A Curious New Development---related to the new info?
--Don Croft
Nov 2007
Today, I went through my email spam bin, like I do every week, and found ten
legitimate emails: 8 were business-related and four of those were from
potential zapper distributors in Europe and N America
I normally get about three emails per week out of my spam bin and those are
usually from my fellow warriors.
I'm thinking that today's catch in my spam bin might be a positive
confirmation for the new level of effectiveness in the chats that we're
A more uplifting positive confirmation, of course, is that more and more of
the chatters are noticing a new influx of vital energy during the sessions,
themselves. Dooney and Carol are doing their best to express this new
information in their posts but it might take some time to get it done
adequately, so please be patient. Meahwhile, we'll continue to use and
discuss it in the chats and elsewhere in order to get a better understanding
and keep it in perspective.
One nice thing about the chats is that they can't be considered elitist or
exclusive--or at least it's been that way until now. The reason for this is
that the vast majority of gifters don't want the trouble from the various
corporate world odor sewer rat agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, MI5/6, Jesuits,
Mossadomites, KGB, Chinese military) that this level of activity invites.
How cool is that?
Back to the creepier confirmation bin: In the previous few days I've heard
from a lot of people who mentioned some of our old detractors as sources of
information, products and even inspiration to them. It's been a long time
since I've even seen or heard some of these names, so I take this to mean
that the recent realizations have really shaken the 'orgonite tree.' As
always, I simply asked these folks to rely less on personalities for
confirmations/information and more on their own intuitive hunches and simple
When I hear from folks who waste time on titillating disinfo sites I also
ask them to consider putting that time and energy into positive, productive
activity instead--specifically: making orgonite and gifting.
It will be interesting to see how long this trend lasts. People are
generally more inclined to listen to reason, now, than before so I think
the hypnotic hold of parasitic (read: charismatic) personalities and
poisonous websites is declining.
Here's a thought: some folks say that it's okay to take the good parts of a
compromised ideology and leave the rest but I suggest that the brilliant
minds behind every artificial ideology, from religious fundamentalism to the
newage movement, were clever enough to make their poison stick on anyone who
will inadvertently use that ideology's proprietary terms or phrases.
By the reasoning of these well-meaning enquirers, one could 'take the good
bits from MEIN KAMPF and just leave the rest.' See how it works? If you
analyze the destructive influence of ideologies like Christian/Muslim/Jewish
fundamentalism and Theosophy you might also get the impression that these
are no more desirable or exemplary than Hitler's sponsors' infantile musings
What we're all doing probably requires new terminology, in fact, and when we
use the older verbage it tends to draw attention to the outdated ideology
that the terms came from rather than to this new, empowering work we're all
Early on, I tried my best to inject humor into this by calling the conical
orgonite device a 'holy handgrenade' and I tried to direct attention to our
illustrious forebear, Dr Reich, by calling another invention 'orgonite
Another inaccurate, slightly offensive term I've been seeing, again, in the
past few days, by the way, is 'Chembuster,' which was erroneously applied to
orgonite cloudbusters These simple devices do a whole lot more than just
neutralize chemtrails, of course, and I hope that the term, 'orgonite
cloudbuster' will be used long, long after the corporate world odor and
their multi-trillion-dollar excrement in the sky are just historical
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 686
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: A Curious New
Development---related to the new info?
Really, if you (reader) were to open up your own forum with the
intention of keeping it focused on substance rather than on popular
fantasies and their underlying mind control paradigms, you would
perhaps be overwhelmed by newagers who casually use mind control
terms, like 'shaman' has certainly become, to destroy the ambience
and quality of your forum effort. It's always done casually, in a
way that you might feel like a jerk for calling attention
to. Well, I don't feel like a jerk any more by calling attention to
this curious dodge.
I do insist that anyone who posts on my board must at least try to
avoid using formulaic terminology to express him/herself. This is
one reason, I'm sure, why only a few people bother to post at
all. It's so much easier to use popular terminology, however
inadequate and misleading that is to many other people (the ones who
aren't indoctrinated the same way you might be) under the
I'm very pleased and grateful that contributors to EW generally
honor my wishes this way. You may notice that I have no trouble
expressing myself without using polluted terms, by the way. I think
it's a reasonable standard and promotes intellectual honesty, in
addition to not providing newager, would-be parasites to gain a
foothold in this effort through infiltration. You might have
noticed that they help each other accomplish this on open forums, by
the way. That's not accidental, either, and the odor of judgement
rolls off them, even as they use terms like 'spirituality,'
'unconditional love,' and even 'Christ consciousness. I think that
peer review is their standard, not heart-based discernment.
Peer review is kind of insidious. It's kept otherwise legitimate
sciences, including archaeology, geology, meteorology and
astrophysics from amounting to anything more than posturing and hot
air, for instance.
It rather pains me to decline membership requests from applicants
(on account of their commitment to proselytising one or another
poisonous ideology) who have done a lot of incredibly good gifting
work but in the past few years the pressure to stick to 'integrity
issues' has gotten pretty intense, at least here. Intellectual
honesty and clarity wasn't a popular issue when this work was being
represented by open forums so I made a lot of enemies, mostly among
the more aggressive newagers, including more than a few moles. It
was even kind of fun to avoid the constant traps that moles and
their homily-parroting sycophants ( I referred to them as the
'Greek Chorus' because their rote, saccharine recitations followed,
on cue, the more clever character assaults by the moles)
continuously laid for a few of us. Good training, I guess, for
anyone who wants to separate the wheat from the chaff in a
consultation environment.
I mention it because any applicant who seems aggressively inclined
to throw newage terms at me is likely to be on the same track as the
moles and their Greek chorus and I wish to keep that influence out
of my forum.
You might disagree, but I feel that the perception of our more
substantive, mature and balanced readers is more important than our
own expressed intentions are. We ought to play to that perception
by not triggering unwelcome responses from them through our lazy
reliance on old Theosophy-based terminology.
I'm tired of letting these parasitic, cynical folks 'own'
metaphysics by default, aren't you? It would be very unwelcome to
me, at least, if there were a lot of posts with the standard mind
control trigger words in them because the more rational among our
readers would naturally assume that we're irrational, which would be
tragic if our goal is to continue to represent the best of the
unorganized gifting movement.. In other words, this isn't a place
for anyone to showcase 'stream of consciousness' mumbojumbo, share
'channeling,' or post popular disinfo sites' URLs.
Rationality is seen as a bad thing by people who have bought into
any of the artificial ideologies, including the newage movement and
clergy-poisoned, restrictive religious belief systems. I hope we
can continue to attempt to demonstrate that rationality is the main
part of intellectual integrity, rather.
If I were to just take the stand against polluted terminology
without also asking people to simply use their own words, then you
could fairly say that I was acting (reacting?) out of prejudice or
self interest but note that I"m not promoting any particular
ideology, here, and I've been driving this point home from the
beginning without causing the movement to get sidetracked or to even
slow down. What do you reckon would have happened to this movement
by now if I'd opened Etheric Warriors' doors to self-seeking
If I were really a curmudgeon, as some folks say, then who would
take this forum seriously? Who would be posting except sycophants?
I didn't invite any sycophants to post here, by the way, which is
why you don't see much of that
I can't begin to express how subtle and insidious the programming
connected to (especially) the newage movement's inane Theosophical
terminology is among Western people but I will try to expose it, at
least, so that perhaps a few people who have something worthwhile to
say will continue to do so simply, effectively, and from the
heart instead of being lumped in with these fantasy-driven flakes
and their relentless 'human saccharine wave' strategy in open
Until very recently, anyone who criticised the newage movement was
successfully (effortlesslym, even) painted as a paraiah by 'the
faithful,' which is a flattering term for 'brain police.' This has
changed, thankfully.
Euphoria and charisma, as I've mentioned perhaps more times than you
have been comfortable reading, are primary weapons in mind control
These aren't intrinsically bad, any more than 'technology' is, of
course. When we experience periodic initiations by the grace of The
Operators, we feel euphoric and we sense a sort of charisma
radiating from our guides and helpers, whose influence we mainly
feel and know individually in our hearts. I feel charisma from
dolphins and whales, for instance, and who wouldn't feel euphoric
when close to them physically? Maybe a big, important part of
discernment is learning to recognize when charisma and euphoria are
being used to promote an unsavory agenda. We fall for that crap
with our brains, genitals and egos, not our hearts.
I think we've progressed a long way since the 1930s, by the way,
when Stalin, Tojo, Churchill, Roosevelt and Hitler were able to
turn entire nations into enthusiastic weapons of destruction and
oppression. I think it's wonderful that this is no longer possible
on our lovely planet. Maybe you haven't thought of this but there
are other dramatic signs of progress, too. Guess who is vested in
not discussing these signs of progress.
Heck, the criminal corporate regime in Washington, DC, even failed
to nuke Persia for the past three years because American Pajama
People simply can't be induced to hate Persians enough, for
instance. Remember how easy it was for Roosevelt to scam Americans
into hating all Japanese after he enticed the Japanese fleet to bomb
a few obsolete ships in Hawaii? Pretty soon I'm going to share
some poetry from old Persia to demonstrate conclusively
that genuine spirituality is a lot more interesting, enlivening,
enriching, heartfelt and inspiring than the fake Western kind
(Theosophy--yuk) is. I need to find that book of poems that my old
friend, Kathy, in St Louis, gave me on our way to the West Coast in
June, 01. She's the one, by the way, who first noticed that a
cloudbuster breaks up chemtrails. Hers was the second orgonite
cloudbuster built, by the way
I understand and sympathize that when new information comes to light
it sometimes challenges our personal belief paradigms, of course,
but I appeal to you to stay loose and to be less concerned with how
you viewed reality than with the way reality is now unfolding for
you, which is obviously a lot better than your older version. The
old, baggage-burdened terms, phrases and formulae simply can't do
justice to the newer understandings, don't you agree? We're kind of
being induced to have more faith now. Genuine faith; not the rote
recitation of questionable beliefs. Have you noticed that
shallow belief systems, like the newage movement and
fundamentalism, require constant repetition to hold onto? This is
because programmers have always known that if most people can be
induced to repeat mistruths enough times they'll eventually believe
them without question. Aren't you better than that?
Maybe you haven't noticed, yet, that the people who chatter the most
about spirituality have no genuine faith at all; they're often just
pitiful control freaks, terrified of new energy/information.
By now, I'm assuming that anyone, other than the brain police, who
sees the 1980s film of Shirley MacLaine posturing on a beach,
squeaking 'I am GOD! I am GOD! I am GOD!' may have a hard time
suppressing a laugh. I hope you'll consider that it sounds a lot
like 'Sieg, HEIL! Sieg, HEIL! Sieg, HEIL!' Am I being
'anti-spiritual?' If you think I am, maybe you're not seeing
beyond your own cherished, ego-based assumptions.
The fake kind of spirituality always appeals to the ego, which is
more subtle than any of us can fathom. The curious way that
newagers and religious fundamentalists just won't strive to find
deeper meanings may indicate that the ego is essentially lazy,
too. The human soul is infinitely more vast and subtle than the
ego but all of us have been programmed to nurture our egos rather
than our souls, I think. People who are attracted to the fake kind
of spirituality drop words like 'spiritual,' 'love,' and 'past
lives' incessantly, apparently as an effort to impress other
'faithful' that he/she is leadership material. Another effect is
that it tends to disarm would-be critics.
When I first started participating in forums (it felt appropriate
when the orgonite info started to spread, six+ years ago) I was
amazed by the way new members who were newage proselytes would
'carpet bomb' the forum with these terms in their first posts. If
it only happened a few times I probably wouldn't have paid much
attention but it happened over and over. It became clear, pretty
soon, that this was a technique for establishing a pecking order
among the 'faithful,' who outnumbered everyone else in those early
days, of course. The most aggressive character assaults came from
the most skilled users of newage terminology, of course, and every
participant on those boards who actually had something valuable to
say was browbeaten by the newagers into silence.
Another problem connected to dropping these terms in EW posts is
that there are enough people who are still programmed this way who
will respond (in kind and enthusiastically) in the threads that it
becomes a distraction; a discouragement rather than inspiration. If
you're energy sensitive, gauge the energy dynamic that happens
everytime a self-promoting, proselytising newager or fundamentalist
weighs into a conversation with some choice words and
phrases. Instructive?
Even 'Akashic Records' is probably a limiting term that kills
intellectual curiosity, even if it might have historic
value. According to Theosophy, this is a hyperdimensional place
with impressive buildings where initiates can gain access to
information. Most psychics are Theosophy-trained/influenced, so
being human they never question this imagery or terminology. We've
probably all read enough accounts of genuine mystics being able to
access collective our species' collective memory and awareness to
assume that this is real.
I think the real test for any skilled psychic is to go beyond
suggested Theosophical imagery and get a broader, cleaner
view. My wife apparently has the easy ability to look into that
collective information/experience and, to help her manage the
process during a psychic reading, she conveniently visualizes a
person's life as a drawer full of file folders. A psychic who loves
computers might visualize it as a hard drive (that one probably uses
a nice, clean Apple computer

and not one that's full of 'bill' gates )
When Carol saw the 'God' character in the movie, BRUCE ALMIGHTY,
pull a 30-yard long file drawer out of an ordinary file cabinet
(Bruce's 'life' up to that moment) she was pretty
tickled. Artificial ideologies like Theosophy and fundamenatlist
Christianity influence their devotees to pay more attention to teh
terms than to the concepts. This is why they're mind control
triggers; they discourage, by cynical design, rational enquiry. It
may be that the borrowed terms were not mind control triggers in
their historical contexts, of course.
Anything at all can become a buzzword; a distraction. Look at how
grievously clergy and other cynical folks have misused the words,
'Jesus Christ,' for instance, though anyone can see that there's
still a lot of power and life in those words, of course. Even if
you use compromised terminology but are still able to think straight
and do good work, the problem for you in posting on this board,
perhaps, is that your (our) readers won't likely have a clue what
you're talking about if you toss these words into posts because
those are buzzwords to him or her. I hope to eventually convince
you that the onus is not on me, in this case, for insisting on some
intellectual honesty but that you're simply being challenged to
learn to communicate effectively. Getting mad at me won't help you
accomplish that challenging task, of course.
Have you ever noticed that fundamentalists generally hate newagers
and newagers generally hate fundamentalists? Do you think this
happened by accident? Have you noticed, yet, that the mindset of
both groups is identically oppressive and ego-based? How would it
be if we on EW were able to find a way to talk to even these very
prejudiced people without lighting their fuses? If you've gifted
your neighborhood you probably noticed that teh PJ folks have
lightened up and aren't such intellectual tight@$$es any more. The
reason they lightened up is that, in most cases, they don't haved
any ideological axes to grind. Gifters who are attached to
outdated adn discredited ideologies, though, just aren't turning
their axes loose. Which do you think is actually better off: the
happy PJ person or the anxious, aggressive newager or
What I'm suggesting in this potentially painful post is that you can
create the same wonderful effect with your words if you communicate
from the heart rather than from the brain/ego-centered paradigm of
expression you might have picked up in school, university, church,
costly weekend workshops in Taos or Macchu Picchu, a honeypot or
Bible Camp.
If you'll break away from all that programming, which isn't that
hard to do if one is patient, observant and not inclined to take
himself too seriously, your life will be a lot more fun and
interesting and you won't feel compelled any more to make everyone
believe the way you do, either.
I hope someone will translate this for the German board, which has a
lot of fire and some deeply committed folks but is still saddled
with a few clever and resourceful naysayers, backbiters and
doubtmongers. If this isn't a good time to hold sleepless
troublemakers accountable, when do you reckon a good time will be? I
bet you'd expeditiously change a flattened tire, for instance.
Timing is everything? It took me 22 years to recognize that
marriage to a vindictive woman was not constructive for me for the
long term and I only learned that after I got cuckolded and then
robbed by a black-robed bandit in the criminal agency that calls
itself the court system, so I won't presume to say what the
appropriate timing for the resolution of anyone else's unhappy
situation is, of course.
If you, reader, don't like this subject, you probably also won't
like it when I express some thoughts I've been having about the
practical distinction between high psychism and genuine

. I'll definitely
seek some help and defense from old-time Persians for this task.
See how far removed I am from the popular (parasitic) paradigm of
'leader?' A few readers enjoy thought-provoking, even challenging
stuff like this but most people don't enjoy it. If I were seeking
leadership I'd pander to the majority, rather, and open the EW
floodgates to the tiring saccharine tsunami.
Joined: November 2007
Posts: 2

Re: A Curious New
Development---related To The New Info?
Great stuff Don! – your insistence on having posters avoid the use
of mind-wash mumbo-jumbo is exactly what initially attracted me to
this website, and away from the “spiritual pool of drool” that
surrounds many other forums that attempt to address the nature of
Words are definitely a double-edged sword in this regard, and should
be treated with caution. Their obviously an essential tool to the
progressive realization of what’s going on here, but, from my own
experience, have a lot to answer for with regards to how this pickle
came about in the first place!
As you say, our thoughts can easily be infiltrated by the senseless,
rambling mass of key-phrases that have no actual grounding in
anything substantial – potentially leading us “down the garden
It’s pretty obvious that who and what each of us are is heavily
influenced by the thoughts we have and the words we use - such that
I would say (no pun intended) that in order to make good, clean
progress one has to carefully consider what they are actually
thinking and saying as much of the time as they possibly can – seems
simple enough – in theory..
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 64
Location: Santiago, Chile

Re: A Curious New
Development---related To The New Info?
When we first run into “orgonite” we stumbled upon three orgonite
forums, one of them being Etheric Warriors. We became members of the
other two, since one didn’t require an invitation, and the other was
desperate for new members, so we began to post and report our first
gifting adventures and realizations. Soon, we started noticing a few
things that bothered us. The most obvious was the disinfo. I will
not give names, simply because I don’t think its necessary and
because bad advertisement is advertisement after all. Anyway, the
disinfo is counterproductive because it leads you to focus your
energy on the superficial matters of gifting, as well as deviating
your energy into making fancier or more complicated orgonite, making
you to produce less and get stuck on irrelevant technical matters.
I remember I spent a whole week trying to figure out the right mix
to add charged water into my orgonite, because I had read that
orgonite gets saturated after a while and that you could avoid this
by adding water… I was not only frustrated but also discouraged
because I thought that my previous gifting efforts would not be as
effective and my future gifting would be much harder. Now I
understand that this is not the case, orgonite does not get
saturated, at least so far, about eight years from the first gifting
efforts done by the Crofts… so far so good, eight years already
assured. Also new age buzz words and also some fundamentalist
christian stuff were omnipresent throught these sites, especially
one of them.
Also an interesting dynamic in these forums is that the substative
posts were ignored mostly while the obvious disinfo was applauded by
a multitude of disinfo guys, which included the admins of these
forums. Also the members of these forums seemed to constantly want
the "aproval" of the forum admins.
Another example I remember is a guy who says rose quartz is not a
crystal, limiting the use of this crystal and planting (irrational)
doubts in new gifters.
We soon became involved in unproductive arguing, trying to rectify
irresponsible and damaging posts. This activity consumed part of our
energy that we could be destining to gifting.
I got closer to one of the admins of the forums and exchanged a lot
of mail with that person. Soon I began to feel uncomfortable with
some of that person’s remarks, inflated attitudes and instructions
(not advise).
Parallel to all this, Ale and I also exchanged email with Don. This
was a different thing. We got constructive and practical advise, as
well as useful comments on our gifting efforts. All the
conversations were rational and made a lot of sense. We were talking
to a person just like us who knew more because he had started doing
what we were starting to do, eight years earlier. He did not presume
or had a master-like approach.
Then we understood that we were wasting our time with the other
forums, and decided to gather back our spread energy, and focus it
all in one crucial, huge and simple effort: gifting.
We asked to be signed off one of the forums, we were “banned”. Then,
I cut the connection with the admin of the forum. Lamentably we had
ordered a couple of items from that person and they arrived a few
days after we decided to cut off contact… when I opened the package
I got a severe back pain that threw me in bed for about 5 days
without being able to move. See how its not recommendable to decide
what to leave out and what to take in regarding disinfo sites? Yes
this is an extreme example, but very illustrative.
It does not surprise that I came to trust this forum and its
integrants in such a short time and with great conviction. I feel I
can truly trust many etheric warriors and that I have true friends,
even though I haven’t met them in person yet (certainly in my near
future plans)
Now we have places to crash all over the world, jejejee.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 686
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: A Curious New
Development---related to the new info?
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kris. It takes me forever to
write and edit a post like that one because I constantly consider
whether I'm hurting anyone's feelings, which I desperately want not
to do.
This isn't a popular subject and some folks' noses are a little out
of joint right now. I'm trying my best not to single anyone
out, by the way, and as you say we all really ought to take care
about our public utterances.
The trick may be to encourage free expression and spontaneity while
appealing to intellectual honesty, of course. My wife and I have had
some big discussions about whether it's necessary to express a
truth in new ways or in the handy old terminology because I think
it's particularly challenging for psychics to do that. She's been
very gracious about trying to follow my suggestion, though, and I
appreciate it a lot.
Here's an example of picking the easier way: she recently took a
look at an energy sensitive friend and observed,'You ought to be
proud of your gift!' The fellow, who is phenomenally skilled and
accomplished in energy work, was scandalized by her comment because
when she said, 'proud,' he heard 'arrogant.' Of course we should
all be reasonably proud of our abilities and accomplishments--it's
healthy and enables us to receive others' compliments. That's what
she was trying to express. I should mention that telepaths are
doubly challenged to see the importance of choosing words

The experience
left Carol kind of frustrated for a bit but she'll probably try
again the next time we see the guy. It was a good discussion.
I've known right along that I couldn't have done this work on my
own. That's why the fed agencies have tried so hard and so often
over the past five years to murder her and, failing that, to destroy
our marriage. We love each other more all the time and I think the
feds have just unwittingly helped that along
I hope to establish the fact that we can honor our incredible
psychic cohorts' essential contributions to this vital
movement without assigning unreasonable characteristics to them, by
the way, like saintliness, authority, infallibility, omniscience,
etc. No kidding, some folks can't wait to put psychics on a
Popish pedestal and that's a disservice to teh psychics.
Mindless adulation of psychics is the other end of the pendulum
swing from reviling and fearing psychics, though, so maybe we just
need to wait it out and trust that pretty soon the reputable
psychics will be honored for their experience, accomplishments and
gifts no more or less than a classical musician, real scientist,
philanthropist or sculptor are. Hatred of psychics was
characteristic of the fascism that existed in Europe and America in
the middle of the previous century, of course, and also inspired the
Vatican and mason sponsored witch pogroms earlier. By the way, the
world odor has always relied on psychics secretly; the CIA wasn't
the first stinkbug agency to breed, train and employ them, of
course; they simply made it a wholesale deal after WWII. The
commie/nazi period after teh war was to have been the 'final lap' of
the sewer rats' ancient race toward the genocide and enslavement of
our species, after all--it was supposed to have been a done deal
before the year 2000, according to their own published plans. I
guess their psychics couldn't predict orgonite, though
since the late 80s, when Shirley MacLaine informed us that she's God
(hey, God really is a female?

a lot of psychics died kind of suddenly, usually of fast
cancer. These were apparently the experienced ones who got tired of
working for the CIA or refused to do so. Most of the surviving
psychics in the West work for the sewer rat agencies these days and
most of those are self-righteous newagers, too, who won't consider
whether their elitist psi skill and training ought to be
distinguished from genuine spirituality, which is a matter of the
heart's condition, not the mind's. If you want to meet some of
these, go to any newage book store and see who's sitting around the
cracker barrel--I guarantee that at least half of them are
feds--those are the arrogant ones who make you feel like washing
your hands.
I also want to assure the other EW members that I'm not hunting for
users of the dead paradigm's control terminology. I've asked people
to be aware of it, that's all, and I wanted to at least express a
personal stand for the record. I think it's pretty liberating to
find new ways of expression. Poets use imagery, for instance.
The emerging info the psychics are uncovering is pretty
amazing. They might feel a little constrained to share it all as
soon as possible but, really, I think it will just unfold
naturally in the form of opportunities and maybe some verbal
promptings from The Operators.
Carol feels anxious that sharing the information 'in the raw' may
be potentially harmful because some folks might misuse it. I
suggested to her that, so far, nothing we've gotten has been
potentially harmful to anyone except overt murderers but it's not up
to me to determine if this is still the case.
The way the Prophets share information is to just state it plainly,
of course. For anyone who's not spiritually mature enough to
understand any of it, that bit just sounds like gibberish to them,
after all. It's a pretty cool system.
After I met James Hughes, (one of my teachers) briefly in the
spring of 98 he handed me some explanatory material he'd
written. It looked like gibberish to me but, a little later--after
a healing session (an initiation from The Operators, through him) on
his table--it all made perfect sense to me
I think we're all going to be amazed at how well we're able to
assimilate and apply more and more new (to general
humanity) information/energy.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 17

Re: A Curious New
Development---related To The New Info?
7 december 2007
(Quote) “Carol feels anxious that sharing the information 'in the
raw' may be potentially harmful because some folks might misuse
it. I suggested to her that, so far, nothing we've gotten has been
potentially harmful to anyone except overt murderers but it's not up
to me to determine if this is still the case.”
I think there’s potential harm in letting go of old paradigms.
Especially the views by which we measure what life is all about or
what we are about.
I remember I was shaken to the bone when I first saw Steven Greer’s
“Disclosure project” video. Literally couldn’t stop the shaking in
my body. Now, you might criticize me for measuring up a disinfo site
at the time. But you can’t reason away my physical reaction to the
new realization that aliens might exist after all. It was the
shaking that convinced me, really.
When I attended to Dooney’s chat, I was in for a new shift of views.
Until then, I was convinced thoughts were private and everything I
felt never crossed the border of my skin. Except for an experience
or two with telepathy, but only with people I had known all my life
and bonded with.
I never expected to repetitively feel pressure on my chest, whenever
our boosting involved supposed occult attackers. Or feel (I thought
alleged) chakra’s spin when I got a boost. Or simultaneously
mentioning the same thoughts with people overseas I had never met
before. Could it be I literally picked up other people’s energies?
If so, how was I to evaluate my self-awareness from here on?
The newest etheric developments concern the psychics entering other
dimensions consciously or connecting with a guardian entity. Their
whereabouts can be felt, teached and shared energetically by the
lots of us, just imagining along with them. So much for complicated
spiritual initiations, religious education or years of meditative
training, huh? Or – in my (Northern European) case – so much for the
good old paradigm of cultural embedded Christian suffering. How much
happiness can I take?
It doesn’t surprise me the topic of worn-out paradigms and finding
new terms comes up now. Convictions are shaken to the bone by the
ease of these new experiences of what we might be about. Since this
in an international board, we might find ourselves confused over
deep embedded cultural paradigms, we never noticed were dividing us.
It might feel alienating. I know I feel resistance in me to follow
this too-good-to-be-true discoveries. Don picked a good time to
discipline our choice of words and remind us to be open-minded, if
we still want our curiosity to overcome our anxiety.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 164

Re: A Curious New
Development---related To The New Info?
Thanks, Don, for finding such clear words to describe that dilemma.
I am indeed struggling with that kind of subtle drift in my forum
www.cb-forum.com all the time. The beeswax-fraction is never far
off and so are the proponents of a lot of mystical or otherwise
new-age laden additives to pure orgonite.
I have taken a slightly different approach to it so far and wonder
if that can be successful or not.
My first aim is to get as many as possible people involved in active
gifting. Somewhat inevitably a lot of those who stumble over the
theme of orgonite have gone through a series of discoveries and
wake-ups before. This will very, very often involve a deep detour
through the newage fog.
For some time I have deleted a lot of stuff when it had this newage
odour on it and often the posters with it.
That has earned me the reputation of being a brutal dictator and
supressor in some circles and that's probably another mind control
trigger, but one that hurts in my case.
So, at the moment I try to rather use these kind of misleading
contributions coming from that edge, to create an awareness of how
it all works. After all, the stuff is out there and we all have to
learn how to deal with it and how to discern the fake from the
substantial stuff.
I wonder what would happen to
www.cb-forum.com, if as an experiment, I would let everyone sign
up as a member with full posting rights and did not intervene at
all, except for stating my opinion.
Maybe it's worth exploring as an experiment, maybe with an invited
forum running in parallel.
Doing it all over Africa and sending it out to the world
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 686
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: A Curious New
Development---related to the new info?
Partner, I think you can still buy CDs of STuart Jackson's
transcripts for his old cloud-buster.com forum (deceased on April
Fool Day, 2004), which was my main training ground for dealing with
backstabbers, sycophants, pot-fogged gurus,
legends-in-their-own-minds and the entire panoply of other Monarch
assets who plague all English-language internet forums right now
except Etheric Warriors and maybe one or two others

. I suggest it because you can read blow by blow accounts of how
the clever poisonmongers tried their best to disembowel me for an
entire year. Maybe you'd get some pointers there, assuming my
posts weren't all deleted, of course. If memory serves, you came in
toward the end of my participation, there.
In those days, I had the attitude that if I kept repeating and
demonstrating simple truths, enough self-starters would get the
point and start also posting substantively but, in fact, the only
time a positive trend started was when STuart reluctantly agreed to
boot the worst of the troublemakers, on DB's and my explicit
In a short time (each time), all the troublemakers and more were
back again, of course, and I was eventually censured by Stuart (that
was fun, especially because John Kilroy weighed in on my side) and
actually had to go to another forum, as you know. It wasn't until
I assumed a more decisive role, a year after leaving that forum, by
hosting my own forum, that the constant din of dissent, distraction
and slander finally went away. In the middle of my time on
cloud-busters.com the widely-syndicated Jeff Rense Radio Program and
his website fielded several aggressive assaults on orgonite
cloudbusters, insisting that we were all harming the
atmosphere. After a couiple of months, perhaps becuase it was clear
that the number of cloudbusters suddenly increased
dramatically, Jeff Rense and his associates stopped mentioning
orgonite cloudbusters abruptly and all the references were taken off
his site.
I liked Dr James DeMeo's public assaults (here and especially
throughout Germany) better: he said, alternately, that we were all
delusional about orgonite's abilities and that we were doing harm to
the atmosphere. If I'm not mistaken, those two statements cancel
each other out. His approach was apparently responsible for the
sudden appearance of orgonite cloudbusters in Germany, around the
same time that you came onto the scene in Africa.
My first forum experience was the Yahoo cloudbuster forum, which
started in the summer of 2001 and where I was an administrator with
full dictatorial authority. I say it because it sounds cute--really,
Yahoo forums was a CIA surveillance asset and whenever I booted
anyone (only happened occasionally) that one always showed up on the
memberlist again the next day, though he usually remained fairly
quiet after that, strange to tell. A form of peer pressure?
After about a year, I was booted by the unseen Yahoo hand the day
after I posted the original instructions for disabling the then-new
death towers. A couple of months later, Carol and I had developed
the Three-Ounce Towerbuster and I spent a month in the field,
without any psychic help, deploying and testing them on hundreds of
death towers in 'virgin' territory. By the way, that bag of little
amethyst chips you sent me three years ago is sill a quarter full
after making thousands and thousands of towerbusters with them,
As soon as I was banned from participating on all Yahoo boards
STuart volunteered to set up a cloudbuster forum and to feature
me. The Yahoo forum had actually been pretty nice because, I
assume, the CIA needed more time to line up and train some specific
saboteurs to work together to infiltrate and eviscerate this new
movement. Parasites are as parasites do, by the way.
In that year, thousands of orgonite cloudbusters had been made and
deployed around the world and the chemtrail threat was disabled by
the middle of 2002. Most of those cloudbuster makers never posted
on my forum, of course, and a lot of them probably didn't even read
English. I've come to believe that when any threat is presented,
there are always enough resourceful people to counter it if they
act decisively and do a little networking, too.
I got broadsided and sucker punched by a bunch of able saboteurs and
character assassins almost from the first day of posting on Stuart's
board and they spent the next year refining their techniques but, of
course, so did I

. Toward the
end I was feeling like Captain Teflon and I rather enjoyed their
collective wrath and frustration under the circumstances but my
participation, there, wasn't doing much good, otherwise, and nobody
had the courage to post substantive material any more, so I left.
That year taught me, though, that compromise isn't an option
with predators because they are fully committed to doing harm and
are organized. Good people always want to 'compromise' with
unreliable and predatory people and to forgive, forget, hug and even
nurture predators but that just encourages the latter, of course.
Most good people will NOT understand that loving someone unselfishly
isn't the same thing as pulling one's own pants down and bending
over for them. The shocker is that so many good people will take
the side of predators if the latter are clever enough to paint a
substantive person as a sociopath, usually through a masochistic
lapwing strategy, Political Correctness programming and/or cleverly
injected newage sewage. Avoiding their baited hooks is an
artform. I know a lot of good gifters who walk into a room full of
these hungry freaks with their mouths wide open and eyes shut, by
the way.
This relates to the simple observation that nice people are usually
not very smart and smart people are usually not very nice. No
amount of 'unselfish love' is going to alter that equation,
unfortunately. The few who are both smart and nice are obliged to
find or invent ways to work productively around this reality
obstacle and that usually requires some hard, alone decisions.
It's during the times when I have nothing but my instincts to guide
me that I usually make my best decisions, strange to
tell. Considering the fact that our higher instincts are based in
the heart, though, it's not surprising, especially since the sewer
rats run an army of saboteurs on the internet who are past masters
at manipulating the minds of good activists and the hearts of the
passive Pajama People majority, whom the not-too-smart, good people
oddly assume are somehow standing in judgement of us all and are the
final arbiters of fairness and truth. What would 'They' (Pajama
Court) say if you were to just delete all of your troublemakers, for
I suggest that all of the intrepid, inscrutable 'They' ought to be
invited outside, too, if they're not adding anything worthwhile to
your effort.
There are probably a dozen people who post regularly on my board,
though the memberlist is around 70 or so. Sometimes I feel a
little sheepish because when the new topics and replies on the left
scroll down, I see 'Don Croft, Don Croft, Don Croft, Don Croft,' but
I know that I only post a couple times a week, even if I do step
into several threads at the same time when I do.
Maybe you could take a more positive approach and 'invite the
genuine contributors to
Keep Posting'
while you quietly and politely delete the rest from your
memberlist. YOu might be afraid that someone will then loftily
accuse you of being a sociopath and martinet but I predict that
you'd mainly get expressions of gratitude and praise for such a
brave, decisive act. Your character assassins would then have to
content themselves with grousing among themselves if you take away
their pulpits that way. They know, better than you do, that they've
been your guests all along, not freeloading, unwashed, drunken blood
Here's a funny but consistent distinction I learned from repeated
experience: when you boot a genuine saboteur he squeals like a stuck
pig to everyone in earshot and calls you every horrible name in the
book; when you mistakenly boot a substantive person, that one
expresses some regret and perhaps hurt feelings but says, 'It's
okay, I understand if you think I shouldn't post there! I'll keep
gifting, anyway.' When you apologize and invite him back, he's
grateful and forgives you.
I've courteously removed a few people because their posts were
always negative or lacked substance and they expressed no desire to
change that when I discussed it with them. In most cases they're
terrific gifters and I even post some of their reports, which
pleases them.
By the way, if you kept that 'Open Letter to Don Croft' that a
clever, charismatic detractor on your forum (whom I'd never been in
touch with personally) dramatically posted on your board last
summer, I'd love to read it and write an 'open letter' response to
all his charges and accusations for posterity. I think someone told
me that he posted it in English, too, and was fluent in all of the
languages on the planet or something. Probably a 'shaman,' too
Its' fun to 'answer back;' sort of like dancing in a minefield or
flying in fog, but sometimes it's prudent to wait a bit. At the
time, EW had been under concerted attack from outside and inside and
the site itself was destroyed by CIA hackers a few days later. It
took a skilled programmer, Eduardo, in Chile about a month to get it
back in shape again---better than ever, in fact! I was busier than
a one-armed paper hanger, then.
I've come to the conclusion, the hard way of course, that
relationships only work when there's a two-way energy
exchange. You have a cordial relationship with the entity known as
your forum but you're certainly not married to it, nor did you
father all its members so maybe the questions are as simple as
this: Should I keep it going the way it is? Should I
dispassionately extract the cancerous element? Should I just open
the floodgates to new poisonmongers? Should I expire from all that
expended energy and let the internet parasites who won the day feast
on my rotting corpse?
I constantly tell people that they should only do this work as long
as it's fun and is worth it. In a healthy marriage, we're
constrained to be exceptionally loving, tolerant, forgiving,
detached and understanding. Sometimes it's kind of painful but
mostly we enjoy each other and I think marriage is a wonderful
institution on account of all that. This forum work isn't
marriage; it's not even an organization--it's more like real estate
or a laboratory. All of humanity are our bosom family but it's not
suitable for all humanity to have posting priveleges, of course, any
more than it's appropriate for a blind man to be a chauffeur. Due
to the ever-expanding information base that our forums represent we
have to be progressively more accountable for sticking to
integrity. There's no way to escape that process except to leave
the field, which none of us seem to want to do. The new leadership
paradigm is all about example and nothing to do with personal
followings, fortunately. I really hated the old leadership paradigm
because it favored politicians and other predators.
My main focus is the quality of the postings because I want
our readers to be inspired, instructed, given hope and
encouragement, entertained, distracted from troubles and otherwise
to have a nice time on our website. There's no ideology behind my
effort and I don't have an axe to grind, other than to insist on as
much intellectual honesty as possible from our contributors.
Maybe you have other aims and why not? Enough contributors around
the world have agreed to my explicit but fair standards that this
has become a lively, productive forum and I'm sure you can get the
same results in your own distinctive way. I know that a lot of
people enjoy reading the postings on your board, by the way. Enough
of the readers apparently filter out the naysayers and poisonmongers
that its' worth their while to visit there regularly. The more
decisively you can remove the troublemakers, though, the more of
your forum members who have something worthwhile to report will
start talking, finally. Fear of censure by clever poisonmongers is
genuinely daunting, by the way, and it's up to the forum host to
make a safe environment for healthy consultation. I bet you won't
get the saboteurs to agree to be silent.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 93
Location: Bali

Rose Quartz Disinfo'
Just in illustration to Javi's comments above; here's the
link to the Rose Quartz thread that she mentioned.
I'm not re-opening the debate; all my TBs are made with Rose Quartz,
after all.