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Post # 55147 |
Orgone Vendor

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Registered Aug 2003
About 36 hours ago, I taped the 1/2 inch neos in several
places on my head area, back of neck, throat, and
thymus. [these were all taken off after 24 hours
]. I also had various places on my legs, knees,
thighs and butt with magnets taped on.
The strangest eeriest thing happened after I did
this~~~within a few moments, all thoughts stopped. what
it felt like was just "me", the observer, was present.
this is the weirdest part to me
whatever it was that happened, there was fear. There
was something that wanted me to rip the magnets off!
I liked the quiet too much. [I can laugh now, but
then it was scary and took a couple of moments to
understand that whatever was happening was not me]
Was this the implants and the control triggers and
their commands getting short circuited and fried?
Or was this something more or something less?
I just got a zap checker and I don't know if I am
getting accurate readings.
I have the zap checker on 6 sensitivity, switched
over to linear, and on the vibration mode. And found the
quietest place in my house, in the basement, to do
readings. It's been around zero degrees here so I wasn't
sure outside would have accuracy, either.
Any insights, helpful options etc most welcome.
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Post # 55153 |
Orgone Vendor

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Registered Aug 2003
I just have a question. Before you did this, were
you fatigued more than normal? And afterwards, if you
did feel fatigued before, did you feel like you had your
normal feeling of energy?
Steven, ""It would seem as though the Creator,
himself had electrically designed this planet"
....Tesla" |
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Post # 55156 |
Orgone Vendor

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Registered Aug 2003
No fatigue more than usual before.
Today I don't feel like doing much at all.
I just took a "candle" break. Your question made me
curious about my energy centers.
And the candle flame is steady.
So, this is good to know.
In the frying pan thread, cbs wrote about ab getting
really sick from the disabling of her newest implant.
and wings of light, too.
What I feel like now is pre-sick lethargy. Which
raises the question for me: Are the old implants less
strong in their reactions than the new ones? Like the
proteins have slowly been absorbed in the body already.
Well, I've already done some magnet work already and
maybe that helped.
And I do know of the nasty rashes. My little one has
these from an implant I disabled on her recently.
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Post # 55175 |
Mineralogists in

out side KC MO
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Be sure to recheck after a couple days to make sure you
gottum! Almost everyone i have checked has them about a
1 inch over each temple and in both hands, right where
the base bones meet from the thumb and first finger so
check those spots also. Also zapper your system and
drink plenty of fluids to help the cleanse.I really
believe in the liver cleanse that Don recommend here
with epsom salts and grapefruit juice,works really well!
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Post # 55180 |
Orgone Vendor

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Registered Aug 2003
I just emailed earthwalker on the side. I spoke of a
place on my fanny. I had a place on my shoulder that was
bleeding for about 3 months before Don & Carol came to
see me this summer. They checked me with the zap checker
& we found 6 implants. The place on my shoulder healed
immedialtely after this magnet treatment.
Now about this place on my fanny. I have had this
for about a year now. It is tiny. It just gets sore &
bleeds as my shoulder did. I have tried magnets,
zappers, & CS to heal it. It just keeps on coming back
like it is new. I told earthwalker that I may try to
build an electromagnet to do this place on my fanny. It
may be that fanny fat is a buffer to shield magnets from
neutralizing this potential implant. So, this is the
reasone I was asking about this fatigue. This fatigue
that I have is unusual to me. I is more acute than
Anyway, an electromagnet is my next plan of attack
for my fanny. I gotta get one of those zap checkers. I
treating in the dark now. From what I hear, this device
may not be able to locate all implants. It may be that
some implants only give off a signal for a few seconds
every hour or so. This type of implant could be easily
missed by a zap checker. I had one that was only
detectable if you hit it at the right time. It when on &
off in an exact beat with a about a half a minute
between beeps.
Steven, ""It would seem as though the Creator,
himself had electrically designed this planet"
....Tesla" |
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Post # 55270 |
The Garden Universe
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Registered Jan 2003
If you can find one of those ab-stimulators that
jobet was talking about, it may help with your backside
(Staying away from "fanny" because I know means
something else internationally.)
*Deanna"Politics is a means of preventing people
from taking part in what properly concerns them." Paul
Valery (1871-1945) |
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Post # 55317 |
Orgone Vendor

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Registered Aug 2003
Thanks Sobell, I did have one of those things. I
used up all the power from the batteries that they give
you. When I first got one I thought, this thing could
really kill some parasites.
I will try one on my rear end. I found one real
cheap on the net. They are cheaper than an
electromagnet. My back side needs a little firming up
anyway. (a lot really)
Steven, ""It would seem as though the Creator,
himself had electrically designed this planet"
....Tesla" |
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Post # 55320 |

co-director, Vaccination Liberation
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Registered Oct 2002
"When I first got one I thought, this thing could really
kill some parasites."
For that reason alone, is why they pulled it off the
market. They found out that it really worked. I don't
remember what their excuse was for pulling it. I think
it was called Ab-tronics or something like that.
I would love to buy a used one from someone who no
longer wanted theirs. I've been looking for one for two
years now.
~Donna C.
~~Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all
fall off.~~ unknown
{ *,* } (,,)(,,) Hang in there!
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Post # 55337 |
Orgone Vendor

662 Posts
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Registered Aug 2003
I used a magnet that will pick up a 150 lbs that I
applied to this place for an hour or so. It came back
again not long after the treatment.
I have a link for one of those ab thingies below. I
forgot that I have a different type of machine that I
got from this same site. I have the Eletrosage 8
machine. It is a cheap zapper really. It has electrodes.
You can use two or four at a time. The shock is not as
intense as the Ab Trainer thing. Use some aloe vera gel
on the skin first. Make sure that the gel does not have
propylene glycol (low-tox anti-freeze) in it. This link
to Igia is below. I have bought many things here at Igia.
They have Ab Belts too.
Steven, ""It would seem as though the Creator,
himself had electrically designed this planet"
....Tesla" |
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