Re: Black Helicopter Crash In Bali.
This reminds me of a couple of incidents that Carol
and I feel are relevant.
When DB figured out that Carol was manipulating the
stoplights on our return from the harrowing
experience at Devil's Punchbowl, during our visit to
LA with Ryan McGinty, he apparently extrapolated the
technique and experimented with weapon-bearing,
predatory aircraft that were overflying his home
incessantly. According to Ryan, who stayed with DB
for the following week or so, one of those choppers
came down unexpectedly (crashed) across the valley
and the event wasn't reported at all.
Another time, a gifter in Michigan, whom we became
personally acquainted with, told us that a
chemtrail jet crashed, as she watched, and that was
also not reported at all. In that case I'm quite
sure she had nothing to do with the crash.
It may be that the crash in Bali was reported
because Balinese people were already talking about
it. Anyone who has lived on an island understands
how fast news travels in that environment.
When I lived in Western Samoa I was schooled in the
culture by several bright locals whom I worked with
and they all said that some version of any morning
story will reach through the entire country before
sunset, sans TV and telephones. They gave me
several interesting examples.
Americans, on the other hand, mainly relate to
society through TV sets and tabloids; they mostly
watch the weather only on the Weather Channel so if
the What To Think Network doesn' cover a thing, they
assume it hasn't happened.
This is finally changing, though.
Anyone who studies HOllywood's creations has seen
the FBI flying unmarkd black helicopters in films
and TV shows for hte past six or seven years, even
though black choppers are rarely seen in the sky,
any more. The CIA, FBI and other sewer rat agencies
are apparently painting their choppers to look like
commercial craft, now, because too many people get
mad when we see black choppers overhead.
Given that the New-Patriot-Acting
Sicherheitzdienstshuetstafl (Homeland Security) are
so closely and blatantly styled on Hitler's SS
haven't you wondered why nobody has seen any of
these guys at all? Maybe they're all dressed as
harlequins now? Do they need to learn English
before they're deployed throughout the
populace? Do we need to learn Russian, first? Does
this unlawful federal government know it's @$$ from
a hole in the ground any more?
Reminds me. just a little, of how HItler's boys, in
the early days of his regime when dictatorship was
more subtle, painted their Gestapo roundup trucks to
look like circus wagons, complete with loudspeakers
playing circus music to drown out the cries for help
from inside. Later on, of course they didn't try to
hide the Gestapo activity because people had been
disarmed and were sufficiently scared of the
government by then.
Fortunately, Americans won't disarm at all and this
will probably spell the timely end of this predatory
federal regime, even if nobody fires a shot. See,
with all their talk about terrorism and martial law,
in the absence of both, they're going to have to put
up or shut up or even the beer-swilling,
flagwaving PJ folks will stop taking them seriously
any more; their old reign of terror will be defeated
through apathy in that case--delicious!
Actually, the process is happening in reverse in
America: Ten years ago the feds apparently thought
that their genocide/enslavement strategy was going
to succeed, hence their open intimidation of the
populace in the form of swarms of omnipresent black
helicopters, the foreign troops seen here and there
across the continent and the incessant fearmongeing
of the disinformation producers.
Now, more people are laughing at this goose-stepping
American regime than are afraid of it
When Carol, Cesco and I went to the local shooting
range with our little arsenal, by the way, we used
up some 9mm and .45 calibre ammunition that was six
years old and all of it fired. I had
actually bought into the old federal scam that all
ammo sold after 1994 had a shelf life of a year or

and I'm very pleased to know that this is not so.
My dream has long been that this criminal federal
government will be deposed peacefully and it looks
like this is going to happen, sooner than
later. When Carol and I were swimming with the
dolphins in Hawaii a couple of weeks ago she was
very happy that they expressed to her that they
don't feel anxious about humanity's condition, any
more. Before, they always expressed anxiety about
how things were going. This was a wonderful
confirmation of the positive trends that the other
psychics are seeing during our international chat
When people will start casually discussing these
things together the end of terror will be clearly in
sight. It really is that simple.