little secret device
[message #600] |
Wed, 13
October 2004 09:09 |
Messages: 73
Registered: August 2004
Location: reykjavik, iceland |
Etheric Warrior
my latest device is built around an insulated little
secret coil, for lack of a better name i call it the
little secret device.
everyone that has tried it has felt its energy working
noticably, this includes regular non-energy sensitive
its a small handheld device that you activate with your
own energy by placing thumb and pinky finger on beads
attached to the coils ends.
it seems to be working best in left hand for personal
healing(yourself) and to release energy in your right
i have made the device with insulated wire so that one
can attach it to a frequency generator for amplified
effects, and it really amplifies when you do this.
prototypes has been mailed out to a chosen few and i
will update this thread with their feedback soon, along
with a picture of the device.
thanks for reading
observations [message #841] |
Tue, 09
November 2004 02:35
Messages: 73
Registered: August 2004
Location: reykjavik, iceland |
Etheric Warrior
Observations from Anne (MoonBeam):
You've done it again!! A wonderful device. I am tempted
to call this
orgone pulser!
My own observations are as follows:
First thing I noticed, the longer you hold it, the
stronger the
becomes but do eventually reach the maximum.
When held upright in the left palm (the energy receiving
hand) with
crystal facing up and fingers wrapped around the sides -
vibration with quick pulse felt in fingertips and up to
wrist. Not
calming, not too discomforting, much excitement. I feel
the energy
out from the bottom at the sides like a dome shape with
a beam in the
center. I would call this the negative end.
While holding it in the same position in my hand but
above my head,
crystal pointed at my skull and eyes closed, I see
colors move, like
stepping aside as the beam of the crystal moves around
my head. I can
inside my head the orgone dancing around as sparks. When
crystal is
just below my temple at the side of my head, aimed
through one eye
the other, I see a blue beam in both eyes. Wherever the
crystal is
at my head, I can see a bright white light coming from
that spot
forming a
blue beam in a straight line. In this position, the
vibration extends
up my
arm to my shoulder, giving my chills. I know this
experiment may
weird, but I discovered by accident one time with my SP
it could help
"see" things better when I aim it at my head. This
has the same feel
in that respect but much more intense.
When held upright in the left hand, with the crystal
facing the palm,
fingers wrapped around the sides - much of the same
feeling in
but with a different vibration, a more loving energy.
The pulse of
energy seems slower than with the crystal pointing up. I
feel the
push further almost to my elbow. I would call this side
with the
crystal the
positive end. The energy from the crystal feels like a
laser going
my hand. If I extend my arm and twist my hand so that
the crystal
point is
aimed along my arm, I feel it to my shoulder.
When held in my right hand, crystal side up, I feel a
cool beam when
I move
my left hand over it.
When held in my left hand, crystal pointed away from my
body, holding
with the gold balls using my thumb and middle finger, I
feel a
push-pull pulse evenly balanced. High vibration that
gets stronger
the more
you hold it.
Switching from middle finger to pinkie produces a softer
steady and even, not as much pulse to it. In this
position I feel the
left side of my body gently vibrate with chills. Feels
very pleasant
When I flip it so that the crystal is facing my body,
holding it by
balls using thumb and pinkie, it doesn't feel as
pleasant. It could
because of the energy shooting out the crystal into my
body into one
spot. But I have a strong suspicion it's because the
crystal end is
out positive energy and the other end is drawing in
negative energy
I placed it standing up with crystal pointing skyward
and removed the
ball from the top. When I adjust my eyes, I can
definitely see
orgone sparks around it. I see the energy emerge in a
bell shape
with a spinning vortex around the edges of the bell and
a beam
straight up
from the center in a narrower cone shape about half an
inch wide, a
wider than the crystal. I believe the protruding wire
may be
responsible for
creating the vortex. I also see a gentle very slow
colored pulse from
to green and back again.
I've asked a few people to hold it and give their
opinion. All said
felt something from it with answers like it feels good,
it vibrates
stomach area (I didn't check if crystal was pointed in
direction) and
it feels strong.
My favorite positions are holding it with thumb/pinkie
and crystal
away from body as this was most pleasant and pointing
the crystal at
my head
with my eyes closed because it's as fun. Seeing all
those colors,
well this
is my kind of drug!
I will let you know if I notice anything else. I haven't
tested it
with a
terminator yet!
Thank you for including me in testing your newest
device. A wonderful
Cesco! Congratulations!
[Updated on: Tue, 09 November 2004 09:19] |
[message #842] |
Tue, 09
November 2004 03:15
Messages: 73
Registered: August 2004
Location: reykjavik, iceland |
Etheric Warrior
It is always a challenge for me to describe or attempt
to describe what my devices do, mainly because i am not
very energy sensitive and suffer from etheric
I rely on assitance from a chosen few with evolved
senses to do the proper testing and observations of my
So far i can say that no other creation i have made
makes me so fascinated as this device and i am very
proud of it.
All the feedback has been very positive which is a great
reward for me as I really wish to contribute to the well
being of life.
I know that many are anxious to get proper and complete
definitions from things; I cannot give you that, I will
do my best at presenting all the observations I receive
as well as my own.
What i have learned so far from the device is that it
functions as a healing instrument primaraly, I also
consider a healing instrument a weapon so lets call it a
healing weapon:)
It pulsates very pure and positive etheric energy when
it stands alone, when you activate it it seems to use
your own qi and amplifies in strength.
What i have observed is that it removes energy blockages
very effectively without any conscious effort from the
user, it has been very effective for removing physical
I believe it does so much more than that.
What i see/feel from it is that it reaches for the root
of any negative blockage one might have and starts
dissolving/transforming it.
For this to happen the person being healed has to
confront his own negative issues and that can be quite a
dramatic experience for some especially of the blockage
is of spiritual and emotional nature.
For me it increases my perception so that my
surroundings become very clear to me, I use it mainly
when I walk outdoors on my way to my workshop.
I get the feeling of being in a huge etheric bubble that
protects me, the bubble is my own energy field expanded
like a giant shield and I can expand it larger at will
it feels like.
My mood becomes very positive and my empathic feelings
really push through, a deep understanding and compassion
for my surrounding is present when i have it activated.
I travel 20 minutes every morning by the subway to get
to my workshop, when i enter the train with it activated
in my hand the atmosphere is so pleasant, people lets
their guard down for a while and true emotions starts to
flow, its an amazing sight for me to witness.
Since I do not suffer from any diseases or chronic
physical pains I have not had the chance to experiment
on myself much when it comes to this aspect, I could
mention that yesterday from working with to uniform and
repetative coil winding movements my left shoulder
became quite sore.
I treated myself with the device for a minute or two to
see what happened, the physical discomfort dissapeared
It is quite important to point out that I do not make
any claims for what it does or do not do, what i write
is from my own understanding and perception which some
might consider very limited.
To make it clear this is an experimental device.
One thing I would like to say about me and my creations,
they are all created with deep respect/care, proper
focus and loving intent.
I never work when I am out of focus and my workshop does
not have any music playing and no one else is present
when I work.
My personal creations are all dear to me and I am very
grateful to be able to pass them along to some one so
that they can be of use.
And I make sure to tell people that my creations are not
simple objects but beings full of life and that they
treat them well.
Thank you for reading.
At your service
little secret device
[message #843] |
Tue, 09
November 2004 07:57
Messages: 524
Registered: August 2004
Location: 628 N Hayes, Moscow, Idah... |
Etheric Warrior
Site Admin
It's been a couple of weeks and now I'm comfortable to
state that when the Little Secret is powered up with the
standard Succor Punch pulser it apparently and quickly
drives negativity out of the immediate environment and
ourselves, for want of a better explanation. I admit
that it frightened me a bit at first to think that this
could be so.
I had put smaller, bare Cesco coils in the orgonite
plugs of a couple of our zappers and we've been testing
that. I can tentavely say that this has made the zapper
more powerful in terms of the healing effect; when I
breathe mold spores in this tired old house, for
instance, I recover fast instead of going thru a day or
so of mild cold symptoms as has been the case every
winter since I started making zappers in early '96.
Before that winter, I just got really sick (fake
flu--very common) each fall when the windows were closed
for the winter. After the zapper, I got sniffles for
extended periods after the windows were all closed.
ChemBuster has boosted my immune response, by the way,
but the little coil in the zapper has apparently boosted
it even more. If I had a few million bucks for
marketting we could probably just get rid of the damned
medical/drug cartel and its gulag archipelago sooner
than later and then punish the vast army of cynical
serial killers (all but the trauma surgeons and
fake-boob installing MDs). Maybe if I carried around a
Little Secret they'd be unable to assassinate me for
initiating that . :roll:
It's always a good exercise to Think Big.
I first noticed the lifting effect of the Little Secret
(powered) in my own thoughts and behavior, then I
noticed that the others in the household also seemed to
have experienced the same lift.
I powered it intermittently for the first week, then
kept it on constantly for a week and it's been unpowered
for several days. I can say that for a few days I
noticed a difference in ambience between the powered and
non-powered application but now the ambience is just
steadily much clearer and calmer than it was before the
coil arrived, even with the power/freq box turned off.
Maybe the Little Secret just sort of establishes a
looped orgone circuit that boosts to a certain level, as
Anne suggests. I don't know, yet, if the power/freq
application does any more than speed that process up,
though I didn't notice a difference around here during
the few days between receiving the device and putting
the freq/power to it.
I'm sure Cesco will be compiling all the data for us
before long. I sent one to DB and he immediately put the
LIttle Secret in his cloudbuster and saw a nice, big
atmospheric effect but he hasn't elucidated that yet.
I think Kelly suggested adding the crystal to one end,
right? I remember him telling us that he'd experimented
with that because it was right before I made the
Earthpipes for Yellowstone's huge caldera. Cesco had
quickly made some suitable coils for that project and I
glued Lemus to the coils in that case.
The little crystal at one end of the Little Secret's
apparently doing a hell of a big job in this case, at
any rate, and sort of indicates to me that perhaps this
involves the 'owner' of the device with its
environmental influence. It makes sense that a 'next
level' personal device would accentuate this factor.
This, by the way, is probably also why gemstones and
minerals, intelligently added to orgonite, are more
appropriate for personal devices than for field devices.
In Feb, 03, when I was still recovering from the Vrils'
injected poison and marking episode of Dec. 18 (six of
us across the US got 'the treatment' that night) and the
more recently disabled poison implants I realized that a
new, viable energy configuration will excite different
responses in people, according to various factors. Then,
I delivered the tower of orgonite pyramids (radionics
condensor?) to DB in Pasadena to put in the Devil's Gate
vortex for some radionics fun. He was living in the
vortex at the time. That enormous vortex is centered at
Aleister Crowley's JPL, nearby.
When we set that up, I became even more sluggish and
sleepy but he got incredibly energized from it, though
he'd been severely hammered from the NSA's vantage in a
house diagonally across the street and was sick when I
showed up that morning (he was one of the six, by the
way). The next day we did some risky gifting in San
Bernardino (with Mark Melton) and I barely stayed awake
but he never stood still, though at one point he and
Mark literally climbed a mountain to deposit a very big
The first day of that visit to the Devil's Gate vortex
was when I saw, up close, a woman with green skin and no
nose slowly leave the driveway of the NSA outpost on
DB's short street and later that day two ambulances
showed up and removed two very still bodies from that
house, a towel covering the face of one. One ambulance
would have sufficed if the supine ones had been going to
the same destination, of course
DB was giving me a walking tour of the FBI, CIA, NSA and
LAPD-assassin households that had surrounded thier
domicile since our first meeting nine months earlier and
right after the litlte walking tour I aimed my brand new
Powerwand at the NSA (worst) house as an experiment to
hopefully give the DB family some relief from whatever
was being directed at them from that house. Everyone in
the family immediately felt better when those two bodies
were removed, by the way.
The Little Secret, to me, indicates a future trend in
this tech. Maybe we'll only fully appreciate it after
the gov't terror threat has been dealt with and we can
have peace and prosperity, finally. maybe a huge Little
Secret in a proper application can be a 'Do Not Enter'
sign for the occult sewer rats for an entire region--who
knows? If our benighted US military just won't arrest
their puppetmasters instead of slaughtering swarthy
innocents on London's behalf maybe we'll just have to
take territory back from the occult/corporate parasites
some other expeditious way. I sure as hell don't want to
just shoot them.
I don't care much if The City of London ends up sort
like the Vatican did after the fall of the Holy Roman
Empire and can only rule a 'country' the size of
Washington, DC.
Maybe we can stop this horrible mercenary incursion in
Iraq, soon, with an intelligent application of the
Little Secret. Just brainstorming here, of course.
Sensei's already been experimenting with adding Cesco's
coils to an etheric weapon and we'll be getting feedback
from that.
It requires some assimilation to get to a 'next level'
in our personal awareness, in other words, so whether
something like the LIttle Secret energizes or tires you
initially, both are a sign of personal progress, don't
worry. Whenever I feel tired from this process, I just
take a nap. After all, we don't need to 'do' anything
about it.
I've never worried a whole lot about the incessant and
obtuse secret police attention and filthy local cops
prowling our alley on their behalf and ogling our house
from the gate in the backyard, though until I started
experimenting with the Little Secret that unlawful stuff
always annoyed me.
Honestly, since I began playing around with this device,
that stuff doesn't even bother me any more. I no longer
feel like making rude gestures at the felonious FBI
jerkwads in the house around the corner as we drive by,
for instance, though that was having a beneficial effect
and was a genuine public service.
I'm even feeling more sanguine about the small crowd of
people, on and off the internet, who apparently read
everything I write, never seem to sleep, and look for
any opportunity to put my head on a pike. What's
happening to me?

You really ought to buy one of these from Cesco and do
your own experimenting before he starts charging what
they're really worth.
[Updated on: Tue, 09 November 2004 09:27]
"We shall no longer hang on to the tails
of public opinion or to a non- existent authority on
matters utterly unknown and strange. We shall gradually
become experts ourselves in the mastery of the knowledge
of the Future."
~Wilhelm Reich
little secret device
[message #872] |
Fri, 12
November 2004 11:17
I went to my children's school for a rememberance day
presentation. I like to travel with some protection,
usually my SP, but decided to move the terminator over
to the litte secret as it fit in my pocket better.
At the school assembly, things went well. The skits the
children did were all presented well. The children were
attentive, orderly and kind. Usually a few hundred kids
would be a little noisy and full of energy. Not this
day. I looked for orgone sparkles in the gym but
couldn't locate any. That doesn't mean they weren't
there as I see orgone best against a bright sky. I did
see a light fog spread through the room.
At the end of the presentation, with my hand on the
little secret, I asked the principal what his secret was
for such a well behaved audience. He said I don't know,
they're not usually like this. Must be the theme of the
Maybe he's right. But I don't think those children fully
understood the somberness of the reality that people
many years ago fought for their freedom. I say this
because they were too busy smiling.
Yes, I believe the littel secret can clear a whole room.
"They always say time changes things,
but you actually have to change them yourself." -- Andy
little secret device
[message #1353] |
Sat, 08
January 2005 21:07
Messages: 77
Registered: August 2004
Location: Charleston, S.C. |
Etheric Warrior
. I have had Cesco,s Little Secret Device for several
months now, and have examined it under many different
..Driving, a trip to the movies, the shower, visiting
relatives, tower busting missions, Kendo practice,
sleeping, heck,once I even sat on it accidently(Ouch,
not recommended).
... It took me awhile to figure out just what the unit
does. The effects tended to change.
....For lack of a better term I have to call it an
Adaptogenic Harmonic Balancer.
.When fatigued, it tends to raise energy levels.
..When wired, it tends to have a calming effect.
...Oh yeah, when sat on it hurts.
...I think that the coils also act as an antenna and
pick up ambient elrctromagnetic and radio frequency
emmissions. I notice a different effect in an orgonite
rich environment like my home and the raw energy in an
un orgonized environment.
...When charged by a frequency generator the effects
seem magnified , but not in any intrusive fashon.
.....Side effects seem to include becoming attarctive to
intelligent and beautiful members of the opposite sex, a
noticable increase in income, an aura of invincability,
and self delusion about the devices side effects.(Grin)
The above statements are not approved by the Food and
Drug Administration, but who believes those lying
jackels anyway?
...Nice piece of work Cesco! Good beat, easy to dance
to, I give it a 10.
Boost/Blast.... A Hyperdimensional
Martial Art
Re: little secret
device [message #2489
is a reply to message #600 ] |
Tue, 04
October 2005 14:19
Messages: 73
Registered: August 2004
Location: reykjavik, iceland |
Etheric Warrior
I posted this before the board was hacked and it
disappeared, here it is again a very informative and
interesting observation from Adam.
Dear Cesco,
I am ecstatic to be so lucky to have this little device
cesco! You must have
put much love into making these, I can sense it.
Immediately, I notice a
lightening of the mood, and MAJOR action upon the heart
chakra. It seems
that the abilities of the device are only limited by the
energy and intent
of the user. Also, it was clever how you have discovered
a way to contain
the action of the metal of the matrix into the
concentration of the action
of the coil. VERY smart. I have been holding it night
and day, sleeping with
it in my hand. There is a beam coming from the quartz in
the end, and with
my mind, I can tell it to take different shapes and
sizes. At first it was
hard, becuase like I said, you have to send energy into
it to get it to
circulate your chakras. As I have bowel cancer and
fibral myalga, it took me
a while of use to get to that point. Now, I get the
sense it creates a
circular vortex, from chakra to chakra, not only in a
base-to-crown fashion,
but vise-verse, as WELL as crown-to-root (in a front to
back circle), and
side-to side in this fashion. I am still observing this
action, and it may
possibly be connecting each higher chakra with the
corresponding opposite
chakra in its own unique way. (both front-to-back, and
side-to-side as well)
It also sends energy through my meridians! If you
alternate the finger
touching the bottom ball, you direct all the energy
through that meridian,
like a full-body accupressure/reflexology treatment. I
can easily tell it to
bounce away all psychic attacks, and cords with simple
concentration. I
really love it! When my wife got home, she had had one
of the worst days she
has had in a long time. (It was over 130 degrees here,
AND she is pregnant.)
I showed her the one you sent for her, and told her how
to activate it.
IMMEDIATELY, her energy completely change and we were
both beaming huge
smiles at one another. I asked her what it was doing and
the first thing she
said was 'It definitely makes you happy!" We are very
fortuante for your
generosity, and I feel in your debt. If you had not sent
them, we would not
have been able to buy the materials we purchased
recently, and so I have
been able to make a few orgone creations and a frequency
generator. (I had
my heart set on one of these for some reason ever since
I saw it on your
page.) I tried to wrap a quartz crystal with wire like a
mobius coil, but
even hooked up to the machine, they do MUCH less than
your device. I have
already brianstormed a possible improvement to make
somehting more
ultimately powerful and I will be sending you more
observations soon. God
bless you, and may he bless you with his wisdom, that
you may continue to
create insightfully.
All our love,
Adam and Julie
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