asking if Our Phychics could do something about this horror? this was Don's reply... "We mean to get busy with this, Gare, but someone needs to gift that bay, as was done in Japan where they also slaughter dolphins. It's strange that we've never heard from any gifters in Denmark--kind of behind the curve, there." ... at the time We were travelling/gifting in south thailand/malaysia and I can't count how many differant People that We ran into from denmark

up to Me to see that the Faroe's got gifted! welll I'm proud to report that the Faroe islands have been gifted...
all the Dolphins balls were made by Me this past summer in regina sk canada and out of the dozens of helpers I've had over the last 8 yrs in making and distributing orgonite there was only ever one Person who helped out financially and that is David Kennedy of regina and He offered to travel to the faroes and do the gifting... David deserves credit for seeing the dolphin balls got into the north atlantic ocean all around the 18 islands that comprise the faroe group of islands(owned by denmark) ... out of the hundreds and hundreds of dolphin balls poured out of a 45 gallon drum of resin all of them made it to the destinations(faroes and thailand) with only minor customs interference it should also be noted however that every single bag(9) carrying Dolphin balls were trashed by the airlines ... a small price to pay really for 2 succesful gifting runs

there is never one particular bay or time when and where the slaughters take place in the faroes several times a year so the balls were spread all over the place from ferries and boats, at the base of a falls that flows into the ocean
hopefully there is enough orgonite in the faroes now that Our Phychics can do something about the horrific slaughters transpiring there?
will post about the Dolphin gifting in the gulf of thailand soon after it takes place but the gifts are in thailand now waiting to go into the sea....