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"DDT is good for me-e-e!"
Pennsalt produces DDT and its products in all standard forms and is now one of the country's largest producers of this amazing insecticide. Today, everyone can enjoy added comfort, health and safety through the insect killing power of Pennalt DDT products...and DDT is only one of many chemical products which benefit industry, farm and home.
KnoxOut for the home--helps to make healthier, more comfortable homes...protects your family from dangerous insect pests. Use KnoxOut DDT powders and sprays as directed...then watch the bugs 'bite the dust'.
KnoxOut for Dairies---Up to 20% more milk...more butter...more cheese...tests prove greater milk production when dairy cows are protected from the annoyance of many insects with DDT insecticides like KnoxOut Stock and Barn spray
Good for row crops.
Zimmerman and his colleagues advised that DDT be sprayed directly on dairy cows,
their feed, bedding and water, in a 5 percent solution. Dairy products are ideal
pesticide carriers because they are emulsions of fats and water. DDT is a waxy organochlorine with an affinity for fats, and is
efficiently carried by dairy products through the digestive tract into the
organs. In the mid-1940s the FDA advised against the use of DDT, especially on
dairy farms. However, the pressure of the industry to promote DDT was
overwhelming and the FDA's advice went unheeded.
[2002] Pesticides and Polio: A Critique
of Scientific Literature By Jim West
In 1946, when the Great Polio Epidemic was exploding, Zimmerman and Lavine advocated that farmers spray 5% DDT solutions upon dairy animals during feeding, in the air, upon their bodies and bedding. DDT Dosage In The Early 1950s