Vietnam war and the Bay of Tonkin incident
False flags
[2008] Report Reveals Vietnam War Hoaxes, Faked
Operation Northwoods
Here is the secret in plain words. In the fall of 1968, Richard Nixon and
some of his emissaries and underlings set out to sabotage the Paris peace
negotiations on Vietnam. The means they chose were simple: they privately
assured the South Vietnamese military rulers that an incoming Republican regime
would offer them a better deal than would a Democratic one. In this way, they
undercut both the talks themselves and the electoral strategy of Vice President
Hubert Humphrey. The tactic "worked," in that the South Vietnamese junta
withdrew from the talks on the eve of the election, thereby destroying the peace
initiative on which the Democrats had based their campaign. In another way, it
did not "work," because four years later the Nixon Administration tried to
conclude the war on the same terms that had been on offer in Paris. The reason
for the dead silence that still surrounds the question is that in those
intervening years some 20,000 Americans and an uncalculated number of
Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians lost their lives. Lost them, that is to
say, even more pointlessly than had those slain up to that point. The impact of
those four years on Indochinese society, and on American democracy, is beyond
computation. The chief beneficiary of the covert action, and of the subsequent
slaughter, was Henry Kissinger. [2001] The Case Against Henry Kissinger. The making
of a war criminal by Christopher Hitchens