James P. Carter, M.D

If EDTA Chelation Therapy is so Good, Why Is It Not More Widely Accepted? by James P. Carter, MD, DrPH


Racketeering In Medicine: The Suppression of Alternatives by James P. Carter (Paperback - 1992)


"The FDA serves as the pharmaceutical industry's watchdog, which can be called upon to attack and destroy a potential competitor under the guise of protecting the public." -----James P. Carter, M.D (RACKETEERING IN MEDICINE, the SUPPRESSION OF ALTERNATIVES)

Colon Hyrotherapy is Used by James P. Carter, M.D., Dr.P.H. -

"After conducting a comprehensive digestive stool analysis on any patient suspected of having dysbiosis (poor intestinal hygiene), I attempt to wipe the bowel clean by prescribing colon hydrotherapy once a week times three. In my medical practice, I employ a registered nurse on staff to administer this treatments," says James P. Cater, M.D., Dr.P.H., M.S., of Mandeville, Louisiana. Dr. Cater is Professor and Head of the Nutrition Section at Tulane University School of Medicine.

"Also I use colon hydrotherapy as part of an overall detoxification program, and it may be combined with treatment from above as with drinking epsom salts, but both are not taken on the same day," he advises. "It promotes the second stage of liver detoxification to cause dissolved poisons to come out in the bile as a solvent. The patient's washout at least once a week from below is adjunctive with the epsom salts."

"Colon hydrotherapy is an excellent detoxifier for the overindulgence of alcohol drinking and drug addictions of all kinds. Residues of drugs and other agents in the tissues are eliminated with colon hydrotherapy," states Dr. James P. Cater. "It takes away any desire to use drugs or imbibe in alcoholic beverages. Colon hydrotherapy should be part of nearly any addict's therapeutic regimen." http://www.awarenessinstitute.biz/carter.htm