James DiEugenio

James DiEugenio first became interested in history while at film school.
Later he studied Contemporary American History from California State University,
His first book, Destiny Betrayed
(1992) took a close look at the Jim Garrison investigation of the assassination
of John F. Kennedy. In 1993, he became a co-founder of Citizens for Truth about
the Kennedy Assassination. The following year he was co-founder of the Coalition
on Political Assassinations (COPA).
DiEugenio and Lisa Pease co-edited
COPA's journal, Probe Magazine (1993-2000). DiEugenio is also the co-editor of
The Assassinations (2002), a book that covers the deaths of John F. Kennedy,
Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X.
Show #445
Original airdate: Oct 22nd, 2009
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topic: JFK Research
Play Part One Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Play Part Two Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Show #444
Original airdate: Oct 15th, 2009
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topic: JFK Research
Play Part One Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Call in between 9pm 10pm EST 604 525-4167 or 604 525-3974 during
show time only.
Jim elaborates on a topic from last week's show questioning the
credibility of two sides of a topic
Neutron Activation and Parrafin tests on Oswald proved he never
fired a gun that day
Could CE399 have done "ANY" damage, let alone all of the damage
attributed to it?
Why the Warren Commission advocates try to keep Oswald out of
544 Camp Street
Showing how Truman and Johnson were not Liberals as John McAdams
John Kennedy spent his presidency trying to reverse the Cold War
policy that Truman began
The less than liberal results of the Johnson presidency
Why Oswald left the TSBD and Dealey Plaza after the
Noteable: The TSBD was only one of several businesses located in
that building
Roger Craig a very credible witness
Hoover's dealings with the CIA
Oswald was not just a patsy, he was a "pawn"
Caller: Where was Oswald when some events transpired?
Caller: What's your opinion of Larry Flynt's Rebel Magazine?
Larry Flynt actually hired Gordon Novel and Mitch Werbell, two
identified CIA men
Caller, Gil comments on an out and out lie in the Warren Report!
Chauncey Holt's admittance that he was the older tramp. Was it
Holt or E Howard Hunt?
Why Jim picked the 4 people he did to challenge for a debate
Do "Case Closed" or "Reclaiming History" have any redeeming
historical value?
Jim reviews his phenomenal critique of of Reclaiming History
Why OP Wright's name isn't mentioned in the Warren Commission
The dubious chain of evidence of CE 399
Show #443
Original airdate: Oct 8th 2009, 2009
Guest: Jim DiEugenio and John McAdams
Topic: JFK Research Debate Part 3 & 4
Play Part Three Interview -
Debate Part
Q: The Commission claimed that Oswald took his rifle from the
Paine garage on the morning of 11/22 with the intent of killing
President Kennedy: What evidence is there that the rifle was in the
Paine garage on November 21st?
Q: Is there proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Oswald and
Oswald alone fired the magic bullet?
Q: Did Hoover proclaim Oswald guilty before or after the FBI
examined any of the evidence?
Q: Can anyone name Oswald's communist associates in the US and
their group affiliations?
Q: Did Oswald order the rifle in evidence?
Play Part Four Interview -
Debate Part Four
Q: Are the backyard photos genuine?
Q: Did the HSCA cover up evidence of a large exit wound in the
back of Kennedy's head?
Q: Was President Kennedy's intent to withdraw from Vietnam at
the time of his assassination?
Question for John to Jim: How many people are involved in the
assassination and coverup?
Question for Jim to John: Why did John misrepresent Michael
Kurtz from his book Crime Of The Century
Summation from John: Evidence is solid on every point, John
lists several items that he claims proves Oswald was where he was
when the Warren Commission states it and evidence is clear in
general that Oswald is guilty.
Summation from Jim: The Walker bullet was switched, The bullet
in Parkland Hospital was not the one in the archives, Evidence is
changed all over the case, Jim gives several examples, details will
be found in the archive and the debate transcript
Transcript of the Debate (word .doc)
Show #442
Original airdate: Sept 24, 2009
Guest: Jim DiEugenio and John McAdams
Topic: JFK Research Debate Part 1&2
Play Part One Interview -
Debate Part ONE
Opening statements: John, then Jim
The opening statements present the credibility of evidence as
seen by both opponents
The points made will be too numerous to list. Please listen to
the audio for your best coverage
Q: Why should anyone believe the 'Single Bullet Theory?'
Q: Whose portrait of Oswald is correct the Commission's or Jim
Q: Did Oswald go to Mexico CIty, and if so what did he do there?
Q: Are you satisfied with the official autopsy?
Q: Do you believe the official x rays and photos are real?
Play Part Two Interview -
Debate Part TWO
Q: Please appraise the work of the Dallas Police in light of
what we know today
Q: Who controlled the Warren Commission?
Q: Who shot J. D. Tippit and why?
Q: Could Oswald have done what he is accused of doing inside the
TSBD on 11/22/63
Q: What was Oswald up to in New Orleans in the summer of 1963?
Show #440
Original airdate: Sept 10, 2009
Guest: Jim DiEugenio
Topic: JFK Assassination Research
Play Part One Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Questions form listeners
Bugliosi's lack of a computer
Rebel Magazine: "Terriffic." One of the last great Liberal to
radical magazines
The Huffington Post censors out any reference to 9/11,
Was Officer Tippit the Badge Man? The image is a remarkable
piece of evidence
The participants that connect Watergate and the JFK
Nixon: No obvious connection GHW Bush and E Howard Hunt are
another story...
What looks like a set-up perpetrated by McCord during the
Watergate break-in
Jim references Jim Hougan's great book Secret Agenda
DiEugenio's conclusion: Hunt, McCord, Jaworski, Bush, Sturgis,
Novell, Helms and more...
... all involved both in the Watergate break-in and the JFK
The "umbrella man's" companion, Orlando Bosch?...
The validity of the Nitrate test on Oswald
J Edgar Hoover's control of the FBI and it's corrupting
Play Part Two Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Debate update
A simplified debate format described
10 very basic questions will be debated and emailed questions
debated in the second half
There will be a strict, no interruptions format
Richard Sprague's HSCA investigative agenda got him removed from
the committee
Play Part Three Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Bugliosi review con't
Jim Garrison, Rose Cheramie, Clinton/Jackson area the CIA
Oswald's voter registration in Clinton/Jackson with Shaw and
Evidence proves this happened. Bugliosi denies it
Jim talks about the reasons Bugliosi and others deny what
appears to be valid information
Cheramie was shrugged off by every investigation... a very
important loss of evidence
Sergio Arcacha Smith and Emilio Santana were identified as
Cheramie's acquaintances in the bar
Huge connections denied by Bugliosi
James Phelan's methods of discrediting Jim Garrison
Lee Harvey Oswald and Leon Oswald... two different people
James Jesus Angleton's and the CIA's subterfuge against Garrison
The CIA had a "Garrison desk"... Why if they weren't involved in
domestic espionage?
The DA's office in New Orleans was bugged twice during the Shaw
Jim lists several infiltrators in Garrison's office
Garrison had a huge CIA operation working against him
Is it any wonder he lost the case?
Jim gives a clear timeline of how Oswald was set up before the
Jim gives Jim Garrison the primary credit for this timeline...
It stands up well today
Show #438
Original airdate: Aug 27, 2009
Guest: Mark Lane / Jim DiEugenio / Pat Valentino
Topic: JFK Research
Play Part One Interview -
Mark Lane
Commentary on the Bugliosi book and the upcoming Tom Hanks
production of it
Many examples of Bugliosi's poor reasearch
Lane of Bugliosi: " I don't think he would recognize a fact if
it came up and bit him"
..."it's just incredible that anyone is going to rely upon him
for a series. It's just beyond belief"
Mark cites his great article on Bugliosi:
It Is Round"
Inaccuracies not only with Lane but outright lies about Cyril
Article from
Arthur Krock discusses Coup will come from CIA in Sept. 1963
Mark Lane announces the name of his autobiography "Dancing With
The title was coined by a Black Op listener, Larry Rule
Mark promises a defamation suit if Bugliosi continues to
misquote and slander him
Answer to emailed question: Nancy Perrin-Rich
Play Part Two Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Answering listeners' email questions
The lone nutters selectively choose their facts when attempting
to make their case
Discussing the Oswald getaway vehicles: Bus?, Taxi?, Nash
Jim sorts out the witness testimony. It may be a Nash Rambler
for the Oswald double
Pictures may exist of Oswald on the embankment and the Nash
Jim believes there were 2 Oswalds and this accounts for the
confusion in witness testimony
The Thirteenth Juror: A new book about the MLK Jowers trial.
The Bugliosi book: Debating the well known fact that Oswald knew
Ferrie early on
It appears that Oswald followed Ferrie to 2 different CAP (Civil
Air Patrol) groups
Jim explains Ferrie, Oswald and the CAP
Bugliosi tries to obfuscate known evidence on this subject
531 Lafayette St. and 544 Camp St. led to the same second floor
Bugliosi tries to say this was not the case
Jim presents many points of evidence and shows that Bugliosi did
not do his homework
Bannister... Ferrie... Oswald... Shaw - connections
Clay Bertrand was Clay Shaw
Freeport Sulphur: Shaw... Ferrie... David Atlee Phillips... E
Howard Hunt
These were all American intelligence people, not the Mafia or a
lone nut
The Rose Cheramie incident: a brief outline for new listeners
Two conspirators fingered as knowing of the assassination
"BEFORE" it happened
More on this and the Clinton/Jackson incident next interview
with Jim
Play Part Five Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Jim answers a few email questions
Jack Dougherty did not see the rifle bag that Oswald was
supposed to have carried
He was also on the 5th floor landing during the shooting...
Oswald did not pass him
A man resembling David Atlee Phillips was at Oswald's midnight
press conference
More on Jim's open debate challenge
More on the strap muscles (P88 Warren Report) and the footnotes
How Humes is directed to explain the mislocation of the bullet
hole in the shirt
The Bugliosi book review
Bugliosi uses the questionable Hugh Aynesworth
A history of Aynesworth with regard to the assassination and Jim
How he undermined Garrison's witnesses and the case
Bugliosi nevertheless uses Aynesworth as a credible source
Jim believes as much as 50% of Garrison's evidence and leads no
longer exist
Jim describes James Phelan, a continual disinformationist
Bugliosi nevertheless uses Phelan's material
Bugliosi calls Clay Shaw a Liberal... He was, in fact, a Fascist
DiEugenio describes the network Shaw was deeply attached to
Shaw was a valuable and trusted asset of the CIA
Shaw's ties to Permindex from the beginning
Show #434
Original airdate: July 30, 2009
Guests: Jim DiEugenio
Topic: JFK Assassination Research
Play Part One Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Debate challenge update
The "strap muscle" evidence and the real story
Lucien Sarti not one of the shooters
The front shot was likely a frangible bullet
The Oswald back yard photos likely not real
The cameras at the Paines's
Discussion of the major JFK web disinformationalists
Mike Palecek's
Letter to
Johnny Carson
Play Part Two Interview -
Jim DiEugenio
Virtual JFK and McGeorge Bundy
Book Review - "Lessons in Disaster"
Ed Lansdale probably met Ngo Dinh Diem at Notre Dame
Lansdale eventually vaults Diem into the presidency of the
country of Vietnam
Kennedy rejects Vietnam intervention 10 times before allowing
JFK was almost alone in not allowing troops to Vietnam
Bundy was impressed by JFK's knowledge of the Vietnam struggle
Kennedy was 'NEVER' going to allow combat troops
The Buddhist Uprising: A political disaster for the Diems
Shenanigans with the Aug 24th cable
Kennedy announces personnel withdrawals from Vietnam
All Americans out by the end of 65
After Kennedy the policy is reversed by NSAM #273
The Joint Chiefs present war plans that even include China
LBJ's Pearl Harbor became The Gulf Of Tonkin Incident
The provocations leading up to the apparent USS Maddox attack
By the end of 65 (JFK's end withdrawl date) more than 175,000
troops were in Vietnam
Bundy felt he'd committed many failures in administering his
office with regard to Vietnam
He came to the conclusion only the sitting president could get
America into Vietnam: LBJ