [2015 Jan] Why are Medical Professionals who Deliver Babies in Hospitals Choosing to have their Own Babies at Home?


Jeanice Barcelo  Birth Trauma and Humanity s Takeover
Jeanice speaks about how trauma is inflicted on infants during the birth process at hospitals, and that this trauma is deliberate and part of an evil agenda to compromise humanity.

Mercury  Wagnitz, Michael F.

Jeanice Barcelo   [2013] OXYTOCIN, HUMAN LOVE, AND HUMAN BONDING by Jeanice Barcelo

Infant death rate