We had just read a headline article in the local newspaper about the hight school football coach suddenly dying of 'flu-like symptoms' at a friend's home before he could be taken to a hospital.
There have been many diagnosed cases of swine flu in our area but none of them have been fatal or even life-threatening but a waitress in the restaurant (where we read the paper) told us that she heard that 20% of local MDs are refusing to take the swine flu shot because of the dangerously high mercury content

So, if PJ folks recognize that the shot is more dangerous than the flu how do you reckon the federal government is going to recover the credibility they're losing? Carol feels sure that the feds 'sacrificed' a popular high school football coach in the beginning of football season in order to 'encourage' the PJ folks to line up for the shots. They obviously can't force anyone but Depression Babies, drunken trailer trash and welfare recipients to get the shots, after all. I think that only the Depression Babies and the old Marxist hippies (NationalSocialist Public Radio devotees) actually want to take the mercury/bioweapon shots.
Dooney's chatroom was sabotaged during yesterday's chat session, so we struggled with the ineffective EW chatroom with some supplemental email and cellphone work. The prose looked like troglodyte communication because we werent' able to post more than two or three words per entry in the chatroom. Half the time we couldn't post anything at all.
Axel was entirely blocked from entering the chatroom and had to communicate with us through Carolien in The Netherlands (orgonite.eu).
FRancie and Axel did a great psi job under the circumstances and we worked intermittently on healing Carol and going after the people who tried to murder her (Jesuits--mainly sore about our gifting Gonzaga University?) We're toying with the notion that the Jesuits are also Vryal.
Carol spent 36 hours in bed and said that she came closest to death on Saturday morning. She's doing a lot better, now, but with a very sore liver and a headache. We'll see Doc Stevo in a couple of weeks--he's the best physician we know for providing fast healing. He evidently dragged me back from the brink of death after our beryllium poisoning episode, which damaged my heart pretty extensively.
I pay attention to Carol's hunches. She's feeling a little driven to put away a couple months' worth of wholesome food because she says there might be a disruption this winter and, if so, we won't be wanting to drive to town (Coeur d'Alene and Spokane). If the PJ folks get mad at the feds for trying tyo kill tyhem with mercury and bioweapons I can see why there might be a disruption for a bit

Thanks very much to the intrepid chatters for saving my wife's life!