Dr. Irwin Stone
Doctors and scientists
The Vitamin C Conspiracy
See: The Vitamin C Conspiracy Cot Death
"In one case where complete remission was
achieved in myelogenous leukemia…the patient took 24-42 gms vitamin c per day…it
is inconcievable that no-one appears to have followed this up….without the
scurvy, leukemia may be a relatively benign, non fatal condition. I wrote a
paper..in an attempt to have the therapy clinically tested..I sent it to 3
cancer journals and 3 blood journals..it was refused by all….Two without even
reading it."---Irwin Stone, Ph.D.
"Cot-death is no longer a problem of clinical medicine, but is one of medical politics. We have long had the knowledge and experience as to how these unnecessary deaths can be avoided. In the meantime.. to prevent your offspring from becoming a SIDS statistic just make sure that its daily intake of ascorbate from conception on is sufficient. Under this regime the neonate is so robust and healthy that there has never been a case of SIDS among these ascorbate corrected infants, not even a case of respiratory distress during birth."---Irwin Stone, Ph.D.(1981) in "Every Second Child" by Dr Kalokerinos (1974).
The Healing Factor:
Vitamin C Against Disease By Irwin Stone
[1984 Stone] Fifty Years of Research on Ascorbate: Stone, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1984
The recommended dietary allowance of 45 milligrams of ascorbate a day
for human adults, now proposed and used by nutritionists, is grossly inadequate
to restore Homo sapiens to a normal mammalian ascorbate physiology. To correct
fully this human genetic defect and banish epidemic chronic subclinical scurvy
requires daily intakes of ascorbate equivalent to, at least, the amounts
synthesized by the other mammals.
“Humans kept on a long term regime of full correction of this birth defect show
great salutary benefits in health maintenance, disease therapy and slowing of
the aging process. This can be regarded as the creation of a new and more
robust, longer-living, tough human sub-species, Homo sapiens ascorbicus...”
[AscorbateWeb Editorial: Dr. Stone was probably the first to identify the human/primate genetic mutation as the root cause of most of mankind’s great suffering and susceptibility to debilitating diseases. The US RDA of 60 mg. ascorbate daily (as of 2003) is still tragically, laughably inadequate for attaining or maintaining full health.]
[pdf] Taking the Cure: Irwin Stone: Orthomolecular Innovator and Educator by Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D.
Chronic drug addiction produces in the victims severe subclinical
scurvy, along with multivitamin and mineral dysfunction and protein
deficiencies. ...Methadone ... only continues the severe biochemical stresses
contributing to their illness.
“The treatment is entirely orthomolecular and inexpensive, is nontoxic, and uses
no drugs or narcotics ... sodium ascorbate is administered at 25 to 85 g per day
or more, along with high doses of multivitamins, essential minerals, and protein
hydrolysate. ...Under this treatment, the heroin or methadone is stopped and no
withdrawal symptoms are encountered. Should a “fix” be taken, it is immediately
detoxified and no “high” is produced. It is like injecting plain water.
“... [a] male, age 24. Began using heroin at age 15 and now had a habit costing
between $150 and $200 a day. ... He was such a skeptic of the value of our
orthomolecular program that... he first took 45 g of sodium ascorbate and then
in the space of five hours he “shot-up” $300-$400 worth of heroin, and he felt
no effect from this large amount of heroin. He continued on the ascorbate, 45 g
per day for 10 days, along with the vitamins, minerals, and protein supplement.
Then the dosage was reduced to 10 g sodium ascorbate and continued for another
30 days. The patient has moved out of the area, but when last seen, he was
drug-free and had an extreme sense of well-being and a good attitude.
“We speculate on ascorbate’s action as due to the high levels of sodium
ascorbate in the brain as competing for and displacing the narcotic from the
opiate receptor sites. ...it might be possible to use this phenomenon
postoperatively on surgical patients to quickly bring them out of anesthesia.”
[AscorbateWeb Editorial: Incredibly, at the start of the 21st century, methadone is still the preferred “treatment” for heroin addicts. The researchers of this study speculate about the genetic and biomolecular bases for Man’s susceptibility to opiate drugs. As for ascorbate’s observed property of nullifying the effects of opiates, there has been no evidence of follow-through on characterizing this in clinical or emergency practice.]
[1977 Letter Stone] Vitamin C and Drug Addiction: Letter to the editor, Orthomolecular Psychiatry
[1976] The Genesis of Medical Myths: Stone, Hoffer, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1976b
[1976 Stone] The Genetics of Scurvy and the Cancer Problem: Stone, Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1976c
Dogs and cats were found to be poor ascorbate producers and suffer from
chronic subclinical scurvy, especially when under stress. The full correction of
this genetic condition gives dramatic therapeutic results in sick animals and
consistent maintenance of full health and mental alertness when used as a
prophylactic measure.
“A 2-year-old, 65 pound German Shepherd with a grade #3 hip dysplasia was bred
and placed on 2 grams of sodium ascorbate daily. The pregnancy and whelping were
very uneventful with eight normal pups whelped. The pups were placed on 50 to
100 milligrams ascorbate a day during early puppyhood. This regime was repeated
through four litters. To date there is no dysplasia in the 30 pups.... These
preliminary results may provide the basis for a possible simple procedure for
preventing the very frustrating occurrence of canine hip dysplasia.”
[AscorbateWeb Editorial: Since lawyers, ethics committees and review boards seem to be less bothersome in veterinary medicine, one could expect great strides in the application of ascorbate to healing sick animals and keeping them healthy. Ironically, domesticated animals may end up healthier than their human masters.]
[1967] The Genetic Disease, Hypoascorbemia: Stone, Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, 1967
Man, some monkeys, guinea pigs and an Indian fruit eating bat... are the only mammals known to be unable to produce ascorbic acid in their livers. These few species are the only mammals that can contract and die of scurvy if deprived of exogenous ascorbic acid.”
[AscorbateWeb Editorial: In the early 1960s the theory of Mankind’s suffering from this genetic disease was developed. The author explores the implications of fully “correcting” this widespread chronic human deficiency of ascorbate.]
[1966] On the Genetic Etiology of Scurvy: Stone, Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, 1966
Heroin and Vitamin C
C and cot-death