Stacy Mintzer Herlihy
"As for the vaccine
list, so what? The chemicals in question are in minute quantities and therefore
harmless. Do you fear drowning after drinking a glass of seltzer?"
[Can't handle the truth about vaccines so pulled the
Anti-Semite card, and accused whale of
calling for genocide against Jews! Truly desperate, but just looks like
gofer out of her depth.]
See Amazon Pharma trolls:
Podmore, William
Simpson, Michael
King, Andrew
banned postings onto her page, can't handle the truth:
'While Stacy is tolerant of scum on this page, I, Allison, am not. Scudamore os
an anti-Semitic lunatic, and while he's managed to turn the Amazon reviews of
the book into his own personal blog, he will not be allowed to do so here.
Scudamore, you already have a blog (a festering cesspool of filth, scum, and
lies) and are invited to post your shit there instead.'
Your Baby's Best Shot: Why Vaccines Are Safe and Save
Lives by Stacy Mintzer Herlihy , E. Allison Hagood, Paul A., M.D. Offit
I am one of the authors of this book. I am also Jewish. Whale to is a
notoriously anti-Semitic website. It is filled with horrifying accusations
against Jews and essentially calls for another holocaust which would involve
the literal murder of me and my daughters. I would like to publically voice
my sheer disgust that Amazon is allowing such an evil group to comment on my
book. I would also like to voice my disgust that not a single member of the
anti-vax community has stepped forward to condemn this organization's
unrepentant hatred.
J'Accuse, people, J'ACCUSE!
Garbage, June 23, 2013
Paranoid nonsense by nitwits with a dangerous
The authors allege that the pharm companies, pediatricians and world health
officials are engaged in a massive cover-up of vaccine dangers. A handful of
doctors are interviewed along with parents who believe their children were
endangered by vaccines. No scientific evidence is presented to back up such
Low profit vaccines are alleged to be huge wage earners. Meanwhile the
claims of anti-vaccine lawyers who hope to make a tremendous amount of money
suing pharm companies are presented uncritically. Why are we supposed to
believe that the vast majority of peds are engaged in a cover-up to hurt
children while lawyers hoping to make a fortune suing have clean hands and
pure motives?
Much of this focuses on the Gardasil vaccine. HPV is a dangerous illness
that has infected millions of Americans. Thousands will develop cancer as a
result. Rather than being presented as an incredible good that we have a way
of preventing this disease, the film editors ignore this fact in favor of a
bizarre series of unbacked assertions that the vaccine is harming children.
What kind of human beings fear safe and proven methods of preventing cancer
causing viruses? What kind of human beings shrug off deaths from cervical
cancer (as Ms. Fisher does!) as of no consequences?
Other nonsensical claims are also presented equally uncritically. We are
told that vaccine contain formaldehyde without being told that the average
pear also contains formaldehyde as well as your very own body. Dangerous
diseases like hep b are utterly downplayed while the minor risks of
vaccination are hugely exaggerated. We are told that large numbers of
unknown children are being sacrificed so that vaccine makers can earn a
profit. The film ignores that vaccines are tested extensively and have been
used to prevent disease for over two hundred years.
This argument makes no sense at all. We have no evidence that vaccines are
endangering children. We also have no evidence, contrary to the assertions
in the movie, that spacing out or delaying vaccines does anything but
putting children in danger needlessly while offering no benefits. We
certainly have no evidence that doctors and pharm companies and world health
officials are involved a conspiracy, as this insane movie argues, to hurt
massive numbers of children and then cover up that fact.
Ms. Fisher and her cohort of paranoid lunatics should be completely ashamed
of themselves. If a single young woman gets cancer or hepatitis b because of
their efforts, that will be to their eternal shame.
Thoughtful Critique of an Important Subject, August
26, 2012
This book is a highly readeable and intriguing
look at an important subject. Mr. Allen writes well and gives us insights
into the thought process of the anti-vax movement. He also walks the reader
through the long and facinating history of the development of vaccines. A
must for any parent or interested onlooker curious about this subject.
Other good books out there can also help readers understand this issue
including the following one that Mr. Allen praised:
Your Baby's Best Shot: Why Vaccines Are Safe and Save Lives
Published Drivel, August
26, 2012
The "author" has self published a screed full
of lies. Millions of children die each year for one reason and one reason
only: because they have no access to vaccines. Do not buy this book if you
want to find any real information on this topic. Instead read better books
on this topic by true experts such as Dr. Paul Offit.
Written Nonsense with a Dangerous Agenda, August
20, 2012
This book consists of a series of essays that
do nothing to inform the reader about this issue. Instead we are subject to
a series of disjointed essays that contain serious factual errors. For
example, the book asserts that we do not need to vaccinate for tetanus
because babies aren't in contact with rusty needles. Meanwhile thousands of
babies die each year because they lack access to the vaccine.
Worse, the book uses Ms. LeGuin's essay as a theme without her knowing about
it. I contacted her agent and she admits Ms. LeGuin is neither anti-vaccine
nor was she aware the authors had used her story in this way.
No parent should rely on this book for anything other than an examination of
the paranoia of the anti-vax movement.
Important Summary, August
20, 2012
A must-read for parents and anyone else
interested in this issue. Dr. Offit does not hesitate to tell the truth
about the history and current behavior of the anti-vax movement. As we find
ourselves in the middle of the largest epidemic of pertussis in a very long
time, we need more brave people willing to do the same.
Those who desire further information should read my book on vaccines as
well. Dr. Offit generously helped during the writing process.
Most people are already vaccinated. That still doesn't negate the fact that
the unvaccinated are far more likely to get vaccine-preventable diseases.
I have no idea why anti-vaxers always think people are being paid by pharm
companies when they tell the loons to stop threatening public health. Are
you paid by Wakefield? Mercola? The Age of Autism? Any other alterna-med
promoters like chiropractors and homeopaths?
As for the vaccine ingredients list, so what? The chemicals in question are
in minute quantities and therefore harmless. Do you fear drowning after
drinking a glass of seltzer?
Plumbing and clean water are all very nice but many vaccine-preventable
diseases like measles are airborne so that hardly makes much of a