Check out this YouTube interview with Dr James Fetzer PhD.
If you take the view that the President of the United States is
actually a pirate Captain then all of it's history fits into place,
it's the destruction of the Health system, it's taking over other
countries and stealing their assets and bombing the snot out of them
and it is depopulating the planet, these guys are Pirate Captains,
we should stop calling them Presidents and Prime Ministers. They
are Pirate Captains of the British plantation which is controlled by
Israel ---
Greg Hallett Begins 11/12: Interview with Dr. James Fetzer, PhD -
NATO drug runs from Afghanistan
The thing about Pedophilia is it holds the most shame therefore it
has the most control over judges and lawyers, and Queen's councils
and politicians and ministers. If you take Gerald Ford, he was
actually Lynch King who was a porn king, so he was under a
completely false name, false history and identity, through porn he
managed to become the President of the United States. ---
Greg Hallett Begins 11/12: Interview with Dr. James Fetzer, PhD -
NATO drug runs from Afghanistan
The Family Court is basically a crime creation movement because 90%
of crime in New Zealand is created by fatherless kids, so the
Judiciary is a crime creation movement and the District Court used
to fund the Family Court and 90% of the criminals who go through the
District Court don't have a father, so the Courts are a crime
creation movement, as well as doing murders. ----Greg Hallett Begins
2/12: Interview with Dr. James Fetzer PhD

Re: Greg Hallett Interview
Some extracts from one of Gregs books
Interesting take on Israel: "Israel is the front for the American
Military Industrial Complex."--- Greg Hallett & Spymaster
"Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some
crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show
the world we mean business."--neoconservative Michael Ledeen

Re: Greg Hallett Interview
I hadn't herd of Hallett before you posted this John, cheers. He's
right, in NZ a lot of censorship just amounts to ignoring. His book
"The Blackmailers Guide to NZ" makes some pretty full on claims
about various high profile people in the media, politics, judiciary.
Certainly a lot of it makes sense of things that would be otherwise
a bit odd. It also ties in with a lot of other stuff I've learnt
over the years. The fact that no one had taken him to court for
defamation did add some weight to his allegations. Well, now someone
So I guess according to your point of view, Hallett has either being
writing cheques he can't cash and has been rightly had up for it.
Or, as I imagine Hallett would contend, the old boys club is at work
again and this is all just to make Hallett look less credible.

Re: Greg Hallett Interview
In answer to Luke, via Paddy, Peter Williams QC tried to put me in
jail yesterday 3 November 2010, which he and the Judge L I Hinton
called "attachment" and to bankrupt me on the basis that I had not
removed interview re Peter Williams relationship/s to the Mr Asia
Heroin Trafficking ring, and being the mafia boss. My tech contacted
me yesterday and I contacted him again today. The Tech reported that
he cannot get into the website to change anything (interviews) and
'had I changed the codes'. Peter Williams QC also banned New
Zealand - A Blackmailer's Guide. So New Zealand - A Blackmailer's
Guide is now a blacklisted book. Traditionally this either leads to
boosting sales or book burning.
The chronology of events is as follows:
Peter Williams QC brought a defamation case against Greg Hallett in
Greg Hallett was then badly poisoned on 11 December 2009.
Greg Hallett left New Zealand from 22 March to 18 September 2010.
Peter Williams QC then pushed to have the defamation case heard on
23 June 2010, when it was known that Greg Hallett was overseas, in
the EU.
WESTPAC Bank then stuffed up Greg Hallett's visa card for 4.5 months
(23 March-13 August 2010) so it would not show on the internet,
could not transfer money, would not show a bank balance, and would
not give any form of balance, not even at the ATM, hole in the wall.
The New Zealand Judiciary then failed to notify Greg Hallett that
the case was one.
Judge Roderick Joyce then suppressed and sealed all of Greg
Hallett's evidence, so there was no evidence. Judge Roderick Joyce
then recused himself off the case.
Judge L I Hinton then took over and further obfuscated the evidence,
and decided that the case could be heard on 23 June 2010, in Greg
Hallett's absence, and that the case would be heard in oh, say, 10
minutes time, after a cup of tea.
The Judiciary still did not notifiy Hallett that the case was on.
So Greg Hallett was stuck overseas, without an active visa card,
with no notice that a hearing was on, and with all his submissions
The appeal is on 16 November 2010. In the meantime, Peter Williams
is trying to bankrupt Hallett and throw him in prison on the basis
that he has not removed the statements about Peter William's all too
close relationship with just about everyone in the Mr Asia Heroin
Trafficking Syndicate . . . . . but then we find that someone (one
of Williams' agents, probably Mr Ng) has changed the codes, so that we cannot remove the
interviews, or alter the interviews and replace Peter Williams' name
to something anonymous like Mr Big, or Mr X.