Chief Allopath (Medical Officer)

"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by the right names."  --- Chinese Proverb

[These are actually Chief Allopaths, hence the rubbishing of Homeopathy by Sally Davies, and Vitamin C by Margaret Wilsher, not forgetting Donaldson making a complete fool of himself fearmongering for vaccines.]

See: Chief Dental Officer Social dominators Psychopathy

Sally Davies
Dr Margaret Wilsher
Donaldson, Liam

[2013 Feb] As the Chief Medical Officer says the NHS shouldn't waste money on it, a fellow sceptic says... Cheers! Why you're far better off with a stiff G&T than homeopathy

[2013 Feb] Homeopathy charity run by Charles 'cowed civil servants' into supporting the therapy

[2010 Sept]  Auckland Health Board lies over Vitamin C by Keith Stewart  Earlier this week the Chief Medical Officer of the Auckland District Health Board, Dr Margaret Wilsher issued a statement saying, "no evidence exists to confidently say that high-dosage Vitamin C therapy is either safe or effective." She lied. ....Dr Wilsher and the entire membership of the Auckland City Hospital Clinical Practice Committee, who advised her, should be prosecuted by the Ministry of Health for their failure to act in the best interests of the public they serve.

[2010 Jan] Sir Liam’s Skeleton: the UK Department of Health Fabricates Flu Deaths to Boost Vaccination By John Stone

[2009 Nov] UK Drugs Dealer Supremo Squanders £1billion Plus On Swine Flu Sir Liam Donaldson's assertion that the British Swine Flu Plan was devised courtesy of Mexico with the best information to hand is analogous to the Weapons of Mass Destruction lie that got Britain into the war in Iraq. Anyone who puts a pandemic in place as a result of false stats and then continues to conflate and promote a mild illness to service the pharmaceutical industry and a British regime in trouble is an irresponsible political disgrace.

[2009 Sept] So we're not all going to die of swine flu after all: Chief medical officer reduces death estimates by two-thirds

[2009 July] Swine flu: Medical chief orders NHS to prepare for 65,000 deaths - with a toll of as many as 350 a day

[2006] Bird Flu warnings from Government Chief MOLying with the truth, but even that is a lie!

Bayly, Beddow   'Vaccines are Safe' lie

Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R.   Underlying conditions