Site Admin
Joined: 07 Aug 2004
Posts: 288
Location: 628 N Hayes, Moscow, Idaho, 83843 USA
Posted: Mon
Jan 10, 2005 10:25 am Post subject:
Yesterday we invited the dolphins to join a blasting session
directed at punishing the culprits who were responsible for
murdering those thousands of unfortunate Asians on December 26.
Our second goal was to prevent ëthe nextí mayhem agenda on their
calendar of murderous events.
The experience was so profound, especially for the psychics,
that none of us can adequately express it but I've asked them to
try, at least.
Carol and I usually sit in the same room in Idaho during the
group intel/blasting sessions and we use separate computers, as
do Dooney and Stevo, another married couple, in Montana, who
participate in the sessions.
We had scheduled the session specifically to 'do' these
culprits, who turned out to be the same basic cabal which
currentlyoversees all warfare and other mass murder agendae in
the world and was centered around George Bush, Sr, Hillary
Clinton, Rumsfeld and Putin, according to what the psychics were
seeing. This time they also saw an Indonesian in a brown
uniform--not surprising, because when the same psychics looked
at the cabal which is running the Iraq mercenary incursion they
saw, in addition to Bush, Hillary, Rumsfeld and Putin, the real
Saddam, along with the Saudi crown prince, and when they looked
at the thwarted invasion of the Southeast US by millions of
Chinese ëUN Peacekeeping troopsí from their staging area in Cuba
last month they saw a Chinese general in the cabal.
I'm not writing this to convince anyone but I feel it's
appropriate to name the cards as they're turned over, so to
speak, just for the record.
For the first three hours of the session we took care of
business and assisted a couple of our more prolific gifting
comrades who had been on the ropes due to reprisals. I won't
identify them but they've both been instrumental in gifting in
'troubled' areas outside the US and were experiencing some
backlash from the occult/corporate minions.
By the time we were done fixing them up and punishing their
tormentors several of the key psychics and blasters had to leave
to attend to other things.
Generally, in the group efforts, when a psychic is blasting
he/she is too focused on a specific effort to 'look around.'
Carol had been assessing individual efforts for the blasters who
were new to the group and this panned out well, since there were
several other competent psychics on hand to direct the assaults.
We use the psychics like artillery spotters. Iím not minimizing
their role, of courseónone of this can happen without the direct
participation of competent psychics. I can usually identify
which blaster needs help as well as a psychic can but the latter
can be very specific and coach the fledgling with specific
I think that the common obstacle we have when we get started in
this new discipline is short circuiting the wonderful impetus
that righteous (dare I say 'selfless?') anger generates. The
reason we're writing a compendium is so that the reader can
learn from our years of experimentation and not have to repeat
all the steps we went through.
You probably noticed that there isn't much 'love and light'
rhetoric in this collection of essays and reports, though
everyone who's contributing to the group blasting effort evinces
genuine, selfless love. Nor do you see any of the unpleasantness
that's associated with raw aggression, even though we're
fighting a genuine war. The key to not letting our anger control
us is to involve the breath and to ëbreatheí that raw energy out
through the heart, of course. This is the only way to blast for
hours and not get tired. It's also the only way to properly
shield ourselves against backlash from the other side in this
It's worth a mention that more and more people are using this
method to 'condition' the prosecuting attorneys and corrupted
judges in trials involving political non crimes and to stop them
from working for the CIA and FBI to frame innocents, otherwise,
and disappear them into the most extensive Gulag Archipelago in
the history of the planet: the US prison system. Carol recently
used her own blasting technique in a courtroom and personally
witnessed the astonishing effect on a notoriously vicious and
lawless county prosecutor, who failed to get his wish granted by
the judge in that case. It's strange that the 'new breed' of
outlaws are all government and corporate officials, at least in
the US.
Sensei Dennis was the guy who initiated the new tack: blasting
arch predators in unison with cetaceans. What we'd been doing
was effective and we feel sure that we had prevented several
mayhem events on the scale of that bomb-generated tsunami but we
followed Dennis' lead because he's developed a fine reputation
for innovation and this process is, after all, evolving.
I think it started with his desire to reach beyond the cabal and
take hold of their puppetmasters. Two years ago, when Carol and
I were first getting acquainted with the notion of pursuing arch
predators with our new etheric weaponry the first thing we did
was to go after the Great White Brotherhood themselves. For two
years before that we were mainly concerned with defending
ourselves from attacks.
We were astonished to find that the dark masters were both weak,
unsuspecting, and very expendable, even though they apparently
'operated' all of the most bloodstained people on the planet,
such as the Rothschilds, Prince Thurm und Taxis, the Bush males,
the Rockefellers, Gorbachev, etc. Ever since then we've opted
for going after their chief interfaces, instead, though when we
'did a crop' of the five top dark masters a change in the
quality of leadership within the occult/corporate world order
became apparent. Maybe that simply stemmed from the ancient
hierarchyís having firsthand experience with their own
vulnerability as an organization.
It was right after this that I got sick for the first time since
April, 1996 which is when I first used a zapper. I fully
recovered within a few weeks but I apparently had gotten a
pretty big dose of poison. That was a month after six of us got
marked and poisoned on the same night, apparently in reprisal
for successfully distributing DB's fine chemtrail documentary,
CLOUDS OF DEATH. I still hadnít fully recovered from that attack
when the next one laid me out.
A lot of us have been poisoned and temporarily debilitated for
taking the lead in this movement but we all use zappers, which
can neutralize even rattlesnake venom in a short time, so I
doubt that anything the CIA, NSA, MI6, Mossad, KGB, etc., are
willing to covertly inject in their enemies is as impressive as
you might be led to believe.
Since being bedridden for a couple of days, two years ago, I
haven't gotten more than a sniffle from subsequent poison
attacks. This seems to be the pattern with the rest of the
activists, too: the first severe reprisal leaves us bedridden
for a couple of days and subsequent poisonings get less and less
obtuse. We apparently build up an immunity, in other words. I
hope we won't end up getting hooked on the stuff
It may seem like I'm rambling but, really, I'm being attentive
to the fact that this subject matter is so new to most readers
that I want to show the baby steps that we all took to get here
in order to help the newcomer grasp this very accessible new
approach we're taking and start experimenting on his/her own
NSA/MI6 tormentors.
If you'll do that, this may be where you'll be heading: direct,
conscious interaction with cetaceans, who collectively make up
part of the consortium whom I call 'The Operators.'
Back to Sensei's supposition: after we determined that Joe
Vialls has the most accurate take on what happened ( )
the psychics hunted for the instigators and immediately found
George Bush, Sr, the kingpin of the genocide agenda, so we sort
of ganged up on him. I don't remember who suggested inviting the
dolphins and whales, but all five of the psychics who were
present said that dolphins immediately swarmed into the melee.
I noticed that my wife had gone into a trance and was breathing
quite heavily. Iíd never seen her do that. At the same time,
Dooney and Steve were ecstatic and were exulting about the
grandeur of the experience and the distinct honor they felt was
being bestowed on us all. Lilly was also directly aware but was
called away from the session right about then. Sensei was
practically incoherent because he was apparently ëstruckí as
deeply as my wife was. Andy saw dolphins swimming all around him
and got bumped at one point. I felt the shift the same time the
rest did and identified the distinct feeling I get when Iím
connected to dolphins but I donít have the psi gift so I didnít
get any imagery. This uplifting shift in awareness is exactly
what we want everyone to experience according to our individual
capacity. There were a few others in the session but they
remained silent, pretty much. I think my only role in this shift
is to assure everyone that one need not be psychic to
participate directly in it. One only has to have a functionally
open mind.
Carol was unable to see anything but color; Dooney and Steveís
heads were out of it enough to see more specific stuff and at
one point Dennis came up for air and told us that a killer whale
(this is a dolphin specie) had rushed at George Bush Sr with the
apparent intention to tear him apart. I got up early this
morning to right this and I donít have a clue whether that old
villainís name will show up in the obits or whether this was
entirely an etheric event but all of us feel sure that the new
alliance with the cetaceans has turned the tables for good on
the occult/corporate world order and this is going to be an
incredibly eventful and productive year for our side.
Dooney said that she simply presented an image of a dolphin with
a human heart to Hillary and that scoundrel ran, screaming, for
cover and then essentially lost her mind. The psychics were so
ecstatic, by then, that they lost interest in what was happening
to the rest of the cabal and we resorted to dowsing to determine
that theyíd simply been taken care of by the righteously
vengeful dolphins and orcas.
My daughter, Nora, went through death at age five, in 1993,
after ingesting some Nutrasweet that a houseguest had brought
with her. Sheíd gone into convulsions that were so alarming that
her mom took her to the emergency room of the local hospital. By
the time I left work and got to the hospital an incompetent MD
shot her up with so much pharmaceutical that he stopped her
heart. A chiropractor and would have easily stopped the
convulsion, most likely, but her mom panicked and took her to
the serial killers, instead. Nora was airlifted to a childrenís
hospital in Seattle and revived. After a couple of days she
snapped out of her drug-induced coma and her mom and I
immediately rushed her out of there. She continued to have
seizures occasionally for a year or so but we stopped them every
time with an ice pack on the head. The serial killers in the
childrenís hospital/gulag had insisted, before we kidnapped her
from there, that sheíd have to ingest their prescribed poisons
for the rest of her life, of course. Twits.
Iím mentioning this because I found out later that when she came
back from the other side she was intensely telepathic and could
see energy and little else. I have the impression that this is
what Carol and Dennis were experiencing when the dolphins joined
the fight. Carol later said that they were swimming in and out
of her DNA, boosting it, and that the killer whale then asked
for her permission to join the fight.
The world is changing very fast around us now, or at least our
awareness of newly-unveiled aspects of reality makes it look
that way. Apparently the cetaceans have been waiting a long,
long time for someone to step forward and invite them to
participate in human affairs and a watershed event happened
yesterdayóa sort of process initiation.
And we havenít even got started with the whales yet
Even though literally anyone is free to make substantial contact
with cetaceans now itís still important for each of us to take
care of business as usual, which is to assault our own
quasi-governmental psi and electronic tormentor as a public
service. The simple fact remains that until this
occult/corporate world order is arrested and held properly
accountable under the law weíre not going to be completely out
of the dark (neither will the dolphins and whales), so if youíre
new to this effort, i.e. youíre disabling the death towers and
HAARP arrays in your community as a public service, youíre
probably going to have to become fairly proficient at
neutralizing your own government/corporate tormentors before you
can directly appreciate the new dynamic between cetaceans and
humans. I think this is just a basic life lesson; part of our
growing up as a specie. Clearly, the dolphins arentí interested
in taking responsibility for our safety. Rather, they are
relying on our commitment to gift the oceans and to efficiently
oppose the ones who are responsible for the cetaceansí near
genocide in modern times. To reciprocate, theyíre willing to
help us disable our own government/corporate two-legged
predators. is a prototype. When we initiated
this last August we didnít have a clear idea of how it would
develop but now weíre ëgetting ití and we will support anyone
who wants to set up a similar board effort. Weíd like to have
some friendly competition at this stage of the war/game.
If youíre only reading this for titillation and arenít
particularly interested in disabling whatís left of the global
death matrix and its progenitor, the parasitic occult/corporate
world order, please let me know if you are able to make
substantial contact with these wonderful ocean-borne beings,
okay? I want to be surprised and Iím not being facetious..
Itís too early for any of us to recognize clear parameters for
the fledgling partnership between our species but we know that
theyíre not waiting for any of us to get entirely up to speed
so jump in and have some fun with us, okay?
Carol instructed me to make some Dolphin Balls for her trip to
Delfin Amor in Costa Rica. She made some miniature Big Secrets
around D/T herkimers and I put one of those in each orgonite
ball, along with a mix of gemstones that she recommended. She
favors the Big Secret because itís an interactive coil/crystal
device that she apparently got from the Andromedans one night as
we were driving the Zapporium past China Lake in Southern
California, west of the Sierra Mountains. I saw the bright light
on the mountainside on the other side of the dry lake bed as
Carol was sort of gesticulating during her visitation. She was
waking up from sleep at the moment, she later told me, and was
trying to push a little Andromedan away as he was insisting that
she look at the device he was describing: a double terminated
quartz crystal wrapped with copper wireóthree turns around the
middle, flaring out in a cone shape with five turns from the
middle out from the ends of the crystal.
Andy will soon be manufacturing and offering Dolphin Balls for
sale on . Carol told us that the dolphins and
whales absolutely love these gifts. I suspect that the bulk of
ocean gifting effort will more appropriately be carried out
using Etheric Pipe Bombs (called Peace Pipes by Greg Brown, the
inventor) because theyíre cheap, easy to make, and have very
wide range. I donít think anyone will be making or buying
hundreds of dolphin balls to toss out during the course of an
ocean voyage or holiday cruise but itís not a huge effort to
make hundreds of EPBs per voyage for that application.
Why not use the balls as specific offerings in an area where you
know dolphins are often seen?
Iím looking forward to hearing from somebody in the US Navy who
will commit to doing this at sea. I believe that will at least
partly make up for the concerted, willful, bloody mayhem which
that agency has been committing on the cetaceans for a
generation or so..
Carol found out last week from Linda that Joan Ocean, a
reputable, no-nonsense dolphin ëcommunicatorí in Hawaii, has
been advising people that the dolphins now want us to recognize
their connection to the Andromedans, whom Carol and I have,
since the event at China Lake in June, 02,, considered to be
among The Operators who are presently guiding humanity out of
the ages-old morass of tyranny and exploitation by giving all of
us the concepts for orgonite, etheric weaponry and, now, direct
interspecies alliance.
My task is to present this in a way that wonít compromise my
credibility but, as usual, my direct challenge to anyone is to
experiment with the material weíre presenting, then draw your
own conclusions. As with any other pursuit, what we put into
this will be in direct proportion to the rewards weíre able to
pull from it. Carol and I will continue to donate our time and
resources to disseminating this information so that we canít be
accused of scamming
In case I was inaccurate about any aspect in my report, I want
the others who participated in yesterdayís event to add their
corrective comments to their subsequent reports in this
compendium. I think itís a good idea to publish these accounts
while theyíre still fresh in our memories.
"We shall no longer hang on to the tails of public opinion or to
a non- existent authority on matters utterly unknown and
strange. We shall gradually become experts ourselves in the
mastery of the knowledge of the Future."
~Wilhelm Reich |