My wife and i gifted some lakes surrounding the tacoma base area w in a year after our group effort. Tying up loose ends...I think American lake was the biggie release. It felt like a huge space explosion as soon as it hit the water... i have let some go in the puget sound , but get the feeling ALOT more is requested.

i would jump at the chance for a boat ride around the sound , especially, THAT kind of party !!!
i bought one of those 4 door jeep jk's in 07. the doors and top pop off in seconds, which gives a driving freedom much akin to motorcycle or snowboard riding...it has takin me in the mountains to gift well. You will love it if you get a chance to ride w the doors off...
I have two friends at work that told me this story from last sunday, Jan 16,2010. Jason is the 25 year old and Walter is about 50. Jason got all hyped up about 2012 and underground bases etcc..... well , Walter said he knew of a place that the guards would come out of no where and tell you to leave. He said something about his dad 40 years ago hauling dirt out of the cascades north of mt rainier 20 miles or so for good money. This must have been before the nuke ones that dont need the dirt hauled off. there was 3 feet of snow up there last sunday , but Jason made it up there. Jason told me at this point he did not believe Walter, but used the excuse to go up there anyway and do some target shooting regardless...
So these two are in the spot sitting in front of a locked gate per Walter's directions in 3 feet of snow 20 miles out from Wilkeson,Wa. at 10 oclock at night..
(as a side note I am 99 percent sure i know EXACTLY this spot---just cant believe i missed it all these years! )
So Jason gets out and trys his pistol out . w in 5 minutes here come two toyota trucks w the snow tracks installed front and back. no wheels ,but tank like tracks in their place. they come up into view from behind the no tresspassy gate and park behind it. A guy in a 3 piece suit gets out of truck #1 and walks over to Jason kind of sideways (tactic to present less of a target than w your body straight with consideration to gun fights) remember Bob Marley when his attacker/shooter showed up? Mr Marley was smart enough to instantly move sideways. good survival skill.. oops sorry bout the tangent.....

Jason notices that the passenger gets out too, but stands behind the open door. nice black ops outfit! truck #2 parked right behind truck #1 with both guys (nice black ops outfits, boys!) doing the same -standing behind the open doors. Jason thought the glass was bullet proof.
the suit says "resricted area you have to leave"
Jason asks why.
suit says "you don't ask the questions, you can go up the road farther, or back down "
Walter and Jason left.
I think this area has done well, untill now , of being invisible

So HAHA!!! You and CArol dont get to have ALL the Fun !!!
Plenty to go around --- regardless of who , or where you are- pay attention--- and act when called upon!!!
thanks for asking about family -- we will survive and flourish as long as we are able .. May your family be safe and sound Too Sir.
heheh i have not typed this much in years .Thanks Don
gotta go, cya when i see ya!
ps: please, let me know more about droppable earthpipe design / ideas if you can . That was what really jumped out at me when i saw yer email.
Take care Sir