CDC articles
[2011] CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality
Dear CDC: Raw Milk Outbreaks Are Not On The Rise.
[2012] CDC Cherry Picks Data to Make Case Against Raw Milk
CDC Caught Hiding Data Showing Mercury in Vaccines Linked to Autism
[2013 Jan] Video Footage Shows Prime Minister Visits Paralyzed Children,
Powerful Groups Involved in Vaccine Campaign By
Christina England
[2013 Jan] Minimum of 40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccine By
Christina England
[2012 Dec] The British Dimension - the WHO Mercury Cover-Up and the CDC By John Stone
[2012 Oct] Vaccine Research Conflicts of Interest: Vaxxed & Unvaxxed Kids Not Compared
[2012 Aug] Dad Pushing Autism Link Can Get More From CDC A federal judge found that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excessively redacted information sought by a father trying to establish a link between mercury-based vaccines and autism. Brian Hooker says there is "a mounting body of compelling scientific literature" that shows a relationship between the mercury-based compound and autism, but that the CDC and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have consistently denied the link.
[2012 June] HOW SWINE FLU WAS INVENTED By Jon Rappoport In my years as an investigative medical reporter, I've developed a rule of thumb when dealing with the US Centers for Disease Control: If they're not lying, they're lying. I've found this guideline works out well. It's almost magic.
[2012 May] Only the Most Functional Children Were Included in CDC’s Autism Study Shelley Tzorfas explains the deep flaws in the CDC’s latest study on autism prevalence. Could the real rate be as high as 1 in 6 children damaged by vaccines?.....I long for the good old days when children caught a little virus and got over it instead of today’s chronically ill children with Autism, ADHD, OCD, dangerous food allergies, diabetes, depression and whatever else is going around. I believe that the truer number of children with Autism will mimic more closely the 1 in 6 children in the United States who now have Developmental Disabilities.
[2012 June] CDC and Friends Sprinting Towards the Polio “Finish Line,” by Suzanne Humphries, MD
[2012 Feb] Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Safety Research CDC: It has at least three major COls that could hamper its ability to provide objective research about vaccines. It is also charged with controlling disabilities. If the research it sponsors were to identify vaccines as being hazardous and if the vaccination schedule it recommends is associated with autism, it would be forced to concede that its policies did not support its goals and actually promoted disabilities. Since the CDC is charged with promoting vaccination programs as well as assessing vaccine risks, it might be reluctant to sponsor research that uncovers risks it may have created.
[2011 Oct] CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality By Dr. Mercola
[2010 Sept] CDC allegedly falsifies reports--ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine
[2009 Oct] TEN MILLION LIES FROM THE CDC By Jon Rappoport
[2009 oct] LIARS IN THEIR OWN WEB By Jon Rappoport
[2009 Oct] CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Centers for Data Censorship and Propaganda? The review below concerns the newly published paper: The Incidence and Clinical Characteristics of Herpes Zoster Among Children and Adolescents After Implementation of Varicella Vaccination. Civen R, Chaves S, Jumaan A, Wu H, Mascola L, Gargiullo P, Seward JF. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 2009 Nov; 28(11):1-6.
[2009 Oct] Freedom of Information: Stalled at CDC and D.C. Government
[June 2008] CDC Has Lost Control of the Autism Argument by David Kirby