here's an update for the work being
an island with very interesting features is located not far
from the church of doom mentioned earlier. You get there by
boat. Once upon last spring we made our journey to there. The
place was called Viaborg but then changed to Sveaborg which for
some reason does not actually mean what its Finnish translation,
'Suomenlinna', the castle of Finland. That island has still some
military activity, mostly navy I think.
I had a pretty good hunch about its location and the meaning
of it. We had some tbs, hhg and ep brought with us. The church
in the next picture was gifted with tb at each side, except the
side facing north (I think) got hhg. I hope to get more of the
photos we took of that place soon. With Tapani we also inserted
the EP in the ground in a place that had clear proof of having
witnessed. Cannot remember how many tbs we left there, must been
a dozen or so.
I believe we did a good job with the gifting. The location
(read: vortex, yet now I thought if the smaller ones are
situated next bigger ones?) felt pretty important, as there are
also underground entrances on the ground. We actually found some
kind of stone which had writing about Vatican/the pope on it.
That was not far from where we dug our EP.
Next photos are from Helsinki, the capitol of Finland where I
live now. Some implications to the worship of ancient demon gods
perhpas? At least at the time the buildings were put up. These
days at least the official front has been taken over by business
of many sorts. See it for yourself:
and more freemasonry
Check also what lies below the owl:
No goat's head no masons, right? Also the lion is well
displayed image here. Of course, the symbols themselves not
necessarily were of dark origin but have been used in that way.
You don't get to see that many lions in Finland, but the
symbolism is even seen in my homelands near the arctic circle! I
am sure some of you can offer a profound explonation about the
history of this symbol. Personally I like lions (haven't met one
the wild which may explain this?). Animals in general seem to
act in a more intelligent way than most humans many times, at
least if they have not spent their life time in a cell but that
applies on the humans too, of course. The cell can be made
mentally so people think to be free, you know how it goes.
Another symbol we get here alot is bear, not to mention
eagle. Both of those I think relate to Russia. We still have
lots of Russian activity underground here. This was also
confirmed in that famous chat blast that gets mentioned in this
thread. Apparently, our gifting has caused lots headache ;-) And
that was before we poured the EPs. Every now and then I go
sitting next to the house of parliament and give a good boost to
the regions. The whole Finland is full of underground caverns.
It is known by now there exists a portal somewhere in the
southern coast that has connection to Ural mountains our intel
has told to be one hell of a place. I saw some strange alien
command there, scientific order but also confronted some
(ir)religious groups. The highest operative I faced seemed like
a bigger gray, highly evolvedf telepathic abilities. It is
always a bit weird when you get in the ethers smelling around,
but ok as long as you keep your feet in the ground and your
reason running for you. Ie. not to get lost with all this stuff
and lose your focus. There is more important work to do that get
sucked in the channels. Keeping it in low volume also helps to
guard your personal vortices that are used when gathering the
Lately I have come to think of that each moment is a portal,
just as what we call death, alongside every breath. We can use
our precious given moments, time, to navigate to a better future
via certain checkpoints if you like. Opportunities rise at every
turn. Make good use of them, to collect some heavenly capital.
As if Creator who has given you an account to use likes to see
how you wisely invest the money and get it multiplied in return,
thus glorifying the miraculous nature of its source. Personally
I see no better way of doing it myself and it should work for
everyone who so chooses. The portals for these rising
opportunites are everywhere, all the time but still we success
in missing the chance once it knoks on our door. It's a lesson
of life-time learning to handle this.
But back to gifting: here's an church of Kallio(=(bed-)Rock),
gifted with a couple of tbs near by and EP. Have a look:
The reason to take the photo from distance is I want to get
some of the surroundings in the photo too, thus making it
possible to detect the DOR/POR fields around the target.
Here's the house of parliament from distance. By now the
effects of the devices tossed around it should be detectable:
A true viper's nest. Been there once when younger. Mason is
as mason does... The remains of a building in the right have an
interesting story to tell. There used to be a place of urban
culture but it ordered to torn down for some music house to
build there instead. Few days before, we had these reclaim the
streets party going on where people were dancing on the streets.
Afterwards, a night or two before they were suppose to tear that
building on the right down, there was a fire. Actually, I think
the place got burnt twice. It was specualted in the news who did
it. Some restless youth who were tried to be linked with the
organisers of thereclaim the street event. I wouldn't be
surprised to find out the committer of the crime belongs to a
totally different wing of the 'crime syndicate'. Just guessing.
The funny thing however is, that all this happened right in
front of the house of the parliament, not long before Finland
started its chairman season in the EU. A good start to me ;-) Or
was it our reichstag haus 911? At least we are not in a bus on
our way to a concentration camp so their plan must have failed,
whatwever it was. But that's the way it goes these days. We are
after them not the contrary so have no fear, be as one. There is
still justice to be served for the ones who deserve. You cannot
go on showing mercy endlessly because there are creatures who
shamelessly act against it. Do not waste the pearls for swines,
though comparing pigs are much more intelligent creatures than
our beloved parasites of all offices. In your face dear parasite
who probably are reading this right now. Fun time is over, no
more mr. nice guy.
Weeks ago in Lahti we actually got to talk to one of our fans
keenly watching our activities as we were about to perform that
ceremony. So we went to have a chat with him. Unfortunately, had
no camera with us. The guy seemed pretty harmless, maybe not
very aware why having come there in the first place, you know
the MKids. Tapani has witnessed some obscure behaviour from them
(how weird is that then?). When in last winter he had took his
phone to give me a call to tell he was being followed this man
spying him from a bush had took a spurt to near by cliffs which
actually are a pretty dangerous place to run on. So it seems
that dreadful I am in their amidst, I jokingly have thought.
Anyway, we chatted for a long time on that summer day with
this man who came to spy us doing the ceremony there weeks ago.
We sure preached him well, and he seemed to take it all quite
well. His appearance was so harmless actually, that at times I
thought if he was after us at all. But the amount of attention
we received from certain individuals it left no place for doubt.
Tapani has also spoken with a higher ranking guy from their
hierarchy who seemed to have wider angle of what they are doing.
Most of the ones we have had physical observations however seem
to working under some command. I am sure Tapani's work there has
reduced the control dramatically. At least after the next step.
Our next gifting project should the sea bed, using EPB of
which we get the first results soon thanks to Tapani. However,
his target remains in Lahti, apparently having connections to
Gobi desert, a probable home ghetto for the brotherhood of the
rotten liars. Also, I figured out, there is a jesuite
organisation near Lahti which surely needs to be gifted too, and
heavily I prefer.
There is also a surprise that hopefully gets finished during
the next couple months. You will love it if we success doing it
Will post more of the photos in time.
Finland salutes you, God bless,
Pekka |