Gifting to date |
Rich |
Gifting to date - September
24, 2006 15:04 |
I've spent this morning collating old gifting
logs I made, and, thought I should post it up here. There isn't
much reflection within these, it is mainly just reports.
March 22nd 2005
Have been busting towers for the
last few weeks, but am still trying to square myself with
releasing the stories as getting into geography etc seems to be
letting the enemy know where to look. Have done my area fairly
well now though and feel great with what I am doing (no doubt
they know where we all are anyhow). Think I have done around 10
major tower arrays and 40 or so minor towers, along with several
other targets, and feel I am about half done with this areas
main targets.
Just to back up others reports, the spews seem to have
proliferated in direct response to these actions (or in prep for
'bird' flu). Also lower flying planes as others say, I witnessed
this out gifting yesterday, I only have a 3x zoom cam and
usually you cannot see the plane, yesterday though you could see
a couple of planes clearly with four trails being laid from each
(along with the usual higher altitude planes).
24th 2005
Busted another major tower array today and several smaller ones
in an adjoining town to where I live and put 8 tbs around the
hospital there, got a distinct impression 'other' positive
forces were clearing out the skies, as the spew proliferation
continues, so does the 'mysterious' cleaning process.
From a confirmation perspective -
Today was a good day.
25th 2005
a bank holiday, i thought what better way to spend the day than
doing a gifting spree around London. The girlfriend was not
overly happy as I had told her we were going to Dorchester until
we set off as I didn't want any plans known! She soon adjusted,
but has been working in london all week so didn't fancy the 250
mile round trip, but she reolises it is for a greater good. Took
80 or so TBs, and off we set, had to stop myself stopping off on
the way as there are about 40 towers on the route from here
along the M3 into London. Anyway, long story short - The BT
Tower in Westminster now has a ring of 8 TBs around it, Nelsons
column has about 6, Buckingham Palace has around 8, Westminster
Cathedral about 6, Houses of Parliament about 15 and the rest
were just placed in 1/4mile or so intervals around Westminster
district. Hopefully some reptiles will be sleeping alittle less
comfortably when residing in london now
scary than the area I live in but worth it no doubt.
Unfortunately that's me out for a couple of weeks as I have to
get my rent together before buying my next batch.
April 7th 2005
Having not been out for a gift of
any kind in over a week, I decided tonight should be a decent
First off my girlfriend and I went north of our city
(bournemouth), up to Knowlton Henge, it is an ancient site
dating to around 2,500bc

Buried 8tbs and a hhg around the
area, then we went to verwood and gifted the tower on the
firestation there, which took a few TBs as I encouraged the
girlfriend to 'throw' some out of the car - something I have
decided does not work as she has the throwing power of a 18month
old (sorry huni!), so after I reverted to the tried and trusted
- pulling over and getting out, quickly burying and away. Then
we went across to ferndown and gifted the BT exchange whose roof
is awash with small towers and a larger stand alone, then an
industrial estate in the same town and gifted a very large
tower. Then on the way back with nightfall approaching fast I
decided to head from ferndown across to christchurch as there is
a huge tower there that is in the middle of a woods, my
girlfriend was not up for walking up to it in fading light, so I
went up alone, ran up halfway until I fell short of breath then
walked the rest. When I got there, there was actually two towers
there which were gifted comprehensively as they are to my
knowledge the last major arrays in the bournemouth area (though
lots of smaller masts still to do no doubt), then strolled back
along a comfortable walkway I didn't see on the way up (aint
that just typical!). Then on the way back I stopped of to
re-gift an array near our flat which was souped up shortly after
it was gifted a fews weeks back, just to make sure we are
covered here.
Back now feeling
empowered and happy to be back in the groove.
9th 2005
has been another productive one, I drove to southampton, parked
up by towers r us, i mean toys r us! with 2 hours free parking
thought I would make good use of this so loaded my rucksack with
around 60tbs and off I trotted, gifted the central area there,
only came across 15 or so towers, and did a little gridding, and
the hosiptal. Then with my free parking time almost up I went
back to my car and did some directionless driving and came
across another 5 in the burbs (working class burbs that is
though), then drove around the dock area/industrial estate and
found another 3. Then on the way back I had a rather inspired
time, did about 6 smaller towers with the 'lob' out of my
passenger side method, and another 8 larger ones with the
pulling over and burying, pulled off the M27/A31 4x blindly at
junctions and seemed to instinctively drive directly to towers
each time (not saying this was psychic, more getting a handle on
how the muppets work!), now every tower on route between
bournmouth and southampton are done except 1 which is getting it
tomorrow. All in all about 110tbs used on 40 or so varying size
towers et al.
Knackered now, but
it is good excercise.
10th 2005
I very nearly got 'caught red handed', went out to Exbury to
visit the home of Edmund Rothschild, didn't want to pay to get
into the gardens, so drove around looking for a free parking
place nearby, after a couple of wrong turns, someone had
obviously called the police as they turned up soon after I
parked and had just got out of my car to bury, thankfully I had
already decided it was not a good idea as the area was too open,
so had returned to my car as the copper arrived. Anyway I
thought after opening the window and asking the bobby where the
entrance to exbury gardens were that the only way to get close
was to pay the f*****g horror mongers to get in! It proved a
fruitful experience and I buried 7EP's (2 very poorly) and
12TB's around his lovely gardens (alot around witchers wood
Edmund your time of power is short! All
in all a very cool weekends work.
15th 2005
I've had an immense and very unwelcome
confirmation this week, where a helicopter circled over my home
for around an hour between 1-2am on tuesday nite. Thankfully I
have a harmonic protector at my mothers to collect tomorrow, as
I felt like I was being fried from the inside. I have ummed and
rrred about whether to post this, but it is the truth and hence
I guess should be put out there. The last few weekends there
have been a very high number of helicopters over bournemouth,
and very low planes (though initially I thought 'no rich these
are just due to the airport nearby it can't be due to a few
hundred TBs etc I've put out there'), but when I left the city
sunday there were two on the road out (A338) around a set of
towers I busted the day before, one of which was still over the
area, albeit further down by 1/4mile or so, upon my return
2-3hours later. Also when I was at sunday's target after burying
most of my luggage, another helicopter came over (although I
didn't see it), and took that as a queue to leave. Not sure if
they were black (dark though), as I don't pay too much
thank you to Stacie and Donna, as they helped me out whilst this
was occurring, over the past couple of days.
around this time beginning when I gifted Westminster, I had a
set of dreams begin where initially demonic entities entered my
flat, and in fear and panic I had to warn my girlfriend, however
I was unable to get any words out, just an awful yelp, my
girlfriend had to wake me up several times from these. After
discussing this with Stacie she suggested the yelping element
was from a blocked throat chakra, so I built a HHg with
Sapphire, Aquamarine and Lapis and had this under my bed with
the others, the dreams then 'drew in' and after the 4th I have
not had one since.)
17th 2005
Just a quick note, for any UK
busters/lurkers, went back to where I consider home (Worcester)
this weekend, and scattered just over 20 TBs around the central
area, starting at the cathedral(6tbs), then down to the river
severn, along the river to the racecourse (7 into the river),
then across from there to the end of lowesmore and back to the
cathedral. Generally just gridding this area (along the streets
off the high street etc), I was going to go looking for towers,
but found myself short of time, so decided I would get the
centre done, and work out from there in subsequent visits (Also
because some family lives around there, and wanted them
covered). Also gifted a couple of family members with my ugly
HHgs! and another friend 4tbs to put in the corners of his
John has also done
Defra in Worcester.
To my dismay, it was a whiteout this
morning across that whole area, right across worcester past
stratford, which has made me promise myself I will redouble my
25th 2005
if this is a long one!
Thursday my
girlfriend and I flew up to Glasgow, from here we got our hire
care (after negotiating due to my booking one from Glasgow
international rather than prestwick where we actually flew!).
Targets for our visit were Dolphins in
Moray Firth (140 resident bottlenose, UK’s largest school),
Fortingall Yew and stone circles, Grandtully - St Mary’s Church,
Dull – Celtic stone circles and Rosslyn Chapel.
At this point I must say a big thank you
to John, who gifted me with 15 dolphin balls (of which I took
11, along with 77 Earth Pipes or so, and a HHg), we were a
couple of KG’s over our combined luggage max, which was a good
guess (the only clothes we took were hand luggage), but only
£9.40 surcharge so no sweat.
We set off from Glasgow to Inverness
(moray firth), but along the way on the A9 there was a signpost
for Grandtully, so we went and had a look, after much driving
around and asking we eventually came across St Mary’s, a small
church which has been rebuilt I believe on the ruins of an
ancient site, with the time around 8pm and nobody around I
immediately went to work burying 12 Eps around the grounds and
surrounding field, elated we wondered back to the car and up to
Inverness by around 10.40 we were at our hotel.
Bright and early the next morning we
went immediately out to nairn which is a good sighting spot
apparently for our ocean going friends, we stopped in around 6
shops looking for a rubber dingy to buy to row out on as we were
not comfortable with going on a dolphin cruise or hiring a boat
with driver whilst we unloaded 11 chunks of resin and metal! No
joy, so we went further east to a marina that was suggested but
the only dingies they had were wooden slatted and would not have
been suitable for taking back, and, they would only hire us one
for the bay (where dolphins aren’t seen), so back we went to
Inverness, sure that we would get a cheapish dingy, we went to
Caley marina, but the only ones they had started at £400+
($750ish) which was abit of a shocker, so we again set off into
the city centre to look around shops, Blacks, Milletts,
Woolworths and local outdoor shops were all checked to no avail.
By now it was approaching 2pm and we had to drive back to
Edinburgh by mid-evening, so tensions were running high. Now I
pondered buying one for £400, but living in a studio flat
without a garage and a costume designing girlfriend means space
is a premium!
So back we drove to Caley Marina to
decide what the best means was, out we came with £40 spent on a
body board and some shorts, I had decided I was going swimming
in the sea! Back we went to Cairn (firing myself up with some of
my fav adrenalin tunes on the way), we loaded my backpack with
10 Dolphins balls and I changed into the shorts and headed for
the beach, once there I started to bottle it somewhat as I
reolised it was near freezing in the water and the time was
nigh, the tide was out so there was a 30M or so area of water
before another section of the sand was still above the wave
line, in I went! The current was a hassle, but a was a lifeguard
in my early working life so knew I would be OK. Swam across to
the secondary area and got out stomped across to the next bit
and just waded in with 2 Dolphin Balls as I had reolised
carrying 15kg on your back on a bodyboard was a little tricky!
About 20 yards further I stopped and tossed the first 2 as far
as I could, then waded back and grabbed the rest on the backpack
still, as I was a very bright red and worried about
hypothermia!(SP) after again wading out and chucking the next 6
I was distraught to notice that one a them was so low in the
water the rope attached was still showing L by now I was too
cold to wade/swim out and grab and throw further, this was such
a blow to moral I felt sick to the stomach.
So with one still
left, I waded back and swam back to the beach and changed ASAP
and got back in the car with heaters full blast, wasn’t overly
cold to be honest as the adrenalin had kept me OK, but I almost
had an innie (not my belly button either!). Then in typical
fashion on the way back we stopped about 4miles before Inverness
at a beach we had seen, which was much better than the area I
had swam from! Tossed the last two out from there as best I
could (sorry John, I did try my best!), then we drove down to
Edinburgh, via lock ness (the girlfriend said it was only a
little bit out of the way GRRRRRRRRRRRR! About 1.5hours more
like, covered in salt water, I was more than a little
irritable), tossed 4Eps into the lock for nessie and hid one at
urquhart castle, eventually we got back to Edinburgh at around
9.30pm, did I sleep well that night!
Beautiful part of the world by the way!
The next morning we again rose and
headed straight back up to the southern highlands, stopped at
the perth visitor centre to get a detailed map, then headed
straight towards Fortingall (Pontius Pilate’s birthplace it is
claimed, and, multiple lay crossing area very near the
centre-point of Scotland) along the way we passed Dull1/4mile so
headed there and asked a local who kindly pointed out the stone
circle and mass, which were duly gifted with 12EP’s. Then we
immediately went to fortingall, the yew there (purported to be
europes oldest) has seen better days and is walled off for
protection, this area was too busy with visitors, so 4EP’s were
buried around the grounds of the church, and another 5 in
hedgerows, then in the churh we found directions to some stone
circles we had passed, so we doubled back and buried another 6
there (close enough to also cover the yew area).
Things were going better than planned!
Next to Mt. Schiehallion (fairy mountain), this is where the
first meeting of the Scottish rite took place, and many other
worldly beings have been seen etc. Again it is a centre point
and is suggested there are openings to the underworld hidden in
it, today I was not feeling as energetic, so we only climbed a
couple of hundred metres up, and about 600 along and buried the
first 4EP’s, then back to the car, along about half a mile and
buried another 6 around a 1/2mile or so, then again back to the
car and stopped off at various points burying 2 at a time in
another 5 areas, making it a total of 20EP’s there (if ‘they’
want to come out from there again it will be past a big blast of
POR!!!). By the way I read that lots of countries have these
‘centre point’ anomalies, might be worth looking into in other
parts. We made such good time of it that we stopped of for a
drink and some carot cake and got back to Edinburgh by 7pm and
decided to head straight to rosslyn for the final target of our
trip, the chapel was closed and has a corrugated roof ontop were
work was being done, this meant it was quiet and easy to bury
the final 15EP’s all around the area, and the HHg.
Job done, back now needing a break to
recover from the break! 920miles driven (1200miles flown at a
guess), through lots of wonderful countryside and lochs, all in
all a lovely, productive break.
More on the targets hit;
Last Edited:
September 24, 2006 15:05 by Rich |
Rich |
No Subject - September 24,
2006 15:13 |
May 8th 2005
Only a minor run;
This follows from
the southampton run, tonight on my way back from the midlands I
gifted a little on the M4 which I think john may have done
already, did about 10 towers from cardiff along to newbury, but
was a little too conspicuous as traffic was too heavy, and
bottled it somewhat when a guy passing waved his fist at me for
'littering'! However, by the time I got on the A34 at newbury it
was approaching dusk and the road was quieter. So I gifted every
tower on the stretch from Newbury through to winchester, about
another 12 including a horrid water tower covered on all sides,
which now means bournemouth to Newbury A35 - A338 - A31 - M27 -
M3 - A34 is covered except a gap of 17miles from winchester to
north southampton (M3-M27), which I will finish in the near
future. And incase John has not done the M4, I did mainly the
smaller towers as I said because the larger ones warrant more
than one throw, and the road was too busy to feel comfortable
doing this.
Have lots of ammo now ready to finish
gridding bournemouth and surrounding areas.
14th 2005
to a gem n rock fair today at alexandra palace (North London),
which was a typically tepid english happening, nothing there
worth mention except a very large tower bulging from behind the
palace, now pumping out positivity! As the show was so worthless
(for my ends), I decided to do a little good work on my way
back, from alexandra palace along the north circular to the
point it meets the south circular near wembley I gifted 7 large
rooftop and death towers, due to the varstness of the area I
decided to only hit the biggest ones I saw, and as I didn't have
the energy to be there until nightfall. Also did a couple more
on the M3 on the way back, but again traffic made this
uncomfortable, so as I say, only 2 just on the M3 before
staines, then I decided that was me for the day.
15th 2005
As I
have hit all the towers I know of around my area now, today I
went out gridding, I covered around a 3mile area earlier in the
day, from boscombe town centre, along behind the high street
there, and back towards bournemouth town centre to within 1/2 a
mile of the perimeter of a previous jaunt. Overall I placed
around 50 over a two hour period or so, which my girlfriend was
fretting about as I left her shopping (yeah of course you were
huni! 'I was soo worried I had missed you, and you'd gone back
to the car' she said as I met back up with her on her third run
to the till in this shop she loves! 'I had to go back in and buy
more as it was freezing sat waiting for you outside...'
Then we went back for some lunch and a
rest, then when she left for work at 4.30pm I went out this time
by car, my car has never ever had soo many suspected flat tires!
must of pulled over 70 times! Gridding out from bournemouth
centre, westbourne, across to the edge of winton, wallisdown, up
to poole (though must go and give there a more thorough going
over), parkstone, branksome, branksome park, a little out in
sandbanks all in around 100tbs and only four new towers and a
couple of roof arrays hit, but no doubt many many thousands of
people are now much better elf emf haarp protected.
This was my most prolific day today
(about 150tbs without counting), and it is a direct response to
the nasty dream I was given yesterday night to try to put me off
gifting or some rubbish.
Much more to come.
23rd 2005
Yesterday I continued my gridding, covered kinson, bearwood,
west howe and east howe fairly well with about 40tbs before I
ran out of petrol and had to get the girlfriend to come with a
jimmy can! again didn't notice single tower not done previously,
but it still feels good knowing it is offering protection to
densely populated areas (and hitting those stealth death
In my reports
before I haven't looked at maps whilst writing them (don't know
the area very well in terms of districts), so I failed to
mention areas that I have done (this was pointed out to me by
someone inadvertantly), so here are the other areas I have done
but may not have mentioned around bournemouth, lilliput, canford
cliffs, winton (partially*), wallisdown (*), rossmore (never
even heard of the area but looking at the map it's covered!).
Looking at the area
Winton, Moordown, Wallisdown, Southbourne, central shopping area
and muscliff need a little more coverage then this sick puppy of
a city is done and dusted, will hopefully get that done this
week, have around 100tbs left of this months.
25th 2005
Sprinkled the last 100 of this months tb's today. Started out in
Poole, just a few around nuffield trading estate as I was there
to get some more swarf/turnings for coming creations, gave the
machine operator who does copper a tenner and asked at the same
time if he could put any he gets aside, should prove a good
and, actually came
across two towers I'd missed on this estate, now POR towers.
From there I went back to wallisdown and
gridded some, across to where I had been sunday (kinson), then
weaved back across to muscliff via moordown, back through winton
and again moved back an forth between. Was a little
over-optimistic when I claimed the area would be done-and-dusted
after this 100, more like another 300 or so required.
Today it was a haarp washboard sky
almost all day, so it's good to 'stick it to the man' as some
old hippie types might say.
29th 2005
This is going to be a long one, as, well, what a 2days I just
Friday went and
got my supplies, and John gifted me with a 3D SBB Coil form, a
giza pyramid huge TB type device, and lots of marvellous
shavings, the guy is a gent of the best kind. Though I found out
he had sent his SP to me and it has never arrived (thought he
forgot to send it as I asked to borrow it before scotland last
month), until he asked for it back
The trails just
disperse above his place almost immediately, this gave me great
heart and motivation for my plans.
This morning I rose bright(ish) and
early, and after brekki set straight to it;
Set my components out;

(smashed a goat
horn wall hanging my mum had whilst I was at it, she was OK when
I said what it was!).
Then got the lsc's + xtals in the 4"
capped pipes with some shavings and the large central coil/xtal
in a pint glass;
then poured resin in to these and left
to set (with a few drops of distilled charged water I had
collected from Johns the night before).

Had to smash the
pint glass to get the centre piece out, still stuggling getting
to grips with this concave rule!
Then placed these into the bucket,
attached the couplers, and the 8" pipes making the 1ft base
pipes and the second guide. Next I poured about half filling the
bucket, then placed a little rose quartz and a single raw ruby
between each pipe. Then did the final pour, again with a little
charged water.
Whilst I left the CB to cure, I went out
for around 3.5hours and gifted worcester with 180TBs! The entire
English side of the city is now well covered (the river severn
was the old line between wales and england), did intend to
completely cover the city, but even a titchy city like worcester
is bigger than you percieve when gifting I am finding!
At around 6pm I had to stop the gifting
as I had promised my girlfriend I would be back to bournemouth
by nightime (2.5hours drive), so I stopped in at my sisters had
a quick cuppa, said my goodbyes and went to the car, by this
time the sky was already filling with Sylphs which I pointed out
to my sister.
Drove back to my mums, and poured a tiny
coating of resin on the surface to fill some minor cracks, and
finish the assembly.

30minutes later!

Now the Sky above;

The drive home,
the sky was near saturated with Sylphs (and watchers)
Nearly back in bournemouth now the sky
was still alive with;
The pics arent
that clear as I've downsized them massively so as not to guzzle
bandwidth allocation!
What a day, I am elated! Much thanks to
John and Cesco for their help and kindness.
More CBs in the works, at least two from
me and similar from John I believe.
Also I gave away 12 of the 15 decent
household/decorative HHg's I've made to family and friends
friday night and saturday,
it's good to gift!
Rich |
No Subject - September 24,
2006 15:18 |
June 5th 2005
Made another trip up to
Worcester yesterday evening, then down to Hereford this morning
to get some spacers from John. during the day, I made another
CB, this time the same process/parts, with the exception of
using a lemurian as the centre crystal, and charging the
crystals in CB distilled water (as well as using some charged
water in the CB) for extra umph.
As the initial
pour was curing, I made a 2hour jaunt around the side of
Worcester I didn't get around to last weekend, and sprinkled
about another 80 TBs as evenly as I could, the city is now
complete, save another 30 or so TBs I have for my next trip, and
of course general targets such as churches etc etc.
(just to confirm a city over here is
such, by the factor of having a cathedral, so to most people on
here you can just imagine a small town, yet here in Bournemouth
it is really a town, but is more a city! if that makes sense).
Then went back to my mums and poured the
rest of the new CB and cleaned up whilst it cured. Once it was
ready I dismantled last weeks made CB (main pipes off), and put
it in my car, and left the new one in its place. From Worcester
I drove across to Amptill, a village/tiny town about 40miles
north of London and put it back up in my dads back garden. On
the way from Worcester I saw a set of large masts and a couple
of death towers near Droitwich, so got off the motorway and
gifted them with 21tbs.
Then from Amptill back to Bournemouth,
about 500miles I guess, and some good gifting done.
12th 2005
Another CB is now residing in the centre of Worcester, it is
quickly becoming a POR hotspot!
14th 2005
out after work tonight, started where Boscombe meets Southbourne
and then weaved around Douthbourne for about 2hours at around
20TBsPH! Around 40 there, but will go back as I had never even
been to that area of town before, and therefore probably missed
a chunk, stopped off at a lovely castle tower type building by
the bowling club there which has been molested by masts, when
walking there a group of around 6 chavs tested my composure, by
letting off a firework which missed me by about 5yards as I
walked up to the building! I admit to loosing my composure a
little and shouting a threat if they did it again, quickly
followed by a reolisation that it was not a very good way to
and that
perhaps these kids may decide to beat me up! Help!!! But they
were OK and one apologised.
From there I went across to Wick (I
think that is an area!) and then to the edge of christchurch
putting another 10 or so out, then I decided that was it for
tonight, but on the way back came across a small industrial
estate with a rover garage etc and thought I better have a look
here, to my suprise/disgust there was a fenced of section with a
big Quinitec Sign (HAARP etc parts makers, department of defense
spin off company here in the UK), so I promptly dispatched
another 10 around the area although it looked rather a redundant
site at present, hopefully that will give the area time to
positively charge before they move in, and, will go back with
some heavy duty gifts for this area soon.
About 60tbs in total.
19th 2005
Quickie, today the girlfriend and I spent the better part of the
day at studland bay, the coastline there now has around 50tbs
splattered around it. Also yesterday I poured 12HHg's (mostly
mini), hopefully, most all of these will be given to work
colleagues this coming week.
going to tack this onto Gentle's Yard Art, but thought Mini-CB's
could do with some coverage, be it positive or negative.
Decided to make a
couple of mini-torsion CB's as I have a relative who will have
one, but cannot fit a 6ft unit in their tiny back yard area. And
another person I am in contact with may house one near where I
Anyway, are these worthy devices
(mini-CB's in general) or a waste of tools and effort?
Just cured so will not be settled energy
wise just yet, no coils in the pipes, just 6 small charged
xtals, and charged water with some resin/shavings. the main
matrix has resin/shavings/charged water and a LSC which I also
put into some charged water for 24hours with a larger charged
xtal on top in the centre space in the first picture.

I have since also
put a small ammount of 24carat loose leaf gold onto the surface
in the centre above the LSC xtal. The only other extras used
were a little rose quartz and selenite.
Apart from the mess I made, it was fun
if nothing else. Needed cheering up today
(Response from Laozu;
job Rich.
But that is
probably about as great an angle away from the vertical as one
should go. If you go too far, you can get some negative results.
A couple years ago when experimenting, I
made one with the pipes at too great an angle, and it attracted
some bad stuff. I had to tear it apart.
mini CB now reside with my sister in her yard in Worcester.
23rd 2005
Having been soo
very impressed with the reaction of our orchid to it's orgonite
neighbours, felt compelled to share.

This plant cost
quite abit when I bought it for my girlfriend, and within a week
or so of buying it for her, the 4 or 5 flowers had wilted away,
which was very disappointing. However, now around 4months later
it has 15 flowers and several more still to open, and has been
in bloom for around 3weeks! It has a TB inside the plant pot,
and has lots of orgonite around it as you can see.
My sister is quite the orchid buff, and
she rarely has more than 6 or so flowers from a plant, and has
never had the ammount we have now on our first plant! This is
truly amazing in the context of our ineptitude around plant
Shame I dont have a control condition of
another plant away from the orgonite, but to be honest our flat
is that small you just cant get away from it anyway!
Would love to see or hear of other
peoples success with flowers/plants/gardening.
Rich |
No Subject - September 24,
2006 15:24 |
August 2005
Kelly and Cesco, we stayed for several days at John's wonderful
Court, details can be found here;
John's Archive and here
Laozu's Heaven and Earth Thread
August 27th 2005
I made 3 torsion CBs,
One I left for
John as an exchange for the resin and metal + use of his
workshop! The other 2 are going to be given to people here in
bournemouth early next week, which I am very happy about as
until now I haven't had the ability to get any out around this
September 4th 2005
another 2 Torsion CBs yesterday, was going to have a break
before my holiday, but when I was chatting at work about a
colleague now having a CB in his garden my boss said he'd
definately have one, so... the other is going to Angelsey North
West Wales.
These were 28mm,
this time all the LSC's were made by me, something that felt
very rewarding to have all my own work (John helped with the
construction though, thanks again dude! and, is very kindly
going to post it up to it's new home).
New one ready in Hamworthy;

In situ

As an
aside, John is now selling CBs on his website, details upon
request -
September 29th 2005
Just got back from a truely awesome
holiday. My girlfriend and I went on a four day safari in
tanzania followed by 5days in zanzibar.
We arrived in arusha friday 16th, rather
tired after 18hours travel and connections, this was a free day
after our itinary talk, so I used the afternoon looking around
the gem shops, and fortunately met up with Ali from
gemsofeastafrica, who I had contacted before, and bought lots of
ruby record keepers and some pink spinel. After this we slept,
except for dinner, through to the next morning, unfotunately I
hadn't unpacked my TBs at this point as there were several
towers around arusha I otherwise would have gifted.
The next morning we were picked up by
our guide and cook and departed straight onto our first safari
area - lake manyara national park, on the way there I tossed
around 7tbs, 4 at towers and 3 just when it felt right, the day
was inspiring, dusty, but such scenary, I tried my best to
explain what I was doing to our guide Marco, but his english
made it difficult at first to convey! Around the park we saw
elephants, zebras, giraffes etc etc etc and I randomly tossed
about another 5TBs. When at our camp site I gave Marco a HHg and
again tried to explain orgone etc.
The next morning we drove from manyara
across to the serengeti, again it was a beautiful, albeit dusty
drive, around 5more TBs were tossed along the way, then around
4pm we arrived at our campsite, pitched up, them went out for a
few hours safari into the early evening, again a few TBs were
tossed, and to my surprise/dismay 2 were at towers there, this
was in between watching a leopard hunt and the other countless
wonders of the natural world. This evening I gave the second HHg
to Mary our cook, which was met by quizzical looks, and was very
difficult to explain as her english was just superior to my
The third morning of our safari was a
lovely balloon ride over the serengeti, then after breakfast we
went again around the serengeti, seeing again countless wonders
including two lions then just a few hundred yards further seeing
two lioness's, before driving back on ourselves to ngorongora
crater to pitch up, and, of course, tossed a few more TBs. This
evening we went to visit the local massai village, the visit was
superb seeing how life is fir soo many, and I took the
opportunity to give our massai guide the third HHg I took, and
tried to explain = abysmal! However our camera's battery ran out
after we had taken about 5 pictures in the village, so I didn't
get a shot of him with it However as we left I looked across and
saw him getting it out of it's bag and showing it to his fellow
villagers, then he and some others walked across to our jeep and
asked our driver to explain so I tried with his help again, and
also gave them a couple of TBs and explained via Marco that I
had already gifted the tower about 1/2 a mile away over the
The crater rim where we camped was cold
at night, so we rose early to go for a tour around the crater
where the wildlife is fairly profuse due to the hills/mountains
all around making aminal spotting easy and close proximity a
more frequent occurance, we spent around 5hours in the crator,
tossing about another 6tbs, before we had to drive back to
arusha to get our shuttle to the airport. On the way back I
tossed another 3tbs at towers, and gave Marco and Mary 3each for
where they lived, though trying to emphasis the good they do to
towers, it was when explaining how plantlife flourishes that
their interest really heightened, and I am sure they will
already be buried in their vegetable patches etc!
Upon arrival in zanzibar I had 7tbs and
a dolphin ball left, the next morning we went on a dolphin tour
in kizimikazi, which was very cool, we saw around 30 dolphins,
and I happily gifted the ball and 5tbs (having carefully
selected the most smooth of the TBs to keep aside), I'll post
pics if any come out OK on our 'underwater' disposable camera.
Then we went to Jozani Forest on the way back, but I had no TBs
left as I wanted to keep the final two for towers. The next four
days were just relaxation days on a beatiful beach, eating well
at recharging our batteries, then on the way back to the airport
I tossed the final two at towers nearest the beach we stayed at.
Overall a fantastic holiday, I was
rather shocked though at the volume of towers in such a country.
Rich |
No Subject - September 24,
2006 15:28 |
October 31st 2005
As of
now, a CB has been given to a colleague who lives in Weymouth,
and another to a colleague in Verwood (both Dorset).
The 3rd and 4th of
mine from the current batch will be going to Maulden,
Bedfordshire, and hopefully another near bournemouth (as yet to
be confirmed, but will be soon I hope), the three I had in my
boot yesterday and today were rather pungent! One remains now.
John has also been sent to Coventry :) I
meant recently sent a CB to Coventry
We also made a mini-cb for my flat,
which will hopefully be sufficient to charge water/xtals, a
little treat for myself!
As an aside, I sold 16HHgs to yet more
Council workers friday and today (at cost price), there are now
around 50 council workers in possession of orgonite, plus more
interested/wanting some when my next pourings are complete.
Onwards and Upwards
November 8th 2005
is the CB which was put up saturday at a friends in Weymouth.
Was very pleased
with where he choose to place it (or rather his wife choose!).

November 12th 2005
you feel it's OK there Laozu, as I did wonder whether the wire
mesh would hamper it's quality.
John has delivered
a CB to London this week, another gifter from that area is
collecting one from him shortly, and he is sending one ooop
north tomorrow (manchester, I am guessing).
I took one to Maulden (Bedforshire, 40
miles or so north of central london) today, to my grandparents,
and put it up in their garden. They both seemed happy that
plants which are near to where they had placed TBs, after my
last visit, had flourished as I claimed they would And, the new
world puppets were out spraying when I was there, which helped
explain what the CB will do!
That means there is just one left from
this batch, which I will probably give to someone here in
bournemouth, in a few weeks, as it needs a repour after falling
over whilst curing.
December 27th 2005
the past month I have gifted another 100 or so TB's and half a
dozen HHg's out in the field, around a third around bournemouth,
and 2 thirds on the route from bournemouth to worcester, which
is now almost completely covered.
Plus my
interactive orgonite project is still going at a decent pace,
with over 100 HHg's now being owned by employees of bournemouth
borough council.
Here is my grandfather posing with his
(then) newly gifted CB in Bedfordshire (rather delayed as I just
got the picture uploaded from my phone, I actually dug it in for
him, just thought I'd mention that so you didn't think I was

For the record,
the other CB was gifted to my mother in Worcester (she now has
Wishing Everyone a Happy, Peaceful and
Prosperous New Year.
Januray 21st 2006
I gifted some of
the Thames right by parliament. However there is no credit, or
whatever, deserved or wanted, as Gonzo has reportedly passed on.
It seems there was three, two of which have returned to sea
At first I felt
elated yesterday, as the reports were that he hung around almost
exactly where I have tossed some TB's, and thought whether I
should go over there and gift it, however the crowds would have
made this impossible so did not go. Also, I'm sure lots of
others have tossed into the thames, or, I hope anyways.
Hopefully, if it was sonar effects which caused Gonzo be there
the orgonite may have given him some respite.
January 29th 2006
This weekend my
girlfriend and I travelled around england a fair bit, on friday
we went to bristol to get some crystals and some draws to keep
my crystals in
Quite close to Ikea in bristol was a big
tower with maybe 16 or so big drums on it, so we drove around a
little, getting as close as we could, then I tossed a HHg and 5
TB's (it was a big'un and I couldn't get very close in the short
time we had available, hence what may seem as overgifting), it
would have been good to do some more there, but we had to get up
to nottingham for a concert by early evening.
The next day we drove back from the west
midlands to Bedfordshire, where I gifted another couple of
towers and spread about another 10TBs along a route from my
fathers, to my grandparents home. As we drove from the motorway
towards my grandparents three black (military looking)
helicopters flew over, the nearest must have been only a couple
of hundred feet up, if that, and directly above us coming into
close view to the right side of my front windscreen, it was a
surreal moment seeing them fly soo low and close whilst we were
driving, thanks guys.
Today we went into London for the
chinese new year festivities, as my girlfriend is doing a design
project on chinese costume, using this as an excuse we furthered
our previous gifting around W1 and WC1 with 8 TB's around the
King's Cross station area, and we also walked down to the Thames
and gifted it with a further 11HHg's. Again around a similar
area to a previous visit where we gifted around Parliament, as
it needs it for sure!
The trip had been planned for some time,
but I took Gonzo the Whale's tragic visit as a queue, to put all
I could reasonably carry into that area.
All in all, it was a very cool weekend.
Best Wishes
February 25th 2006
Today my
girlfriend and I went to Brighton to the Gem'N'Rock show. The
show itself was OK, I picked up some pink tourmaline for my new
style of interactive HHg's.
Upon arrival I was both annoyed and
happy. Annoyed that there was a large multi-panel tower on the
roof of the racecourse which was hosting the show. Yet happy
that I wouldn't have to travel any distance to gift a tower on
the trip 6TB's,
some tourmaline and other bits later we left. In the immediate
vicinity of the racecourse there were another two really large
The other large
tower was by a horse livery, similarly dealt with. Then as we
left brighton, we headed towards Devils Dyke (well with a name
like that what fair minded gifter with ammo wouldn't!).
Initially we took the wrong turn off the A27 and managed to
drive into Hove, so we stopped off to gift another block of
flats with a rather large roof array with a few TB's. Then we
drove back upon ourselves, this time taking the correct turn off
the roundabout, and headed to Devils Dyke.
We gave it a fair sprinkling of TB's,
about 20 or so in total, though it runs a long way, we only
gifted around the area pictured above.
All in, some nice new
gems, and a little etheric levelling meant we had a good day
Rich |
No Subject - September 24,
2006 15:34 |
April 10th 2006
Of Wight Gifting April 9th and 10th
At 4.30am I woke
and got up, put my bag in the car and set off for Southampton
for my 6am ferry. The ferry reached East Cowes at around 7am so
I immediately started looking for tower1!
After driving backwards and forth along
the road the tower was supposed to be, I decided to leave this
one and get it on my way back, this had left me frustrated as I
had approximately 90 to find in a little over a day spread
across the entire island.
As the road I was on was heading to
Newport, that was my next destination. Arriving there was a
relief as what I thought was to be three towers centrally,
turned out to be several panels across the roof of ‘town hall’
which I saw upon driving into the town, these were quickly
covered as were all the others on the map shown below (I had a
set of these for all the towers on the island);

The tower by
clissord road happened to be on the edge of Parkhurst Prison, so
I threw a few extra TB’s around there and a HHg.
Next I drove across to Carisbrooke where
there was a very large array, which again took several passes
along the road before I eventually found the road (in the
loosest possible description of the word! As I was to find would
be a recurring theme to my trip!), as this was a big one I used
a few TB’s and a HHg.
Next back up to Cowes (the estuary you
can see above splits Cowes from East Cowes). Here there were
several arrays on rooftops, and one big one in a housing estate,
gifted. Also here nearby was BAE headquarters with lots of
radar, and a couple of small domes, so they got several TB’s and
a HHg for good measure.
From Cowes I then began my trip
anti-clockwise around the perimeter of the island with brief
diversions inland (as it is a resort island, the majority of the
population is coastal, meaning also, most of the towers were
near the coast).
Shalfleet 1 tower gifted.
Between Yarmouth and Norton 1 Tower,
South of Norton 1 Tower Gifted.
Freshwater to Totland Bay 5 Towers
Brook (West of) 1 Tower Gifted
Brighstone 1 Tower Gifted, big array
south east of there also gifted (HHg + Tb’s)
Blackgang 1 Big Tower (HHg + Tbs, and a
heck of a climb to it!)
Ventor 4 Towers Gifted (grabbed some
crisps and chocolate for lunch, not recommended, however I
needed some fuel to run, and was behind schedule by some
distance due to pesky geographics!)
Bonchurch 1 huge array on hillside
Gifted (couldn’t get very close so may not be enough)
Godshill 2 Towers gifted
Wroxall 3 Big Towers Gifted (the second
and third were perhaps too far again, so amped up the gifts as
close as I could get due to time constraints)
Luccombe 1 Tower gifted, and another
south of Shanklin.
Shanklin 10 Towers Gifted.
Brading 1 Tower Gifted
East of St Helens 1 Tower Gifted
Bembridge 4 Towers Gifted
Nettlestone 1 Tower Gifted (as close as
Ryde 2 Southern most towers gifted
At this stage it was 7.30pm, so I
checked into my B&B with the intention of getting some food
after a brief lye down, then to gift some more that evening.
But, you guessed it, I awoke around 4am! So set my alarm ready
for breakfast.
After breakfast I drove around for
another 45minutes, or so, and gifted the other three towers in
central Ryde.
Then I called Pamela Icke who I have
been corresponding with, and she gave me directions to their
Somewhat nervous, I made my way there,
where I met Pamela and David who both seemed very friendly and
hospitable. Both were very interested in orgonite, so over the
next hour and a half I described what it is about and the work
we do as best I could. I gave them 10 interactive HHg’s as a
gift and Dennis also gave me a dowsing pendulum for Pamela which
I passed on.
The conversation was friendly and
quickly flowed, which meant after 10minutes or so my nerves had
thankfully dissipated. It seemed that David absorbed how
orgonite is of such use, and even said that he would like some
to gift a significant place he had in mind (he did say where,
but I wont publicly repeat it for obvious reasons!). Though
David has rather bad arthritis, so I doubt he will become a
prolific gifter.
After an hour or so had passed, I asked
if I could bring my car around to give them the CB’s I had
brought over, one for their residence and another for a friend
of theirs.
So I assembled the first and dug a hole,
with some issue as the soil was very rock and slate laden, and,
the only tool I had was my (usually) trusty trowel! Anyway after
some toil the CB was placed in it’s current resting place
(although it may be moved to another area as they were both a
little worried about it being vandalised etc).

Pamela then kindly
made me a packed lunch (after offering me some food there, which
I declined as I still had several areas left to gift before
catching the ferry back).
put together the other CB for their friend to ensure the pipes
where placed correctly. With which I left, asking that they let
me know their experiences with their orgonite (as I had said to
place some by their bed), be it good, bad, or indifferent. I
also left about 3 field HHg’s and a few TB’s for David, should
he feel inclined to gift the previously mentioned target.
From theirs I drove to the outskirts of
Ryde and found the last remaining tower to gift there, and, as I
couldn’t get very close I scattered several TB’s and a HHg. Next
I drove to Wootton, and gifted the 4 towers to the north with
several TBs each and a HHg for the largest, then another tower
just to the west of wootton.
As I had quite a few TB’s etc left, next
I drove to my second last tower via Newport, as I was passing I
tossed another half a dozen TBs near to Parkhurst Prison. The
next Tower was between Chillerton and Billingham, which turned
out to be probably the largest (definitely the tallest), and as
I couldn’t get anywhere close to it I gifted as near as I could
with several TBs and a few HHgs.
From here I drove back to East Cowes and
attempted to find the final tower which was also the first I
attempted, in vain, to find upon arrival. However, again I
couldn’t locate it by sight, so, just contented myself by
scattering TB’s all around the area my map suggested it was.
300 odd TB’s (some were also scattered
randomly around the island), 25 HHg’s, 2CB’s later;
Job Done!
After this I drove
back to the ferry port in East Cowes, and, although an hour
early, the ferry chap graciously let me on the earlier crossing.
Back home now, cream crackered!
If there is a moral to this report, it
quite probably is, don’t forget about the dinner you had cooking
in the oven when writing up a long gifting report!
Many thanks go out to John, Eric and
Dennis for their assistance.
Best wishes,
Rich |
No Subject - September 24,
2006 15:38 |
June 2006
Laozu - Again available in full thread;
Heaven and Earth
July 2006
CB made whilst Laozu and
Cesco visited was sent to Duncan in London.
August 30th 2006
Minor splattering of TB's
were gifted around Bournemouth and surroudning areas, covering
unintentional holes in my prior gridding work around the
districts, and 6HHg's buried very near to my home as an
indulgance :)
Reading Festival 2 towers
nearest the site.
7-10th September 2006
2Major arrays in Exeter
gifted, also a HHg in Portmeirion. This was due to be a major
gifting run, however circumstance conspired again it.
Next run to follow shortly…
Best Wishes
Rich |