This post is based upon the perception that the length of a CBs
pipes are tuned to draw DOR from the altitude at which chemtrails
are sprayed.
Don and Carol dowsed for this length and most CBs have followed
their recommendations ever since.
After I made my second Croft CB using Cesco coils under the crystals
in the pipes, the sky was wonderful; a deep blue with healthy
cumulus and a fresh breeze.
This situation prevailed through even the most manic chem-spraying
until a couple of months ago when I noticed that the power of the
CBs had faded rather.
They still worked and things were obviously a lot better with them
than without but it wasn’t the way I remembered it and I couldn’t
explain why.
Then by chance I got an email contact from Sharon; a gifter in
Oregon, who mentioned that the effects of her CB had also faded and
on an inspiration she doubled the length of the pipes and found that
the power of the device returned.
After about a week it faded again so she took off the
pipe-extensions and the sky cleared.
This oscillation continued for a while but the effects faded faster
each time she either added or removed the pipes until she figured
out what was happening.
They were spraying higher than usual and when she extended the CB
and caught up with them, they started spraying lower again (and when
she removed the pipe-extensions they sprayed higher again).
I actually have three CBs in my garden and I tried extending the
pipes of one of them by three feet and the effects were immediately
visible and strengthened over the period of the next 24 hours.
I have the advantage of being able to train one CB on the regular
altitude for chem-spraying and another on the (more recent) higher
altitude and the effects are persistent.
Sharon only has one CB and I suggested that she try extending every
other pipe in the circle and leave the other three their original
length (so: short/long/short/long etc) and it seems to have worked
splendidly against chemicals sprayed at both altitudes.
Some of you may remember my mention of a twice-daily ‘white-out’
here in Bali that occurs at sunrise and sunset respectively; it is
the result of a persistent layer of chemicals high in the sky that
is invisible when the sun shines straight through it but becomes
apparent when the rays of the rising or setting sun shine obliquely
across it and temporarily turn the sky white.
I thought that if the extensions on my second CB worked on this
higher altitude layer of crud then the effects should be visible at
sunset and so I waited to see.
Sure enough; the sky turned seamlessly from blue to black (at
sunset) and back to blue (at sunrise) without going through the
chemical white phase because the chemicals have been cleared by the
extended CB.
This is the way the sky looked before I extended CB2:
And here we are at the usual time the sky went white at sunrise:
This is around mid morning of the same day (haven’t seen it like
this for a while):
This is the early afternoon of the same day (Sylphs clearing
chemicals high in the sky and more clouds forming):
And finally; this is earlier today after the first rainy night for a
long time and amidst persistent cloud-cover:
If this were an expensive or troublesome modification I would
hesitate to suggest it here but for anyone who may feel they are
experiencing a similar fading in the power of their CB; it’s cheap
and easy to try (all you need is three separate meters of copper
pipe and three couplers).
I’m not suggesting that all CBs need to be modified in this way and
you will all be the best judges of your own particular situations
but its worth bearing in mind all the same.
I understand that another reason for the power of a CB fading is
that the crystals could need replacing but that’s never (yet)
happened to me and I can’t advise on it.
Don suggested that ‘any time one makes a significant change there's
a temporary shift in energy balance’ and I guess the big question
here is; at what stage can we begin to regard a temporary change as
Perhaps a week is too soon to be jumping to conclusions but during
the time since I extended the pipes on CB2 the effects have
consolidated rather than faded.
The most obviously visible change is the complete disappearance of
the ‘white phase’ in both the sunset and the sunrise and it’s
difficult to regard this as purely coincidental.
The sky is a consistently deeper blue than it was before and
resembles the way it was for a couple of months before I noticed
that the CBs were being evaded.
The spraying is pretty much constant now with continuous flights by
the small plane during the day and the regular appearance of the Jet
(with all four ports open) in the mid to late afternoons culminating
in this sort of thing towards sunset:
It has rained heavily every night since the modification in stark
contrast to before when spraying like this would have cleared the
skies totally of all cloud (now it re-forms as fast as they disrupt
The Sylphs are working much more aggressively in recent days and
seem to appear in greater numbers with many new faces amongst them.
The wind remains completely unaffected now and the whole ‘feel’ of
the place is much lighter and more relaxed.
As with the ‘Grounding CBs’ post; my observations once again go some
way to challenge accepted wisdom about CBs and will perhaps be
regarded as unwelcome comment in some circles.
It’s not my intention to divert energy or resources from our regular
gifting work and as I implied previously, if the suggested
modification constituted a complete overhaul of Cloudbuster theory
then I would have preferred to remain silent.
Both Sharon and I independently perceived that the chem-planes had
discovered an altitude at which they could ply their poison with
impunity because CBs didn’t affectively clear it up there.
These residual chemicals are easily observed in the ‘white phase’ of
the sunset and their disappearance can be regarded as empirical
evidence that a CBs range is not all that it was hitherto assumed to
The suggested modification is both cheap and easy and seems to
extend the altitude-range of a standard CB leaving the chem-planes
with nowhere safe to spray.
Did anyone else try it yet?
Dear Dan, we also added cesco blocks to our CB a while ago, and the
difference was notable. We still can observe the effects of the
change. However, sometimes the CB seems not to be working on a
higher chem crud... your post is refreshing! Will try this extension
today, luckily we still have a few pipes and couplers...
How much do you pay for copper? even though we are the biggest
exporters, we pay international prices for it, and it is not cheap
at all, on the contrary. For the same reason we have been discussing
about experimenting with aluminum pipes.
shall keep you posted,
When we go after particularly juicy targets we usually add Cesco
coils to a few of the orgonite devices. For instance, when we
dropped the mini-CB in the deep end of Yellowstone Lake (center of
the latest seismic activity), that one had one of those coils in the
orgonite base.
There are many, many ways to produce temporary grand effects, by the
way. The way to produce more permanent effects in the atmosphere is
to gift so much that the balance is eventually tipped in our favor.
This event is usually marked by the disappearance of the HAARP
whiteout and the appearance of Sylphs.
HAARP whiteout is often mistaken for 'high chemtrails,' I've
noticed. Maybe that's the sewer rats' intention in this mainly
psychological war these parasites are waging against humanity. If
you've travelled on airlines you're likely to have had an
opportunity to witness the formation of this whiteout. I saw it
happening over the then-ungifted reaches of North Dakota, five years
ago, on my way to the east coast from the west coast of the US. At
about 20,000 feet an extremely, obviously un-natural layer of
stratus cloud formed in this case and it stretched all the way
across a couple of states.
Chemtrails are spewed between 12,000 and 25,000 feet, so it's easy
to see why many people confuse the HAARP-generated, harmless
whiteouts with chemtrails, though of course chemtrails, too, have
been harmless for over five years.
When we arrived here a year or so ago there was intermittent HAARP
whiteout and the cloudbusters in the region were inadequate at
keeping it all at bay. Not enough new death towers been erected in
our absence to recover the DOR saturation that existed before we
gifted this region, five and six years ago, thankfully.
It was after we gifted the three biggest lakes in the region that
the whiteout stopped recurring adn the chemtrail remnants started
disappearing much more rapidly. The sewer rats send spewplanes
over the lakes nearest us constantly in an effort to get the stuff
to stick, too.
There are two other cases of persistent whiteout that ought to be
mentioned again in this context: Toronto and Vancouver, Canada.
Steve Baron and friends had distributed 10,000 or so towerbusters,
put an enormous cloudbuster on the bottom of Lake Ontario and turned
the region into a sort of pin cushion with intelligently placed
earthpipes but the HAARP whiteout still persisted. Apparently the
soliution was for someone to disable the coastal HAARP arrays in the
Canada Maritime region because after some of that was done, blue
skies predominated in Toronto, again.
STan Cayer in Vancouver did an enormous amouint of gifting and a
dozen or so cloudbusters had already been made in Western
British Columbia but the HAARP whiteout over Vancouver persisted. STan
even hiked up many steep mountains in BC to bust arrays whose access
was blocked to vehicle traffic. He's in his 70s, so we were doubly
impressed by that workf--reminded us of Grandpa Kelly, in fact
He got an idea to arrange some simple TBs on the roof of his
Recreational Vehicle one day and after that the whiteout disappeared
and has apparently not been seen very much, since. Stan's a
psychic, by the way, though it's important to know that anyone can
get hunches like that, any time, so we all need to act on them, as
Dan probably did in this case.
Many people have tried to find some parameters for modifying
existing devices or inventing new ones and it's been really hard to
get consistent results this way. The motivation is usually the
desire to get bigger results with less effort, which is a good idea
but not always productive. Early on, whenever someone suggested a
modification, no matter how groundless or irrelevant, many people
copied it without questioning and in many cases these mods reduced
the potency of the orgonite, as when people added magnets to
cloudbuster bases.
Gail Stark in Texas introduced the earthpipe concept, around four
years ago, as 'a new form of cloudbuster' because when she shoved
the pipes in teh ground, the DOR above cleard
away. Kelly, Carol, Luis and I made several expeditions to big,
nasty underground bases in teh Pacific Northwest after that because
we felt pretty certain that these devices were mainly affecting
underground DOR sources that were polluting the atmosphere above
them. Kelly came up with the present proportions we use for our
earthpipes, in fact. Kelly and Carol can accurately locate and
gauge energy, so it was a productive effort and it produced
immediate, visible orgone effects above teh busted bases, every
time, as you've perhaps likely done by now. Fortunately for gifters,
there are many thousands of nasty underground bases throughout the
world to experiment on

the parasites of the present world odor probably wish to hide from
humanity eventually.
By now, it's apparent that the experimentors are approaching this
more rationally and that's very nice to see! I was apprehensive
about the possible response. Just a couple of years ago, after some
entirely innocent comments about wax/metal orgone accumulators,
agents on the mole-ridden open membership boards took hold of this
notion like pitbulls and started making a lot of noise about 'wax
replacing resin in orgonite.'\
I'm happy to be able to relax about this, thanks to the intelligent
review this is getting. I want it to be known that the basic
cloudbuster parameters that Carol came up with by dowsing, seven
years ago, are practical but they shouldn't be considered the last
word. Many of the basic devices we all use were invented or
modified by several people, in fact.
Mary Anne in Maine told me that when she read Dan's report she added
length to her CB pipes and a huge, beautiful cumulus cloud
immediately formed overhead.
Gert Botha in the Namib Desert immediately stopped the persistent
sand storms in his immediate area with a 2/3-scale CB cobbled
together with found material. Carol and I were so impressed that we
visited him and we did a lot of work together.
Carol and I developed a half-scale CB with a Succor Punch in it in
order to remove storms in our path when we were sea-gifting from our
boat around South Florida and it worked consistently well, even
dramatically at times.
We added five feet to the length of the pipes a few months after we
built our first orgonite cloudbuster, almost seven years ago,
because we had a strong feeling that we could affect whoever was
apparently doing nasty stuff on/in our moon. A year later, a whole
bunch of people were doing that and it wasn't long after that when
the moon's orbit became kind of erratic
Generally, adding length to the pipes narrows the focus and
increases the range and it's possible that reducing the length of
the pipes widens the focus and decreases the range but we haven't
experimented with that. Half scale CBs operate differently, I
When I busted all the death towers in the Snake River Valley, for
hundreds of miles east of Boise, Idaho in August, 2002 there were no
cloudbusters in that region, yet, and that's probably why the daily
thunderstorms I caused in that semi-arid, drought-ridden region by
disabling all the death towers in successive population centers were
kind of violent. That, too, was a temporary effect by the way, but,
like Dan's and the others' experiments, also a very good short term
confirmation, at least. That was how I tested the validity of the 3
ounce towerbuster to my satisfaction, then started promoting it.
Cloudbusters smooth that destructive weather tendency out nicely and
mostly prevent lightning from hitting the ground, as you probably
know from experience. Disabling the towers won't prevent violent
storms, apparently. I was wading through feds in those days,
though, so maybe the violence in the weather was mostly HAARP
generated. We don't encounter these quasi-government sewer rats
much any more on gifting runs.
All of this work we're doing is still quite new and anyone who
generates dramatic confirmations in the atmosphere with orgonite may
want to experiment with modifications. What I"m hoping for is that
the experimentors will take note of what's been done before in order
to be able to find and report newer information with their
efforts. What we look for are long-term consistent effects of our
modifications and inventions, of course, and the tough part of
identifying long term effects is that we mostly can't know whether
our other efforts contributed to them or even entirely caused
them. This isn't a problem unless one feels a need to promote a
modification or invention, though. MOst of us just fly by the seat
of our pants and do what we're prompted to do, without assuming
that our more unusual approaches will be seen as universal
applications. In this way, our work is more like art than science,
I think. Cesco is a gifted, inspired artist and has produced more
than his share of delightful, effective new devices, for instance.
It might be nice to find out, as a more scientific enquiry, if
gifting the sea all around a small island where there is also no
cloudbuster will cause the death towers on the island to turn
into life force generators and the chemtrails to disappear quickly
and consistenly, as gifting the death towers directly does. It
would be an easy experiment, since every place where there are
people there are also death towers: approximately one death tower
per 2,000 people, on average. I think it's harder to do an
experiment like this in landlocked areas because there are so many
cloudbusters around by now and it's hard to know if anyone has
gifted in a chosen area.
It used to be so easy to see the effects of the basic devices in the
US. It's hard to beat the experience of plowing a bright furrow
through hundreds of miles of DOR-saturated atmosphere, for
instance. Dan's probably in a mostly ungifted territory. I think
the only other gifters in Indonesia are on nearby Java, where he's
also done a lot of gifting and has some cloudbusters.