Offit Articles

Vaccine shedding lie

[2015 Feb] Paul Offit and Rotavirus Vaccine: Deaths on VAERS By John Stone  In the developed world rotavirus infection does not seem to be associated with mortality: this is not quite so with rotavirus vaccines, including Merck's RotaTeq vaccine in which Professor Offit had a share.....Reports on VAERS (9 February 2015) for the Offit/Merck Rotateq vaccine introduced in 2006 list 1,068 cases of intussusception with 10 accompanying deaths  (1 in 107) while Rotarix (introduced in 2008?) has 553 cases of intussusception  and 11 deaths  (a very disturbing rate of 1 in 50).

Do You Believe in Offit?

[2014 April] Action Alert: Dr. Offit, Please Stop Making Stuff Up About Regressive Autism

[2014 April] To Regressive Autism Denialist Paul Offit: "Not Born With It"

Offit Cashes In: Closing the Books on the Vaccine Profits of a Merck-Made Millionaire

The Offit Index: Tracking a Patent Owner’s Ongoing Financial Interest in One Vaccine’s Sales

Voting Himself Rich: CDC Vaccine Adviser Made $29 Million Or More After Using Role to Create Market

Counting Offit’s Millions: More on How Merck’s Rotateq Vaccine Made Paul Offit Wealthy

[2012 Aug] In Vaccines We Trust? Paul Offit threatens religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. A response According to a 2009 Philadelphia Magazine interview with Offit, a reporter asked him once if he was the Antichrist, and he replied, “I’m just one of the Devil’s many humble servants.

[2011 Dec] Paul Offit Lies About Jake Crosby; Tara Palmore Throws Him Out and NIH Covers it Up   Despite the estimated $10 million Paul Offit earned from RotaTeq vaccine sales and despite his Merck-sponsored chair at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, his lecture began with his incredible claim that he has no relevant financial disclosures. He even received a congressional reprimand for taking part in voting on vaccine policies for which he is conflicted. Here’s what he said instead: “I’m sorry. I have no financial conflicts of interest. This is my only real conflict is that I am a Philadelphia Eagles season ticket holder, which gives me an inability to actually effectively assess that team.” .......Throughout Paul Offit’s lecture, he claimed that Andrew Wakefield said that the MMR vaccine causes autism, including at the March 1998 press conference at the Royal Free Hospital; a transcript of Wakefield’s talk proves otherwise: “It’s a moral issue for me. I can’t support the continued use of these three vaccines, given in combination, until this issue has been resolved.”......The rest of the studies Offit cited were thrown out as uninformative either by the 2005 Cochrane Review, the recent 2011 IOM Report, or both. Indeed, all of these studies were created to cover-up a link between autism and vaccines .......Defending his institute’s bogus report, IOM President Fineberg lied on Salon that none of the review panelists had ties to CDC or pharma when many of them did.......Dr. Offit even lied that Kirby’s book was “paid for” by SafeMinds, which he dubbed an “anti-vaccine group.”

False Statements from David Tayloe and Paul Offit About Dangerous, Withdrawn Vaccine

Best of Age of Autism: Paul Offit’s Message: CDC, FDA, NIH, IOM, AAP, WHO and Merck Engaged in Pseudoscience

[2011 June] The Original Paul Offit By Jake Crosby

[2011 May] Paul Offit Agrees that Vaccines Cause Autistic Spectrum Conditions By John Stone

[2011 April] Paul Offit's Science Friction  by Hilary Butler  The problem is that Paul Offit's vision of compulsory control and compliance is based on a twisted figment of his imagination compiled from the views of similar zealots, not fact. 

Autism's false prophets, Offit's false arguments, selective omissions, and chelation denialism by Robin P Clarke

[2011 April] OC Register Corrects Autism Science Foundation Founder Dr. Paul Offit’s Lies (Finally) By J.B. Handley

Paul Offit – “Doctor of Vaccine Profit” Caught Lying – Again – Orange County Register

[2011 Jan] Paul Offit and the “Original Sin” of Autism By J.B. Handley  OK, let me be clear: I think Paul Offit is a blowhard liar, a vaccine profiteer and apologist, and every time he opens his mouth he disrespects my son. When the final chapter is finally written on this man-made autism epidemic, I will do everything within my power to ensure that Offit is remembered by history as one of the most sinister, dishonest, well-funded talking heads pharma ever produced, and that his efforts served to afflict so many children with autism who may otherwise have avoided it.
    In one of the most absurd snowjobs ever put on the media, Offit, a doctor who has never seen a patient with autism, never treated autism, and never published a study about autism, is somehow considered to be an expert on autism. Given his status as a multi-millionaire vaccine patent holder who has had much of his career supported by Merck, this isn’t just absurd, it’s highway robbery, and yet the media persists, and rarely even mentions Offit’s Mount Everest-sized pile of conflicts.

[2010 Sept] Autism Speaks Mangles the Poling Decision: NYT Blog Adds Insult By J.B. Handley   “This message pertains specifically to Alison Singer. Every once in a while something is sent to me that really just burns me up. There is NOTHING more irritating than people who pretend that they have some sort of inside information that makes what they say meaningful on a topic. You, Alison Singer, appear to be one of those people…at least when it comes to my daughter, Hannah Poling. While you may feel that your daughter was destined to be autistic, I would never pretend to know the first thing about why your daughter has the issues that she does. And you would do well to stop acting as though you have ANY credible knowledge about my child.
Nothing makes you look more like a puppet on a string than to spill out the garbage about Hannah having an encephalopathy PRIOR to the July 19, 2000 vaccines. The ONLY person ever saying that has been PAUL OFFIT, your employer. And, this is only his wishful thinking. Paul needs to use his MD to practice medicine. I think he forgot and thinks it stands for marketing director.”

Dr. Paul Offit on National Public (Health) Radio

[2010 July] "Refusal" to vaccinate by Hilary Butler

[2009 Oct] Dr. Paul Offit, The Autism Expert. Doesn't See Patients with Autism? By J.B. Handley  Not only is Ms. Pisani’s conflict hidden from the reader, but her actual quote is a complete fabrication. Ms. Pisani has been advocating vaccines for children for YEARS, everything in her quote is a lie -- she wasn’t questioning the right thing to do when Offit’s book came along. A liar with a conflict of interest -- how perfect! 
....The lack of humanity, the lack of interest in recovering children, is this guy really a doctor? It would be like the Marlboro man shitting on a non-traditional treatment for lung cancer, because the treatment uses natural substances to pull tobacco tar out of people’s lungs. It’s horrible, repugnant, and so profoundly disrespectful of parents who ARE seeing recovery through biomedical treatment, I really don’t have the words to castigate Offit to the proper degree. In fact, it’s even worse than that. Offit and his comrades are actually rooting AGAINST recovery for our children, because if recovery from autism is actually possible through biomedical intervention, then autism is environmentally caused. And, if it’s environmentally caused, then the guy who will die known as “Mr. Vaccine” is in very deep kimchi, and his tombstone may actually end up reading, “Mr. Autism Epidemic Facilitator.”
.....Offit made up a conversation that never took place and blended something I wrote on a public message board for an entirely different reason to serve his own purpose......Our case wasn’t a slam-dunk. We’d proven Offit had lied, that was easy.

[2009 Sept] Offit's Failure to Disclose Jeopardizes Swine Flu Vaccine Program

[2009 June] Voting Himself Rich: CDC Vaccine Adviser Made $29 Million Or More After Using Role to Create Market the extraordinary valuation placed on CHOP’s patents raises concerns over Offit’s use of his former position on the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to help create the market for rotavirus vaccine -- to effectively vote himself rich.

[2009 Jan] Dr. Paul Offit: Fox in a Henhouse, the ACIP Years (1998-2003) By J.B. Handley

[2009 Jan] Tayloe, Offit, Minshew, Katz, Snyderman, et. al.: Feeding a Hungry Lie By J.B. Handley

[2009 Jan] The Vaccine Hard Sell at Pediatrics By Michael Wagnitz, B.S.

[Sept 2008] An Autism Mom's Open Letter to Dr. Paul Offit

[Sept 2008] Phalse Profits: Offit's Book Peaks At 8,173 By J.B. Handley

[Sept 2008] Olmsted on Autism: Paul Offit, False Prophet

Jon Poling Corrects Paul Offit Again, This Time in the NEJM

[Aug 2008] False Prophet: Rotateq, Created By Paul Offit, Responsible for at Least One Death By J.B. Handley

"A Review of: 'Vaccines and Autism Revisited - The Hannah Poling Case' [An article by Paul A. Offit, M.D.NEJM 2008 May 15; 358: 20] (30 May 2008; 13 pages)"

Here Offit says kids can take 100,000 vaccines at once.

[2008 Book] AUTISM'S FALSE PROPHETS Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure Paul Offit, MD
Columbia University

At Risk: Truth About Vaccines, Lawsuits & Shortages by Barbara Loe Fisher

[June 3, 2007 Letter] Boston Globe Publishes Bunk by Paul Offit In this article today Paul Offit claims measles would kill 3000 children every year in the USA.  Regrettably and as you can see from the attached graphs, that is wholly incorrect.  This kind of misinformation is putting childrens' lives and health at risk

Dr Offit experience

[June 2007] LET JUSTICE BE DONE By F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP

[NVIC March 2006] Infant Diarrhea Vaccine, rotavirus vaccine (RotaTeq)

[March 2006] Paul Offit Briefs Media On Vaccine Safety Concerns

NOTE:  The article on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) did not mention that:
1) Dr. Offit shares the patent on the Rotavirus vaccine in development by Merck (Application number 353547 ). He had a $350,000 grant from Merck for Rotavirus vaccine development. 
2) Dr. Offit is a consultant to Merck (listed on an attachment to his OGE 450), but does not want to disclose whether or not he received any remuneration for his services. (see

60 Minutes-REMINDER of who Dr. Paul Offit is