Moringa Oleifera
Moringa Oleifera Kills 97% of Pancreatic Cancer Cells in Vitro: A hot-water
extract of moringa leaves was shown to kill up to 97% of human pancreatic cancer
cells (Panc-1) after 72 hours in this study. Moringa, also called the “miracle
tree,” has a long history of use in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine due to
its many beneficial properties as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial,
antidepressant, anti-diabetes, pain and fever reducer and even relief from
asthma. But it also contains numerous powerful anti-cancer compounds such as
kaempferol, rhamnetin, isoquercetin and others. Latest research is now proving
out moringa’s anti-cancer potential with positive results so far against ovarian
cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma. Moringa is now extensively
cultivated throughout Southeast Asia, Oceania, the Caribbean and Central
America, but the largest crop in the world is produced by India – where it grows
natively. That may be one reason why the death rate from pancreatic cancer in
India is a stunning 84% lower than in the United States.
#Moringa #LiverCancer #Cancer