Bankster Boosting |
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Bankster Boosting
I just wanted to go on record that we did a bunch of
bankster boosting in last weekend's chats. We
decided to boost all the banking families and let
the energy ripple out from there. We lined up the 13
Illuminati banking familes and spun the double helix
spiral around them (thanks to Vincent for
re-inspiring us to use this technique), with half
the chatters doing a clockwise spiral and the other
half doing a counter-clockwise spiral. This is a
very effective energy-sending technique. We started
the spirals on Saturday and when we checked on
Sunday they were still in place. I focus on the
spirals at least once a day to keep them going. The
interesting thing is that when we boost the banking
families, the energy goes out along the Earth's ley
lines, so we know it's a good target that affects
pretty much everyone on the planet. Here are the
names of the 13 banking families in case you want to
add your energy to keep the spirals going:
Astors, Bundy's, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy,
Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild,
Russell, Van Duyn
Here is the second tier of families, which we also
put in a spiral of love:
Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan,
Forbes, Cisneros, Oppenheimers, Bushes, Warburgs,
Harrimans, Whitneys, Schiffs, Lehmans, Schroeders,
Merovingian, Van Kleef, Disney, Krupp, McDonald
So, I thought it would be interesting to see what
happens in the world financial arena in the next few
weeks. Maybe we'll get some confirmation of our
boosting. I don't think the work we did will totally
reverse the economic plunge, but I think it may make
a smoother transition to whatever is going to come
next. Whatever needs to happen will happen. Many of
the chatters felt a sense of relief or well-being as
we did this boosting, so I feel we did affect the
energy on the planet.
Have fun boosting!
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 48

Re: Bankster Boosting
We just spent two days in the chat rooms boosting
the banking families again. It's been almost two
months since our original bankster boosting session
so we felt it was time to check on the situation
again. Don and Carol were visiting us on Friday
night so that we could do some focused boosting on
the Warburg family, who have been using alien bug
tech to implant the psychics with nasty etheric
implants that almost killed Carol. Stevo, Don and I
had similar implants but we weren't affected to the
same degree.
While boosting the Warburgs, who are actually a 2nd
tier Illuminati banking family, Stevo connected with
the whales and they showed him a new way to boost
these freaks. Stevo puts the family members in a
line, like dominos, just as he did when we did the
spiral boosting. Only this time, there is a whale at
the front and back of the line, and also a whale on
either side, at 90-degree angles to each other. Then
the boosting starts and what we found was that the
energy of the Warburgs went up in flames and they
turned to ashes. It looked to me like a piece of
paper that burns and crumbles into ashes. Needless
to say, we felt a lot of relief after this boosting.
In my Saturday chat, we decided to boost the
families one by one, using this method. There's an
interesting website that chronicles the Illuminati
Fritz Springmeier has done a lot of research and he
documents his sources. It doesn't seem like disinfo
to me, and there is a lot of good information there.
Anyway, we got our list of families from this site,
but it may not be complete. It's a good place to
start, though.
Some of the families we boosted fell to ashes pretty
quickly, such as the Astor, Bundy and Collins
families. The DuPont family was very hard to boost,
I think because of the sheer number of people they
have killed with their chemicals. The Freeman and
Kennedy families were in the medium range of level
of difficulty. Today, Sunday, we continued the
boosting, starting with the Li family of China. They
have been them most difficult to boost yet, probably
because of their connection to the Chinese Triad,
the Chinese witch that has plagued us for months,
and the use of ancient ritual magic. We also found a
connection to a breeding farm for witches so we
boosted that as well to forestall a reappearance of
a chinese witch. The witch that has been bothering
us is out of commission, by the way.
We next boosted the Onassis family, who were
dispatched fairly easily, then the Reynolds family
(R.J. Reynolds tobacco and Reynolds Aluminum wrap).
Don pointed out that the by-product of their
aluminum production is flouride, which they got rid
of by dumping it into the American water supply and
telling everyone it was good for them. One of our
psychics, Franice, saw a Wingmaker connection to a
young Reynolds girl, and she felt that perhaps there
is hope for the younger generation of that family.
Next in line was the Rockefeller family, who had an
etheric steel wall of protection around them. We
knew this family would be a tough case and we
weren't disappointed. Another psychic, Nancy, got
the intuition to boost a symbol she felt was
important to this family....a star tipped on it's
side, which she called a "rocked star." Apparently
this star is used a lot in many corporate logos. We
boosted through the star to a castle in Belgium that
Carolien showed us, which she felt was another
breeding facility for witches. We cleaned out that
castle, etherically speaking, and finally felt a
crack in the steel wall surrounding the Rockefeller
family. We then were able to truly boost the family
and achieve the flame and ashes effect as with the
other families.
At this point we called it a day because the next
family in line is the Rothschilds, and after three
hours of chatting no one had the energy to tackle
going to chat on Wednesday to finish the last three
top 13 families and then tackle the 2nd tier of
families next weekend.
Please remember that everything I'm posting here is
subjective account of our chat activities. If it
strains the boundaries of your beliefs, then I hope
you will at least consider it good entertainment.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1555
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Bankster Boosting
Thanks a lot for putting that in the record,
Coach. The first (immediate) reprisals by these
criminal oligarchs in October were against Carolien
in Holland and that's what drew us closer to the
larger agenda.
For those of us who have done a lot of conspiracy
realism reading the family names that Springmeier
compiled are pretty familiar. What was new to me
was the apparent order of importance these families
displayed in our sessions, relative to how hard they
were as targets. I hadn't heard of the Li family,
by the way, so hats off to Springmeier! I don't
recall them being mentioned even in LaRouche's
landmark history of the global drug trade, DOPE,
INC., for which Kissinger arranged a severe beating
on LaR. by KGB jerks in America. There are some
significant subjects that LaRouche and friends have
ignored, by the way, or have apparently
misunderstood but maybe this is a case
where general consultation can bring the bigger
picture into focus. People who pontificate rather
than consult are the losers in that game and
plagiarists are the cheaters

Speaking of beatings, the second tier of families,
including the Bushes and Warburgs, are generally the
legbreakers for the world order; the wise guys on a
corporate level. I don't think the families in the
A list have those skills

though they no doubt participate regularly in ritual
killings and cannibalism in one form or
another.. The Vryal are apparently fond of mixing
human blood with really good wine, for instance.
Patrick Timpone of Austin's WLBJ called to do an
interview on Saturday morning and Carol, Steve and
Dooney gathered around a speaker phone in Dooney's
office. Patrick had asked me about doing that
interview and I thought it would set a fine
historical precedent, especially if I were absent,
so I sat in the parlor and did my email. I think it
will be on one of his shows next week but that
information will be posted here in advance and maybe
we can link to the archived interview at the top of
the EW homepage.
Francie is a fine, balanced and committed psychic
who has joined us in the chats recently but she
lives across the continent, so spontaneous meetings
among the four are problematic, at least until one
or another of us gets a fast, roomy aircraft

. We're only a four hour drive away from Dooney and
Dr Stevo.
When I first heard about the Amero currency I
immediately put it in my 'wait and see' bin but I'm
beginning to believe that this is in the offing,
perhaps early 2009. I gather that the corporate
world order prefers to introduce it through a
massive false flag attack that will essentially
erase the borders between Mexico, the USA and Canada
while slamming martial law on all three countries
like an iron gate. If the latter depends on the
false flag attack, then I think we have a fair
chance of defusing it. We generally feel that the A
and B list oligarchy would have to finance all that,
including initiating the draft in all three
The only reason that the draft seems unlikely to me
is because military infrastructure and weapons
production isn't set up for that. The Pentagon
schmucks are putting all their money in a few of the
slick multi-billion-dollar bombers. Those weapons
are the second-tier corporate oligarchs' (wise
guys') baseball bats to hit the the recalcitrant
'heads' of state.
That said, the corporate world order has loads of
antigravity craft, beam weapons, time-phase
invisibility devices, even interplanetary wormholes
but if the Pajama People knew about that, also about
how the corporate world order erased all national
sovereignty in teh world by the middle of the 1930s,
the parasitic rule of that secret planetary
government would be exposed and thus shrugged
off. They sure don't have enough of that tricky
stuff to control humanity, after all. I doubt they
could even take and occupy Harlem

and their alien sponsors seem to be leaving our
world like rats leave a ship that's about to sink.
Years ago (mainly around Bohemian Grove and the
Ramtha HQ) we occasionally encountered federal
agents using invisibiltiy (time-phase manipulating)
'clickers' around us and the only attacks (both from
above--satellite?) by deadly microwave weaponry on
any of us were the one-time beaming of DB and Carol,
a couple of months apart in 2004. Dooney was
targetted by a low flying, multi-engine Air Force
transport that dumped dust (once it was apparently
some nanotech weaponry) on her, twice, but that was
also several years ago. She mentioned the
insect-species' high-tech timephased implants in the
three psychics, which nearly killed Carol last
month. Steve gave her one treatment, Friday night,
and she's getting progressively better, now.
Overall, Carol and I are healthier, now, than we
were four years ago after we were poisoned with
beryllium dust. We still get routinely poisoned and
Steve concurs that the poisons that the corporate
freaks are using against a few 'front row' gifters
target the liver. Recovery time seems to be getting
progressively shorter, by the way.
Remember that even though WWII 'started' for the US
at the end of 1941, feverish preparation for that
war began in the mid-1930s and all of the new
weapons for that war were developed and even
stockpiled by 1938 (the 'Lend Lease' scam). It was
all in full swing when Reichsfuhrer Roosevelt
finally coaxed the Japanese to bomb his obsolete
battleships in Pearl Harbor. There is no
infrastructure for training millions of witless,
drafted cannon fodder (assuming they'd evven show up
for induction

), unless the $#!+birds intend to do it all in their
underground bases

but I think that would startle the PJ folks awake,
so I bet it's not an option.
It feels so right to us to pull the etheric plug on
this ruinous old oligarchy, now! Let them all flock
to their underground bases like troglodytes, as more
and more people become aware of these families'
culpability, and we'll just earthpipe all of their
thousands of luxurious hideyholes at our leisure as
this unorganized gifting network continues to
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 92

Re: Bankster Boosting
A video to illustrate the relation between bankers,
bloodlines and mindcontrol,
would be the "Arizona Wilder interview" by David
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1555
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Bankster Boosting
Hong Kong John and I keep in touch and I got the
following from him. Apparently, the Li family, whom
we went after in last Saturday's chat session, are
taking out their frustration on him. Send him a
boost when you read this, okay? We'll attend to him
in the next session, too, but he's a scrapper so I
reckon he'll keep them at bay, meanwhile. John had
gifted some sensitive Triad real estate adn the Li
family are apparently the owners and operators of
that horrid organization, which is arguably even
worse than the CIA, Mossadomites® and MI6.
John's recent coup, getting simple, illustrated
orgonite making instructions onto a website in
Cantonese and Mandarin, has put him on Peking's A
list of threats, I imagine, and I believe that his
relatively high profile will help us keep him safe
in coming months while that desperately-needed
information circulates in China.. The Chinese sewer
rats are blocking it from their internet and their
surveillance of Chinese people on the web is
probably worse than the NSA's but we believe the
Chinese people are easily resourceful enough to
accomplish it by other means.
Nice plug, below, for Cesco's marvellous Little
Secret. The only time I saw energy around a device
was when I could easily see, for several days, the
violet orgone around my new Big Secret. Those of us
who are not particularly energy sensitive treasure
these confirmations.
They can't kill all of us and eventually free
energy will blossom once this authentic paradigm
takes root...thanks in part to massive orgonite
gifting on a global scale.
I'm requesting another love-blast in the chat
sessions. i awoke this morning with blood in my
mouth a swollen lip like I'd been in a bar fight and
pain in my shin like I was kicked. i reflected that
pain in my shin back to the lovely Li family and it
immediately dissipated. They have turned their
attention from my kids (since I lovingly grabbed
them by the balls and sent their aggression back
into their gonnads...hmmm that should raise their
kundal-weinies) now the attention is more onto me
(since the kiddy-friend tactic didn't work for
them). i was gifting on my motorcycle this weekend
and I know they can't touch me on my moroncycle
since I have an operator that is the mutt's-nuts of
operators (she/he drives a much more beautiful moto
than me and has an etheric sword of truth that is
stunningly clear).
Mucho appreciated in the chat dept...
Also, Cesco's new tool is very clear. I told him
so. Even though I'm as psychic as a lump of coal my
first actions with the device was to use it like an
etheric skewer or shishkabob to remove etheric
rubbish from my body and offer it to the operators
for recycling. I could also feel and see a lovely
pink/magenta hue in the room when I held it my hand
for the first time. Not bad for a guy that is color
All the best and thanks...Hong Kong Johnnny
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 48

Re: Bankster Boosting
Here's a post Axel wrote in another thread, which I
thought was appropriate to quote here:
I am not really sure if this is the right
place to report but anyways, here it is:
I just came across the following article:
"Bank of China May Delay Rothschild Deal as
Approval Delayed"
link is here:
not something you see very often -
and then during the bankster boosting
yesterday our target was......
yes, you guessed right! the Rothschild´s!
I thought you would like to hear.... Very
Happy Very Happy Very Happy
I appreciate Axel's being on top of the news! We've
been continuing to boost the top Illuminati families
but are now doing them one by one. Naturally, this
is taking a long time, as we have 34 families that
we know of to boost. Some of them are easier to
boost than others. We have found the Rothschilds to
be the most difficult, taking about 2 hours to
notice a change in energy. Second hardest was the Li
family, who have tormented Johnny. The other more
difficult families to boost are the Dupont,
Rockefeller, Cabot and Morgan families. We are
feeling a particular urgency to complete this list
before the end of the year, so we've been doing this
task every Saturday and Sunday and have started
chatting on Wednesday too. We also have to take time
to boost other folks who need it and other urgent
world situations.
Needless to say, it's been taking it's toll on the
chatters. I've been exhausted, partly because the
actual boosting takes a lot of energy and partly
because I've been attacked. The chat group boosted
me today, though, and after a nap I'm feeling much
I hope to hear of more confirmations such as the one
Axel posted, but I can already feel the change on an
energy level. Every time we do a boosting session on
the families, I feel more relief. We also boosted
the Discovery House in London, home of Common
Purpose which is apparently a NWO training center
for their leadership. We came upon this target while
boosting new friends Matt and Jo from New Zealand. I
started getting attacked shortly after this session,
so I'm sure it was a good target. If anyone in the
UK can gift this building we'd sure appreciate it.
The great thing about these intense boosting
sessions is that some of the psychics other than
Carol, Stevo or I are getting a chance to spread
their wings and are coming up with some great intel
that is really helping our boosting.
The Arizona Wilder interview that Carolien posted
above is pretty amazing. Although it's an Icke
interview, there is a lot of stuff in there that
confirms what we see in the chats. I believe that
interview was conducted before 2000, although I'm
not sure of the year, but when Arizona spoke about
the caves where the reptiles have their eggs I got
chills. We used to see that regularly in the chats
when we were actively hunting reptiles. We don't do
that so much anymore because now we tend to focus on
the bigger targets - the people who pull the puppet
strings, such as the banksters. Even at that, we
know there is a level of control above the
banksters, and we go after them too. However, the
banksters represent so much of the 3D mayhem on this
planet that it's worth it to go after them to stop
the plots and stop them from genociding people,
plants and animals. In any case, it was interesting
to listen to Arizona talk about stuff that we
started seeing years later, without even knowing
about her. It reminded me of watching Phil Schneider
talk about the underground bases.
One of the chatters told me that Fritz Springmeier
is in jail for publishing his info on the
Illuminati, so give him a boost if you think about
it. We've kind of been revising his list of who is a
first tier familiy and who is a second tier family
based on how hard they have been to boost, but there
is a lot of good information on that site if you
click on the family bloodline links.
We'll keep working on this project until we get all
the families, so give the chat group a boost.
Everyone is working hard and sacrificing a lot of
time to get this done. Thanks to all you chatters!
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1555
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Bankster Boosting
Dooney was hit awfully hard this week, which
probably indicates how essential she is to this
process we're engaging in. Sure, any of us would
prefer a medal or a big cash prize rather than a
concerted, overwhelming parasitic assault by aliens
and humans in the corporate world order but it
actually hurts these freaks when we report their
reprisals, I think, so in a way, that's a double
reward for the one being assaulted.
Carol and I joined Stevo and Nancy in the chatroom
on Thursday evening to finish off the parasites who
were attached to Dooney and they saw a sort of large
umbilical cord attached to her back, etherically;
the cord was full of intelligent insects who were
working in unison to draw out her life force. The
assailants have started attacking from out of
time--sort of shifted to another phase, if you will,
but a psychic's ability is only limited by his or
her imagination and you can probably tell that our
psychics dont' lack that. Dooney emailed me
yesterday to say that she had her first restful
night's sleep in a week, right after the successful
session. The agency ptashki govnow rely pretty
heavily on sleep deprivation to wear activists down,
of course--parasites are as parasites do.
I shared the tapes of Icke's 'intervews' with Credo
Muttwa with Dooney and STevo, last year. Of course,
like the Wilder presentation, Icke has simply
provided a soapbox for lectures by people who have
actual experience with reptilians, none of which
lines up with Icke/Sitchin's depressing,
mind-numbing cosmology, thank God. Georg in South
Africa knows Credo Muttwa and apparently has his
confidence because Credo gave him a device he had
made from steel, as an initiate of an ancient secret
society in Zimbabwe, that is a large version of Slim
Spurliing's Harmonizer. Credo also explained the use
of the up-ended cup on the device; Slim simply uses
the cup upside down as a base.. Africans were
making such carbon steel magical implements and
weapons for several thousand years before 'the
Annunaki' allegedly created people from apes to be
their idiot slaves, by the way, and those of us who
have some direct experience with alien races know
that the human template is apparently at least as
old as the reptile one is--both being billions or
trillions of years old, most
likely--timeless? Carol and I even encountered a
benevolent insect species.
By the way, when Georg gave Credo an orgonite
cloudbuster, early in their friendship, Credo
immediately suggested adding a sort of parabolic
reflector dish near the tops of the pipes. Credo
particularly enjoys playing around with the Succor
Punch that Georg made for him and he still uses his
zapper, apparently.
Subscribing to any cosmology that insults the
rational mind is probably not a good habit because
it automatically clouds one's judgement and shuts
down one's instinctivce promptings. I think the
payoff, in this case, for giving up one's
discernment is increased endorphin production ('Sieg,

) and that's like diving for a crust of moldy bread
on the floor instead of sitting up and indulging in
the banquet on the table when one is starving. We
expect people to hold our feet to the fire
constantly because intellectual integrity is not
just something nice to wear on one's sleeve but is
rather a requirement for any intelligent
pursuit. Frank and honest consultation keeps us on
the path, as does sharing salient facts, whenever
possible. When intellectual integrity fails, the
boat is on the reef. It might be a really nice boat
but it's useless at that point.
I've gone through all of hte Al Bielek CD last
week--20 or so hours of interviews. I was kind of
proud that much of the stuff that Al told Carol and
I in our meeting with him, eight years ago, was not
mentioned or was only mentioned in passing. I'd
recommend buying the CD but none of that money goes
to Al. He found out, I think pretty quick, that
anyone who comes forward with empowering information
is going to be corraled by CIA b@llbreakers and
surrounded by fakers and manipulators. That also
happened to Credo Muttwa, by the way. When
Alejandro is here I'll discuss getting Al's
interviews online for free.
Here's another case where insistent cosmologies
ought to raise a caution flag: Al does none of it
but Preston Nichols and Stewart Swerdlow, who
unfortunately share space on that CD, focus mainly
on cosmology which is apparently theosophy-derived.
Go figure. Also, the little battery-operated
stealth box that feds use to phase themselves out of
our time/space temporarily was apparently invented
by Al while he was working for Nichols. You might
have seen driverless cars behind you in the earlier
years, as some of us did. I think they didn't want
their photos taken

. Nichols combined psychology and electronics in a
career that involved helping some of the big rock
bands engineer their music in the 60s and 70s.
Remember the subliminals and backmasking? Maybe DB
will talk more about his experience with this milieu
and his friendship with the late Randy Rhodes in
those days. Firsthhand accounts are valuable, which
is why I'm glad people are getting to Wilder's,
Schneider's and Bielek's information again. The
first time you see this stuff your credulity is so
challenged that it's hard to pay attention but after
a few years of etheric endeavors (and, hopefully
reading some BOOKS by reputable authors), returning
to the same material can be awfully rewarding and
confirming. Certainty is such a precious and rare
commodity until the world order finally dies, after
all. It's kind of neat to acquire cerrtainty now,
when it's so difficult, rather than later when it
will be effortless. Maybe it's like acquiring
personal integrity in the face of severe moral
Charisma junkies will just keep spinning their
wheels, meanwhile, and will do their best to defend
and support their favorite disinformant or disinfo
website. I bet someone with a Trimeter could find
some frequencies coming out of the monitor when
those websites are in the browser. It would be fun
to publish that.
Al and Phil Schneider were close friends until
Phil's murder. Al knew Phil's dad, who was a U-Boat
commander in the German navy in WWII who suddenly
became a US Navy captain in 1943 for the Rainbow
Project (a Vryal enterprise from start to
finish--well, it's apaprently not finished, yet

) We're only lately seeing how thoroughly rotten
the US Navy has always been. CIA developed on the
Navy like a cancer, after all.