When CArol gifted some of the power spots in
Ireland, three years ago, she encountered a creepy offworld
specie who resemble a form that shifts beteen spider and
octopus. It happened when she climbed down into a narrow crevice
to leave a HHg. The crevice is actually a deep faultline in one
of the main vortices of Ireland. She may comment more about
that in the thread. We got a late start in the 'MASH" chat
tonight due to hacker interference and some hangfires but spent
a long time dealing with a new appearance of these ancient
parasites on Dr STevo and CArol. Stevo had given Carol some
Himalayan sea salt during their visit last week and it became
apparent that when Carol drank the salt mixture in following
days the spider parasite, which had been hidden for three years,
was driven to the surface, so to speak.
Today, Stevo was violently and painfully assaulted by one of
them, which apparently planted eggs in his back between the
right shoulder blade and spine. Carol, Dooney and STevo mae it
to the chatroom a couple of hours after the scheduled start and
they were all seeing the same stuff happening with these
spiders, which Dooney's dodecahedron technique gradually
eliminated, including the eggs. They found a batch of eggs
behind Carol's heart, next to her liver and elsewhere in her
abdomen. I know that sounds pretty creepy but parasites are as
parasites do, after all.
By the way, a guy emailed me the other day to report phemenal
visual results with his new cloudbuster, in conjunction with
busting a lot of death towers for some distance around his home.
He made a point of saying that my talk about aliens really put
him off but I deserve some recognition for what he's done with
orgonite, at least. I told him not to focus on whateer I say
about aliens because that's not very important. I'm just
stating some observations for the record, not to convince people
that this stuff is real. I suggested that all of this will sort
itself out for him if it's important.
For folks who have these experiences an see similar sights,
reports like this are quite a comfort because we often naturally
wonder if we're nuts after we think about what we've seen.
We haven't yet seen this specie in perspective but it almost
seems as though the spider aliens were tagged to do what
everyone else among the sewer rat hierarchies have failed to do,
which is to eliminate our psychics. Dooney was dusted with a
cloud of nanobots from a very low-flying, four engine plane some
months ago when she was standing outside of their house. She got
quite sick from that but fortyunately we had a group session
that evening and managed to get her well and to disable the
nanobots in her body, which were apparently an experimental
joint proect of the US Air Force and the Chinese military,
sprayed on people in certain isolated spots in Western North
America, including Western Montana where Dooney and Stevo
live. We heard of no more similar sprayings since then, so
apparently we got to that particular sewer rat hierarchy
These spider/octopus parasites are not widespread but after
Carol came home from Ireland a few people in hte network, also a
few people who are not part of the network, contacted us about
having disquieting experiences with these aliens. That went on
for a few months and then gradually subsided. Now, I'm wondering
whether these folks should have some followup in case they're
hosting eggs, too.
The dodeca technique is an incredibly effective weapon and
protective measure and it's stood up well in all situations
since Dooney introduced it several months ago. I think it's a
'next level' development, like orgonite was the next level after
orgone accumulators.
Every time i express a solid hunch in the presence of our
marvellous psychics they rib me about my claim that I'm not

So, I offer this analogy: In my view, the really talented
psychics in our chat sessions are like virtuosi; ffeatured
soloists in an orchestra. I'm like the guy who gets to hit the
big cymbal once in awhile, on cue. A peek at our sheet music
gives another view of our respective measures of talent.
STevo rubbed it in again, tonight, on account of my posted
report of seeing purple water in that vortex Jeff and I had just
gifted offshore in the Gulf, near Marco Island.
This morning, by the way , during my walk I saw another UFO
up close, about a quarter mile away.
I'd only seen one other UFO in Florida since we got here (we
saw a wide variety when we spent a few months in Florida in late
00 to mid 01). Jeff and I saw that one weaving in and out of a
DOR bank above the seaside nuke plant we had just gifted but it
was pretty far away. It was in March, I think . It was
metallic but moved in a way that only antigrav craft can do. It
was apparently being used to try to bolster that DOR bank, which
may actually have been a thoughtform. Soon after that, that
persistent DOR bank near the nuke plant disappeared for good and
even the sea in front of the plant, where they continuosly dump
their radioactive effluvia, cleared up from Mississippi opaque
brown to lovely, clear aquamarine. I can't express how
gratifying it is to clean up a horrid patch of water with
The UFO I saw this morning had several white lights around it
and one red ligh, so I thought it was a helicopter at first.
This was an hour beore sunrise, so it was dark. When i saw the
thing quickly duck down behind some trees I immediately took off
my walkman headset to listen for chopper blades and watch for it
to pop up again but it had made no sound at all and I didn't see
it again.
I asked the psychics, this evening, whether the ship belongs
to good guys or bad guys and STevo looked at it and told me
it's a good one, which felt very comforting. I'd never seen a
UFO light configuration like that one..
We helped Igor get his naturopath friend in Central Italy
clear of the Jesuit freaks who were trying to destroy him and
several other reputable healers. Some whales took an interest
in destroying teh crystal that these Vatican parasites were
ritually chanting into, then Dooney dodeca'd all six of them out
of our dimension. We'll do some followup for him on Sunday.
Igor had to down a lot of coffee to participate in tonight's
chat because it started at 2AM for him. What a guy! Jeff an
Carol were successfully blocked out by government-employed
hackers this time but we managed to get it all done. CArol gave
me some cues on teh phone, since she was still able to read the
postings. She'll be back home next week.
We sent a bunch of energy to our new friend in Nairobi,
Shiro, who is in dire straits on account of her new commitment
to gifting. You'll be hearing that name quite a bit once she
hits her stride, pretty soon I believe.