As they were planning this journey a war broke out in Southern Sudan, again. When Georg and I were gifting in Uganda, warfare in Southern Sudan had spread to Northern Uganda. If memory serves, Georg was telling me that this terrorist campaign was being conductd by the US and Britain in order to get access to Sudan's vast uranium deposits, which they wouldn't have to pay for if they destroyed the government in that region.
in the same period, Christine and her husband, Salva Kirr, along with their children and other family members were refugees in Kenya on account of that conflict when we first started corresponding. Dancan was helping them at the time and I didn't start corresponding with him until the end of last year. Salva was murdereed with poison shortly before that in Sudan, within weeks of the murder of David Ochieng and his wife, Emmah, in Kenya.
Dancan's recent, phenomenal travels can be appreciated if you'll take a look at an atlas and realize that there are probably no paved or well-maintained roads along that route, which is traveled by bus. Look at how far Lake Chad is from Kenya, for instance. Christine has moved to Waw, in Western Sudan, where she immediately found interest and demand for orgonite among the fishermen along the river and farmers in the area. They're paying their own expenses by now, which is a landmark development. I admire their strategy of nearly constant travel to teach people about the uses and value of orgonite because this has been an incredibly successful marketting ploy for them, as well as a public service. I'm a little envious, actually

I'll be posting about their pioneering trip to Ethiopia in this thread and here's what I got from Dancan, today:
Hallo Don,
I am now in Christine's house in Sudan and I got some challenges along the border becouse of the past war. Check point are every where becouse they believe there can be armoury in transit but I still made it safe. We are now planning a trip to Ethiopia.
We are giving the fishermen here orgonite and they really like it. Fishermen along lake chad still wants orgonite but since our shedule is for Ethiopia we cannt make it to Chad We will either send for them to come to Sudan or will drop some for them at the border of Chad. On wednesday we shall be travelling to Ethiopia now.
Farmers around have really realised a wodnderful outcome.
Thx Dancan