May 4, 2010
The "War on Terror" is a protection racket. The aggressor is the world financial elite known as the "Crown" based in the City of London. Their instrument is the Zionist project, specifically Israel, the Mossad and its Neo Con allies.
The victim is the people of the United States and the West in general. The goal is the overthrow of Western Civilization, and the establishment of a Luciferian world police state called the "New World Order."
"Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. "It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon."
The Zionist Jewish leadership regards the Jewish rank-and-file as a pawn to be manipulated. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," says the author of Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order.
The holocaust tookplace in order to create Israel.Jews had to be terrorized into setting up Israel as a "national home," i.e. colonizing the Middle East. World Finance funded the Nazis. Zionists actively collaborated with them. See "The Holocaust as Mental Paradigm." See also "Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews"
Zionist betrayal is the reason Jews went passively to their deaths, says
Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld in his book "Holocaust Victims Accuse." Non-Zionist
Jews were worth more dead than alive to the Zionist leadership who, Shonfeld
says, reaped the moral and financial capital from their forced "sacrifice." See
my "Zionism: Compulsory Suicide
for Jews."
The Jewish elite has a long history of manipulating Jews. For example, in 1950 a
wave of anti Semitism and terrorism in Iraq made Naeim Giladi, 21, join the
Zionist underground. Giladi was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to death by
Iraqi authorities.
He escaped and fled to Israel only to discover that the bombings had been engineered by his fellow Zionists to dupe Iraqi Jews into going to Israel. An ancient community was deprived of its wealth and reduced to second-class citizen status in Israel, replacing Palestinian labor. See my "Zionists Double Crossed Iraqi Jews"
Israel provoked attacks from its neighbors in order to "retain its moral
tension" according to the secret diary of Prime Minister Moshe Sharett. The
state must "invent dangers" to start war and thereby "acquire our space,"
he wrote. See "The Zionist
Roots of the War on Terror."
The pogrom on Sept. 11 2001 was designed to stampede Americans into forfeiting their civil rights and invading the Middle East, like Zionists.
There is a drumbeat in the media to convince Americans that they are victims of Muslim fanatics. This propaganda campaign is carried out by Neo Cons (a.k.a. Zionists.) In his book, "The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America," Michael Collins Piper writes:
"In the build-up to the Iraq war, Zionist propagandists and the media increasingly began touting the message to Americans that "the whole world is against us"... and the Israelis are our only real solid dependable ally ...The theme that anti Americanism had run rampant was instilled in Americans for the very purpose of making them "anti" everyone who refused to support the...Iraq war...and the more broad ranging Zionist agenda." (157)
Sound familiar? This is the tactic they use on Jews. See my "How Jews are Brainwashed and Manipulated."
Piper says that Zionism is being equated with Americanism. Zionist agents
like Nathan Sharansky crafted the overblown and specious rhetoric of Bush's
second inaugural speech that committed the US to advancing the Zionist agenda
using force.
History provides a sobering warning as to where this could be leading. In his
essay, The Nature of Zionism,
Russian author Vladimir Stepin writes,
"During the civil war in Russia, the Zionists also performed another task. Using some units of the Red Army - Trotsky was the chairman of the country's Revolutionary Military Council - they organized the Jewish pogrom in Seversk.
The result of this was the "Law on Those Involved in Pogroms" of 27 July 1918. In accordance with this law, a monstrous Zionist terror raged in Russia for ten years: a person accused of anti-Semitism was, without any argument being allowed, declared to be involved in pogroms and placed against the wall to be shot.
Not only anti-Zionists, but the best representatives of the intelligentsia of Russia, could be accused of being anti-Semitic, and so too could anyone one felt like accusing of it. People saw who was exercising power in Russia and expressed their discontent with it. 90% of the members of the Cheka - the Soviet security organ, 1918-1922 - were Zionists.
Apart from the law on those involved in pogroms, the Zionists practiced
genocide against the ethnic groups inhabiting Russia, and they did so by
accusing people of counter-revolutionary activities, sabotage, and so on,
irrespective of whether or not the people in question really had conducted such
activities. It was standard practice merely to put them against the wall to be
Extrapolate from this, and we can see false flags being used to deprive Americans of their freedoms.
My hunch is that the central banking elite, using Masonic secret societies in the military and intelligence agencies, is responsible for 90% of terrorism. The purpose is to manipulate people into advancing the goals of the New World Order, which includes destroying true religion, nation states, democracy, race and family.
In their mind, they have to destabilize and enslave us to protect their monopoly on government credit i.e. money creation.
They are running a protection racket to protect us from their bogus "terror." In the same way, Zionism is a response to "anti-Semitism" they create. In the process, Jews are brainwashed and manipulated, while Westerners are losing their civil rights and habits of freedom.