Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism
a book by Carla
"Anyone who acquired their information in a trance state tends to be more confident and sincere sounding as a witness than a person who is relying on direct memory."---Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery p. 238
The essence of mind-control is information control. You are most free when you have the most complete access to information. “Secret, don’t tell” is the beginning of enslavement, individual or social. “Classified” information makes and entire society amnesic. A lie in the “news” deceives an entire society. For either an individual or a large democratic society to best function, there must be complete and accurate information.
Adam had combined two methods of disguised induction. One was his typical boring, confusing monologue, a conversational induction, which would literally put Zebediah to sleep. The other technique took advantage of the natural light hypnotic state all people pass through when in transition from waking to sleeping, a sleep induction.
Dr. Kroener wrote a book about Zebediah’s case, seeking to present the case to the higher court of public opinion. His manuscript would have been the first modern psychiatric study of a victim of unethical hypnosis, and the first recorded memory recovery, by rehypnotization, of a survivor of unethical hypnosis. However, nobody read it because, immediately after its printing, the German government banned it.
"When your mind is focused on only one thing, without other distractions, that one thing makes a strong imprint. The deeper you go, the more you have isolated a particular center of the brain from competing inputs. Hypnotic obedience results from sidelining the brain's conscious monitors and isolating the active network of neurons from competing networks. The hypnotic subject obeys the hypnotist's suggestion because a competing explanation or directive is not accessible.-----Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery p.207
Rationalization (making up a fake reason) is a major defense mechanism. When we do things for reasons of which we are not consciously aware, we rationalize. The obedient enactment of posthypnotic suggestion likewise gets excused by fake explanations provided by the unconscious to the conscious. A subject who does not remember being given a posthypnotic suggestion will always invent an imaginary reason for obeying. His rationalization will be as plausible as possible. He will consciously believe it even though it is a lie he has told himself. Posthypnotic suggestions can be beneficial or harmful. If asked later why he did this particular thing, he will ..."rationalize his conduct by some kind of semi-reasonable explanation...To anyone acquainted with the real motive, namely, the posthypnotic suggestion, these pseudo-motives are very interesting because they are so similar to the pseudo-motives often given by people to justify actions, the real reasons for which are unconscious to themselves or, if conscious, dishonorable." (Estabrooks, Scientific American, p. 216). If a hypnotic subject is not consciously aware of an implanted posthypnotic suggestion because of suggested amnesia, then he does not know the real reason he did the posthypnotic act. In that situation, he will make up some excuse for what he did, as plausible as possible. He will honestly believe the rationalization. He has lied to himself, and perhaps also to others, and believed his lie. After obeying an amnestic posthypnotic suggestion, people do not say, "I don't know why I did that" (which is their conscious mind's truth). They do not say, "The hypnotist made me do it" (which is their unconsciously known truth). Instead, if you ask, "Why did you do that? " they will make up an excuse which is as believable as possible--and they will honestly believe whatever they said! A prominent experimental hypnotist gave a young woman a posthypnotic suggestion to take off one shoe after she awakened from his hypnosis demonstration. She was to set it on the table before her. He then suggested amnesia and awakened her: ...she fidgeted for a few moments, then slipped off one of her shoes with the other foot, reached down, lifted it, and placed it on the table in front of her. Then she reached over and took the flowers from a vase on the table and placed them in her shoe. (LeCron, The Complete Guide to Hypnosis, p. 18) When the hypnotist asked why she had put flowers in her shoe, the subject rationalized: "I have a vase at home that looks something like a shoe. I wondered what kind of flower arrangement I could use with it." ---Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery p.221
"He has lied to himself, and perhaps also to others, and believed his lie." ---Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery p.221